pages, 135-137

Pages table, 424

parameterizing the web server, 399-400

PBSystems Test Case Manager, 437

performance analysis. See also Team Developer profiler

instrumentation profilers, 308

overview, 307-308

sampling profilers, 308

Team System profiling, 308

tracing markers, 308

types of profilers, 308

performance and scope of deployments, 650

performance counters, 416-417

Performance Explorer

overview, 313-314

Team Developer profiler

Counters property page, 315

Events property page, 315

General property page, 314-315

general session properties, setting, 314-316

Launch property page, 315

overview, 313-314

session targets, configuring, 316-318

performance rules, 226

performance session creation

overview, 311

Team Developer profiler

blank performance session, adding, 312

overview, 311

unit test, creating a performance session from a, 312-313

using Performance Wizard, 311-312

performance session execution, 320

performance testing, 435

permissions, 621-622

personas, 576-577

planning for manual testing, 437-438

platform-specific models (PSMs), 5

pointer tool (Application Designer), 31

policies, creating and administering check-in, 551-553

poor workflow management, 501

populating test lists, 345

portability rules, 226

#pragma support, 255-257

PREsharp, 245

printing diagrams, 54

prioritization scale for manual testing, 438

private members testing

overview, 379

unit testing

overview, 379

PrivateObject class, 379-381

PrivateType class, 381-382

process flow diagram, 19

process flow (roles and activities), 19-20

process guidance, 499

process guidance customization


adding steps to, 598

assigning roles to, 598

creating new activities, 597-598

referencing work products, 597

workstreams, associating activities to, 598

process templates

activities, 597-598

cross-references, 600

custom roles, creating, 600

customizing work item elements, 599

overview, 595

ProcessGuidance.xml, 595-596

viewing your custom guidance, 601

work item documentation, 599

workstreams, 596-597

workstreams and activities, linking work items to, 599


assigning roles to, 596

creating new workstreams, 596

entry and exit criteria in, 596-597

overview, 596

Process heap list count is wrong error, 270

process template components

Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) overview, 574

work item queries, 574-575

work products, 574

overview, 574

process templates


definitions, modifying template, 603-622

downloading a process template to your desktop, 601-602

navigating a process template, 602-603

overview, 601

customization tools

Microsoft InfoPath 2003, 593-594

MSF HTML Build utility, 594

overview, 592-593

third-party tools, 594-595

XML/XSL editors, 593

deleting, 623

MSF for Agile Software Development, 482

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement, 482

New Team Project Wizard, 592

overview, 591-592, 595, 603-605

process guidance customization

activities, 597-598

cross-references, 600

custom roles, creating, 600

customizing work item elements, 599

overview, 595

ProcessGuidance.xml, 595-596

viewing your custom guidance, 601

work item documentation, 599

workstreams, 596-597

workstreams and activities, linking work items to, 599

template definition modifications

classification, 619-621

core template, 605-607

groups, 621-622

overview, 603-605

permissions, 621-622

SQL Reporting Services, 617-619

Team Foundation version control, 607-609

testing your changes, 613

Windows SharePoint Services team portal, 613-617

work items, 609-612

testing your custom process templates, 623

uploading process templates in Team Foundation Server, 622

ProcessGuidance.xml, 595-596

Product Studio, 516

Professional UML with Visual Studio.NET: Unmasking Visio for Enterprise Architects(Wrox Press), 26


ASP.NET profiling, 336

code coverage, 335

command-line tools

environment variables, setting, 331-332

executing a profiling session, 332

instrumentation configuration, 330-331

overview, 330

profiling a Windows service or ASP.NET application, 331

reports, generating, 332-333

VSInstr.exe utility, 330-331

VSPerfClrEnv.cmd utility, 331-332

VSPerfCmd.exe utility, 332

VSPerfReport.exe utility, 332-333

debugging symbols, 335

described, 307

virtual machines, 336

programming Application Verifier, 278-281

prohibited bindings, 87

project alerts, 511-513

project, creation of, 133-134

project files, 235-236

project management

administering project details

deleting a Team project, 514-516

overview, 505

project alerts, 511-513

project security management, 507-508

project settings, configuring, 507-511

structuring your project, 508-510

Team Foundation Server, connecting to, 505-506

Team Portal customization and extensibility, 513-514

Team Project Portal, 511

version control management, 510-511

creating a software project

communication problems, 501

failure of software development projects, reasons for, 501-502

metrics and estimation skills, lack of, 501

New Team Project Wizard, 502-505

operational details, too much focus on, 501

overview, 500-501

poor workflow management, 501

standards compliance, lack of, 501

Team Project, 500

understanding of processes, lack of, 501

Visual Studio Project, 500

overview, 499-500

process guidance, 499


custom reports, building, 530-532

Microsoft Excel pivot tables, 529-530

overview, 524

security for report site, 533

Team Reports, 524-529

tools for managers, 499

work items

access to work items, controlling, 518

anatomy of a work item, 516-517

Microsoft Excel used to create and assign work items, 519-521

Microsoft Office used to create and assign work items, 519-522

Microsoft Project used to create and assign work items, 521-522

overview, 516

queries, creating and running work item, 518-519

types, creating and customizing work item, 522-524

Visual Studio used to create work items, 517-518

project management guidance, 483

project managers, 571, 587, 649

project security management, 507-508

project settings configuration

overview, 507

project security management, 507-508

structuring your project, 508-510

Team Project Portal, 511

version control management, 510-511

Promote Local Variable to Parameter, 296-297

properties of ordered tests, 353

Protection Location setting (Application Verifier), 265

ProtoGen, 216-217


described, 29

System Definition Model (SDM), 189-190

provider endpoints, 31

Proxy attribute, 178

proxy support, 486

PSMs (platform-specific models), 5

publishing results, 351-352

Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System
Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764584367
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 220

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