

dotmatcher displays a thresholded dotplot of two sequences.

Here is a sample session with dotmatcher:

% dotmatcher sw:hba_human sw:hbb_human

Mandatory qualifiers (bold if not always prompted):

[-sequencea] (sequence)

Sequence USA.

[-sequenceb] (sequence)

Sequence USA.

-data (boolean)

Output the match data to a file instead of plotting it.

-graph (graph)

Graph type.

-xygraph (xygraph)

Graph type.

-outfile (outfile)

Display as data.

Optional qualifiers:

-windowsize (integer)

Window size over which to test threshold.

-threshold (integer)


-matrixfile (matrix)

This is the scoring matrix file used when comparing sequences. By default, the file is EBLOSUM62 (for proteins) or EDNAFULL (for nucleic sequences). These files are in the data directory of the EMBOSS installation.

Advanced qualifiers:

-stretch (boolean)

Display a nonproportional graph.

Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell
Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell: A Guide to Common Tools and Databases
ISBN: 059600494X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 312 © 2008-2017.
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