ID field (work items), 516

IIntrospectionRule interface, 240


overview, 61

settings and constraints, 72-74

Implement Abstract Class, 287-288

implementation, component, 11

implementation of applications

Application Designer

DealingApp implementation, 50-52

MarketMaker implementation, 43-45

overview, 41-42

SDM files, 42-43

StockBroker implementation, 45-48

StockQuoteApp implementation, 48-50

DealingApp implementation

DealingForm.vb code, 51

overview, 50-51

testing DealingApp Windows application, 51-52

MarketMaker implementation

modifications to DealingService.cs, 43-44

overview, 43

testing MarketMaker application, 44-45

StockBroker implementation

DealingService.vb, 46-47

overview, 45

StockQuoteService.vb, 46

testing StockBroker application, 47-48

StockQuoteApp implementation

Default.aspx file, 49

Default.aspx.cs file, 49-50

overview, 48

testing StockQuoteApp Web application, 50

implementing the rule, 238-243

Import IIS Settings Wizard, 76

inclusive time, 322

Incorrect object type for handle error, 271

Inheritance item, 103

inheritance relationships, adding, 110-111

initialization and cleanup of unit tests

AssemblyCleanup attribute, 371

AssemblyInitialize attribute, 371

ClassCleanup attribute, 370-371

ClassInitialize attribute, 370-371

overview, 368-369

TestCleanup attribute, 369-370

TestInitialize attribute, 369-370

The Inmates are Running the Asylum (Cooper), 576

installing controllers and agents, 427

instances, 161-162


and code coverage, 335

programmatically modifying, 333-335

instrumentation profilers, 308

instrumentation session configuration, 319-320

integrated check-in, 484

integrating your custom manual test template into Visual Studio 2005, 446-447


CI (Continuous Integration), 640-641

overview, 656

reporting, 657

Team Foundation Server integration

check-in policies using C/C++ code analysis, creating, 257-259

overview, 257

setting check-in notes for your C/C++ code, 259-260

work items created from code analysis warnings, 260-261

testing tools, 657-658

version control, 656

Visual Studio 2005


code highlighting, 250-251

disabling C/C++ code analysis, 248-249

enabling C/C++ code analysis, 248-249

overview, 248

setting warning levels, 249-250

viewing code analysis warnings and errors, 250-251

work-item tracking, 657

Interface type, 103

interfaces, 118-119

interoperability rules, 225

interpreting session reports, 321-330

IntranetZone, 63

introspection, 237

Invalid parameters passed to a multi-object wait function error, 270

Invalid TLS index in the current operation error, 271

IsNotSubsetOf method, 374

IsSubsetOf method, 374

iterative process, 575

Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System
Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764584367
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 220

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