This chapter introduced the concept of serialization. Serialization is one of the most problematic pieces of the application because it is the part responsible for remembering what has transpired. Ideally, you could remember everything that happened using a very big RAM disk with programs running constantly. However, that is simply not feasible from a financial standpoint.
Until someone invents RAM disks, serialization will be an issue. The chapter started with a discussion on how to represent a relational database as a Java Bean-type object. The SQL package is a good package that does most of that work for the programmer. The advantage of this package is that it tries only to be a thin layer on top of SQL. A developer could very easily extend SQL to include special tasks that would make SQL simpler and more manageable.
Then, the discussion switched to the betwixt package. We didn't discuss all features of the betwixt package because some have a lesser role. However, we did discuss the package's major aspects. The explanations and examples we gave there highlighted the betwixt package and made it easier to figure out what it does. The most important fact you should remember from that section is that a betwixt file gives developers the most flexibility when they serialize their Java classes to XML and back again.
The last section of the chapter covered the basics of the Lucene database, which highlights how XML data can be stored and indexed. As a result of the Internet era, we can do business processes differently, and Lucene is an example of this. Internet search engines have proven themselves to be scalable and very robust. Lucene extends the Internet search engine platform by adding precision of queries. This results in a superior way of searching for any kind of information.
You can now pat yourself on the back because you've gotten halfway through this book. We have already discussed basics such as the Commons Bridge, factories, scalability, and serialization. Knowing these basics, any programmer can write any type of algorithm safely. The basics are where most of the problems lie when you write programs because often some programmers get off on the wrong foot , falter, and instead of rewriting, keep going. This causes problems and should be avoided. In this book, we recommend that if you use what the Jakarta programmers use, your programming life will become simpler.
The rest of the book involves a layer of specific problems that we solve. Some of the problems could be configuration or logging. These problems are basic routine problems that all developers need to solve, so we look at how the Jakarta programmers solve them. Good luck in the second half.
On the CD The sources to the concepts presented in this chapter are located under the directory [CDROM]/jseng/src/com.devspace. jseng .serializtion . For the section Using betwixt Con- figuration Files the sample configuration files are located at [CDROM]/jseng/src/classes/ com/devspace/jseng/serialization/BetwixtBean.betwixt, and [CDROM]/jseng/src/classes/ com/ devspace/jseng/serialization/MotherOfAllBeans.betwixt .