

ACT (Application Center Test) Web stress tool, benefits of, 203204, 353354
AddError, finding in atlstencil.h file, 231
AddReplacementError, finding in atlstencil.h file, 231
AddService function, using with Web applications, 220
AddText method, using with MIME messages, 427
Administrative Tools, overview of, 8387
_alloca function, using with stack-based allocations , 351
allocation, overview of, 305
AltGetSAXValue function, contents of, 416
altsoap.h file
modifying, 413415
template functions for, 418
ampersand (&), using with name /value pairs in HTTP clients , 448
APIs and server-side applications, advisory about, 352
application data, obtaining with PERF AVERAGE counters, 117
application DLLs.
See also DLLs (dynamic link libraries)
basics of, 1214
processing incoming requests for, 57, 59.
application logic, management of, 31.
See also ATL Server applications;
Web applications
application metrics, gathering and recording, 204205
Application Protection Level, settings for, 84
applications in ATL Server, accessing physical directories in, 468
APPMAPPING tag, example of, 8990
archetypes, using with thread pools, 163
allocating in Web service clients, 152154
support for, 344345
using with Web services, 135137
ASCII code, encoding for use with HTTP clients, 449
ASP (Active Server Pages) versus ATL Server, 6
ASP.NET versus ATL Server, 67
Assertion in Atlisapi.h, Line 633, meaning of, 467468
asynchronous SOAP clients, developing, 475
ATL Server
advantages of, 3132
versus ASP (Active Server Pages), 6
versus ASP.NET, 67
audience for, 4
benefits of, 7
buffers in, 55
caches in, 56
versus CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 6
cookies in, 56
design flexibility of, 7
enabling features in, 9394
forms in, 56
functionality of, 817
versus ISAPI, 6
versus JSP (Java Server Pages), 6
overview of, 34
performance benefits of, 7
query parameters in, 56
regular expressions in, 56
security and cryptography in, 56
session states in, 56
thread pools in, 55
ATL Server applications, accessing physical directories in, 468.
See also application entries;
Web applications
ATL Server classes
CHtmlTagReplacer, 6061
CIsapiExtension, 59
CIsapiWorker, 60
CRequestHandlerT, 60
CThreadPool, 60
DispatchStencilCall, 60
RenderStencil, Render, RenderToken, and RenderReplacement, 61
ATL Server data types. See custom data types; data types
ATL Server Project Wizard
adding data source cache service in, 247
generating request handlers with, 34
ATL Server Web Service Wizard, using, 124127
ATL Server Web Services. See Web services
_ATL_CSTRING_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTO RS directive, benefits of, 353
ATL_INVALID_STATUS (<0) getstatus for failed Navigate call, meaning of, 445
ATL_NAVIGATE_DATA structure pointer, examining, 444445
AtlCleanupArray* template functions, using with arrays, 154
AtlCleanupValueEx template function, using with structs, 153154
AtlGenXMLValue function, defining, 415
ATLSOAP_BLOB, definition of, 141142
AtlSoapCleanupElement function, modifying in altsoap.h, 415
AtlSoapGetElementValue function, role in marshaling custom data types, 413414
attachments, adding to MIME messages, 428430
attribute providers
compiling HelloWorld Web service with, 322330
injecting functions into HelloWorld Web service with, 331
viewing code generated by, 38
attributed COM object sample code, 287289
basics of, 1920
using, 3638
using with application DLLs, 13
See also Basic Authentication;
NTLM authentication
overview of, 459464
performing with Passport, 365369
authentication objects, using with HTTP
client class, 453454
authentication services, implementing with global ISAPI services, 213
Average Response Time performance metric, explanation of, 354

ATL Server. High Performance C++ on. NET
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioners Guide to User Research
ISBN: B006Z372QQ
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181 © 2008-2017.
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