Recipe 9.11 Listing the Links for GPO

9.11.1 Problem

You want to list all of the links for a particular GPO.

9.11.2 Solution Using a graphical user interface
  1. Open the GPMC snap-in.

  2. In the left pane, expand the Forest container, expand the Domains container, browse to the domain of the target GPO, and expand the Group Policy Objects container.

  3. Click on the GPO you want to view the links for.

  4. In the right pane, the defined links for the GPO will be listed under Links. Using a command-line interface
> dumpgpoinfo.wsf "<GPOName>" Using VBScript
' This code lists all the sites, OUs, and domains a GPO is linked to. ' ------ SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ------ strGPO      = "<GPOName>"        ' e.g. SalesGPO strForest   = "<ForestName>"     ' e.g. strDomain   = "<DomainDNSName>"  ' e.g. ' ------ END CONFIGURATION --------- set objGPM = CreateObject("GPMgmt.GPM") set objGPMConstants = objGPM.GetConstants( )    ' Initialize the Domain object set objGPMDomain = objGPM.GetDomain(strDomain, "", objGPMConstants.UseAnyDC) ' Initialize the Sites Container object set objGPMSitesContainer = objGPM.GetSitesContainer(strForest, _                            strDomain, "", objGPMConstants.UseAnyDC) ' Find the specified GPO set objGPMSearchCriteria = objGPM.CreateSearchCriteria objGPMSearchCriteria.Add objGPMConstants.SearchPropertyGPODisplayName, _                          objGPMConstants.SearchOpEquals, cstr(strGPO) set objGPOList = objGPMDomain.SearchGPOs(objGPMSearchCriteria) if objGPOList.Count = 0 then    WScript.Echo "Did not find GPO: " & strGPO    WScript.Echo "Exiting."    WScript.Quit elseif objGPOList.Count > 1 then    WScript.Echo "Found more than one matching GPO. Count: " & _                 objGPOList.Count    WScript.Echo "Exiting."    WScript.Quit else    WScript.Echo "Found GPO: " & objGPOList.Item(1).DisplayName end if ' Search for all SOM links for this GPO set objGPMSearchCriteria = objGPM.CreateSearchCriteria objGPMSearchCriteria.Add objGPMConstants.SearchPropertySOMLinks, _                          objGPMConstants.SearchOpContains, objGPOList.Item(1) set objSOMList = objGPMDomain.SearchSOMs(objGPMSearchCriteria) set objSiteLinkList = objGPMSitesContainer.SearchSites(objGPMSearchCriteria) if objSOMList.Count = 0 and objSiteLinkList.Count = 0 Then    WScript.Echo "No Site, Domain, or OU links found for this GPO" else    WScript.Echo "Links:"    for each objSOM in objSOMList       select case objSOM.Type          case objGPMConstants.SOMDomain             strSOMType = "Domain"          case objGPMConstants.SOMOU             strSOMType = "OU"       end select       ' Print GPO Domain and OU links       WScript.Echo "  " & objSOM.Name & " (" & strSOMType & ")"       next    ' Print GPO Site Links    for each objSiteLink in objSiteLinkList       WScript.Echo "  " & objSiteLink.Name & " (Site)"    next end if

9.11.3 Discussion

See the Introduction in Chapter 9 for more information on GPO linking and SOMs. Using VBScript

First, I have to find the target GPO. To do this, I use a GPMSearchCriteria object to find the GPO that is equal to the display name of the GPO specified in the configuration section. I use an if elseif else conditional statement to ensure that only one GPO is returned. If none or more than one are returned, I abort the script. If only one is returned, I search for all SOMs (domain, OUs, and sites) that have the GPO linked using the GPMSitesContainer.SearchSites and GPMDomain.SearchSOMs methods.

9.11.4 See Also

Recipe 9.12 for creating a GPO link to an OU MSDN: GPMDomain.SearchSOMs, and MSDN: GPMSitesContainer.SearchSites

Active Directory Cookbook
Active Directory Cookbook, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 0596521103
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 456 © 2008-2017.
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