
This chapter described web and load tests in detail. You first learned how to use the Web Test Recorder to easily record a new web test. You then learned how to use the Web Test Editor to finely tune the web test, adding features such as validation and extraction rules. You also looked at coded web tests, which enable you to create very flexible tests in any .NET language.

The next section introduced load tests, which can be composed of any automated testing type, such as web and unit tests. You learned how to use the New Load Test Wizard to create an initial load test. You then used the Load Test Editor to add scenarios, SQL tracing, and other options not available through the wizard. You also looked at various options for executing load tests, including the command-line tool MSTest.exe.

You then saw the power of the Load Test Monitor, used to graphically view performance counter details as well as errors, transactions, SQL operations, and more.

Finally, you learned how to run load tests in a distributed environment. You now know how to install and configure the controller and agent machines and how to use the controller to parcel out load to the agent machines, collecting results in the test repository.

In the next two chapters, we continue our coverage of the various test options supported by Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Testers.

Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System
Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764584367
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 220 © 2008-2017.
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