
Documented java.lang.annotation

Java 5.0 @Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(ANNOTATION_TYPE) annotation

A meta-annotation of this type indicates that the annotated type should be documented by Javadoc and similar documentation tools. If an annotation type is an @Documented annotation, then the presence of an annotation of that type is part of the public API of the annotated program element. java.lang.Deprecated is an @Documented annotation type, for example, and so are each of the meta-annotation types in this package.

It is recommended that any annotation type that is @Documented should also have runtime @Retention so that the presence of the annotation can be queried via reflection.

Figure 10-76. java.lang.annotation.Documented

 public @interface  Documented  { } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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