2.3. Multi-Level Segment Trees

2.3. Multi-Level Segment Trees

In the preceding sections, we considered segment trees for 2D objects. Now, we generalize the approach. Namely, we consider the following multi-dimensional stabbing problem and make use of a set of inductively defined segment trees. Multi-level segment trees support ( axis-parallel box/point) stabbing queries as follows :

  • Input: a set S of n axis-parallel boxes in image from book ;

  • Query: a query point q in image from book ;

  • Output: all boxes B ˆˆ S with q ˆˆ B .

This stabbing query has many applications in computer graphics. For example, objects in the sphere may be approximated by their axis-parallel bounding box. For every point q , the (bounding box/point) stabbing query will report all objects that are near q . Figure 2.4 shows a simple example in 2D.

image from book
Figure 2.4: A stabbing query for a set of bounding boxes can report all polygonal objects near q.

A single d -dimensional box B i can be defined by a set of d axis-parallel segments image from book starting at a unique corner image from book ; see Figure 2.5 for a 2D example. A multi-level segment tree T d with respect to ( x 1 , x 2 , , x d ), where x i denotes the i th coordinate, is inductively defined.

image from book
Figure 2.5: Some parts of the multi-level segment tree of four boxes in 2D. The segment tree T 1 and the relevant trees for the nodes u 1 and u 2 with image from book and image from book for the query point q are shown.
Algorithm 2.7: The inductive construction algorithm of a multi-level segment tree.
image from book

MLSegmentTree( B, d ) ( B is a set of boxes in dimension d ; each box is represented by a set of line segments)

  S  :=  B.  FirstSegmentsExtract  T  := SegmentTree(  S  )  T.  Dim :=  d   if   d >  1  then   N  :=  T.  GetAllNodes  while   N     image from book   do   u  :=  N.  First  N.  DeleteFirst  L  :=  u.L   B  := new list  while   L  =  image from book   do   s  :=  L.  First  L.  DeleteFirst  B  :=  B.  ListAdd(  s.  Box(  d    1))  end while   u.  Pointer := MLSegmentTree(  B, d    1)  B.  Deallocate  end while   end if   return   T  
image from book

The following is the multi-level segment tree construction sketch:

  • Build a one-dimensional segment tree T 1 for all segments image from book with respect to the x 1 coordinate;

  • For every node u of T 1 :

    • Build a ( d ˆ 1)-dimensional multi-level segment tree image from book for the set of boxes

      image from book

      where u.L denotes the set of segments stored at u in T 1 ;

    • Associate a pointer in T 1 from u to image from book .

A query is answered recursively in a straightforward manner. If a set of segments in dimension j has to be reported , we recursively check the corresponding tree with dimension j ˆ 1. The corresponding box is reported only if the query succeeds in every dimension. This means that finally we get an answer for a tree image from book .

Algorithm 2.8: The inductive query operation for a multi-level segment tree.
image from book

MLSegmentTreeQuery( T, q, d ) ( q ˆˆ image from book , T is the root node of a d -dimensional multi-level segment tree)

  if   d  = 1  then   L  := StabbingQuery(  T, q  )  A  :=  L.  GetBoxes  else   A  := new list  L  := SearchTreeQuery(  T, q.  First)  while   L     do   t  := (  L.  First)  .  Pointer  B  := MLSegmentTreeQuery(  t, q.  Rest  , d    1)  A.  ListAdd(  B  )  L.  DeleteFirst  end while   return   A   end if  
image from book

More precisely, a query for a query point q = ( q 1 , q 2 , , q d ) and a multi-level segment tree T d for a set of segments S 1 , , S n is given in the following sketch.

The following is the multi-level segment tree query sketch:

  • If d = 1, answer the question with the corresponding segment tree T 1 ; see Algorithm 2.6 and return the boxes associated to the segments reported;

  • Otherwise, traverse T 1 and find the nodes u 1 , , u l so that q 1 lies in the intervals ( u i ) .I of the nodes u i of T 1 for i = 1 to l ;

  • For 1 i l , answer recursively the query ( q 2 , , q d ) for the tree image from book of the set of segments ( u i ) .L stored at u i , respectively.

The following time and space bounds hold.

Theorem 2.7. A multi-level segment tree for a set of n axis-parallel boxes in dimension d can be built up in O ( n log d n ) time and needs O ( n log d n ) space. A (axis-parallel box/point) stabbing query can be answered in O ( k + log d n ) time.

Proof: First, we sort the segment endpoints with respect to every dimension. The first segment tree T 1 is built up in O ( n log n ) time, occupies space O ( n log n ), and has O ( n ) nodes. Next, we construct ( d ˆ 1)-dimensional segment trees for the set v.L of every node v in T 1 . By induction, we can assume that the ( d ˆ 1)-dimensional segment tree for a node v ˆˆ T 1 with v.L segments is computed in O ( v.L log ( d ˆ 1) v.L ). Additionally, as already proven, every segment s i occurs in O (log n ) lists v.L , i.e., in O (log n ) ( d ˆ 1)-dimensional segment trees. This means that image from book is in O ( n log n ), and the overall running time is given by

image from book

The required space can be measured as follows. The whole structure T d consists of one-dimensional segment trees T 1 only. In how many trees will a part of the box B i appear? In the first tree T 1 , the segment image from book of the box B i appears in O (log n ) nodes. Therefore, it appears in O (log n ) trees image from book . In each of these trees, the segment image from book of the box B i appears again in O (log n ) nodes. Altogether, segments of B i appear in

image from book

nodes. Summing up over all n segments gives O ( n log d n ) entries. By the same argument, the number of trees is bounded by O (log d n ) also, so that the number of empty nodes is in O ( n log d n ).

Analogously, a query traverses along O (log d n ) nodes. For the first tree T 1 , the query traverses O (log n ) nodes and therefore O (log n ) new queries have to be considered. Recursively, O (log n ) nodes in O (log n ) new trees may be traversed. In the final segment trees, k boxes may also be reported. Altogether

image from book

nodes are visited, and the running time for a query is O ( k + log d n ).

A WeakDelete operation (see Chapter 10) for a segment s in the multi-level segment tree can be performed in O (log d n ) time due to the number of nodes where s appears and due to the time for visiting all these nodes. Technically, we can reinsert the segment s recursively into the multi-level segment tree.

Lemma 2.8. A WeakDelete operation for a d-dimensional multi-level segment tree for a set of n axis-parallel boxes can be performed in time O (log d n ) .

Next, we turn to the subject of orthogonal windowing queries.

Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics2006
Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics2006
Year: 2005
Pages: 69

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