Section 6.5. Generating Current Snapshots


6.5 Generating Current Snapshots

6.5.1 Problem

You have an audit log from which you need to generate a current snapshot of the table on which the log is based. In other words, you want to generate the original table from the log.

6.5.2 Solution

The following query can be executed against the StockLog table to regenerate the data in the Stock table:

 SELECT ProductID, Qty FROM StockLog WHERE LogId IN     (SELECT        (SELECT (CASE WHEN MAX(Type)!='D'           THEN MAX(s.LogID)           ELSE 0 END)        FROM StockLog s1        WHERE s.ProductID=s1.ProductID           AND s1.LogID=MAX(s.LogID))    FROM StockLog s    GROUP BY ProductID) 

The generated result is as follows :

 ProductID  Qty ---------- ---- Apple      20 Orange     30 ... 

6.5.3 Discussion

Another use for a row-level audit-log table, such as the StockLogtable, is to regenerate the data for the table being logged. For example, you might want to do this if you had accidentally deleted the main table.

The query shown in this recipe lists the ProductID and Qty columns for the most recent version of each row in the Stock table. Information for deleted records, where the log type code is a D , is not returned by the query. To explain the logic behind this query, it's best to look at the subquery separately. To begin with, the following pseudocode captures the essence of the function of the main query:

 SELECT ProductID, Qty FROM StockLog WHERE LogID IN [most recent valid log entry                  for each product, excluding deleted rows] 

In the query that returns the most recent log entries for each product, a subquery is used to return the LogID of the most recent log entry for each product that doesn't represent a delete operation. The code to exclude the deleted rows is highlighted in the following example:

 SELECT ProductID, Qty FROM StockLog WHERE LogId IN     (SELECT  (SELECT (CASE WHEN MAX(Type)!='D'           THEN MAX(s.LogID)           ELSE 0 END)        FROM StockLog s1        WHERE s.ProductID=s1.ProductID           AND s1.LogID=MAX(s.LogID))  FROM StockLog s    GROUP BY ProductID) 

For each group ” remember that each group represents one product ” this subquery finds the most recent log entry. The most recent log entry is determined by looking at the LogID column. If the event is not a delete event, we include its LogID identifier in the result set. If the event is a delete event, a 0 is returned instead of the LogID value. When the StockLog table was first created, the LogID column was defined using the IDENTITY keyword. That means it begins with 1 and increments by 1. Since no log record has an ID of 0, our snapshot query will not return any data for log records representing deletes.

Since we are generating a snapshot, GROUP BY is used to find only the last event for each product. See the highlighted code in the following example. All those products that were deleted from the Stock table have their last events marked by a LogId of 0. Only the ones with valid, nonzero, LogIds are used to generate the snapshot:

 SELECT ProductID, Qty FROM StockLog WHERE LogId IN  (SELECT  (SELECT (CASE WHEN MAX(Type)!='D'           THEN MAX(s.LogID)           ELSE 0 END)        FROM StockLog s1        WHERE s.ProductID=s1.ProductID           AND s1.LogID=MAX(s.LogID))  FROM StockLog s    GROUP BY ProductID)  

The list of LogId values generated by the subquery is used by the main query as a basis for selecting the most recent ProductID and Qty value for each product.

The query in this recipe is quite complex and may take a long time to execute. Because of that, it is not suitable for use in reports that run frequently. For occasional reporting, however, this can be quite useful.


Transact-SQL Cookbook
Transact-SQL Cookbook
ISBN: 1565927567
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 152 © 2008-2017.
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