MAC (media access control) addresses, 264, 272-273

man traps, 84, 91

management-response approach, to solution development, 47-48

mapping information processes, 358-359

MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer), 157, 159


disposal of, 77-78, 105-106

storage of, 105-106

transportation, storage, reuse, disposal, 77-78

media access control (MAC) addresses, 264, 272-273

meetings, with IT management, 19

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), 157, 159

Microsoft Database Engine (MSDE), 227

Microsoft Management Console (MMC), 152

Microsoft SQL Server, 226-227

middleware auditing, 21

minor issues, in audit report, 54

MIS Training Institute, 29

MMC (Microsoft Management Console), 152

mobile device auditing, 274-279

See also wireless local-area networks (LAN) auditing

background, 265-266

knowledge base, 280

master checklists, 281

operational audit, 277-279

overview, 274-275

technical audit, 275-277

tools and technology, 279-280

modems, 195

modification of code, 259

monitoring procedures, 102-103

monitoring state of security on system, 153-154, 199-200

MSDE (Microsoft Database Engine), 227

MySQL, 226

IT Auditing. Using Controls to Protect Information Assets
It Auditing: Using Controls to Protect Information Assets [IT AUDITING -OS N/D]
Year: 2004
Pages: 159

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