Chapter 11, I discussed some of the fears users may experience when installing your software. Upgrading a software system takes these fears and adds new ones to them. Upgrade FearsHere are some of the upgrade fears I've had to deal with during my career. Pain of ReworkMany times an upgrade requires the user , the system administrator, or IT personnel to rework one or more aspects of the system and its underlying implementation. This can take many forms, but usually centers on how your system is integrated with other systems. For example, I have created systems that relied on data produced by various government agencies. In an astonishing case of poor customer management, these agencies every now and then would simply change the format of the data being distributed to customers such as myself , breaking the programs we had written to reprocess it. When this happened we had to scramble, rapidly rewriting a variety of software to maintain business continuity. Clearly the agency knew of these changes before they were instituted. The pain and cost to my company, and to other companies that relied on these data, could have been minimized or avoided had the agency simply considered our needs beforehand. At the very least, they could have warned us of the changes! Ripple UpgradesA ripple upgrade is one that forces you to change otherwise stable system components . The impact can range from changing hardware (e.g., more memory, more or faster processors, more disk space or different peripherals) to changing software (e.g., new operating system, different version of a key DLL). They are caused when you upgrade your software and new features mandate these changes or when a key vendor forces you to upgrade a key in-licensed technology (an inverse ripple). Ripple upgrades are a painful part of technology reality. If you're going to in-license technologyand you willthen you're basing part of your future offerings on one or more in-license components. In many circumstances there is simply no alternative to a ripple upgrade. What you can do is make the ripple upgrade as painless as possible. Clearly identify all dependencies associated with an upgrade. Use ripple upgrades to simplify your matrix of pain by discontinuing support for one or more configurations. Data MigrationData created in version n of the system often requires some kind of transformation to be fully usable in version n +1 . New features typically require new schemas. The upgrade process must be constructed in such a way that the user can move data relatively easily from the old schema to the new one. Remember that data migration may go in the other direction. Users of version n +1 may have to create data that can be used by users of version n. The tools for doing this vary considerably based on the application and your choice for a persistent storage. In shrink-wrapped software for personal computers, data is primarily stored in files. In this case you will have to provide facilities for converting files between formats. You should also clearly define the features lost when moving from version n +1 of the system to version n. In enterprise class software, the bulk of the data is stored in relational databases, which usually means you will have to provide special tools for migrating data between versions. In an upgrade, this data is usually converted in one operation. In a conversion, this data may be converted in one operation or on demand as various features in the system are exercised. My friend Ron Lunde points out that careful schema design can dramatically reduce the effort of migrating data between releases. The goal is to separate those aspects of the schema that rarely change, or that shouldn't change at all once created, from those that may change frequently. For example, in many transaction-based applications it is rare to upgrade the transaction data, so carefully separating transaction data from nontransaction data in the schema design can substantially reduce data migration efforts. Data RetentionOld data is rarely deleted. It is retained according to some corporate policy. Reasons for such policies include the fulfillment of specific legal requirements, such as tax laws. Your customers may require you to produce valid archive copies of the data, and you may need to verify that you can access these copies for anywhere from three to seven years after the upgrade. CertificationUpgrades, especially of enterprise-class software systems, must pass through stringent internally defined customer certifications before they can be put into production. This process usually takes at least one to two months and often considerably longer, which is why it is so rare to see enterprise-class software upgraded more than once or twice a year. New APIsNew APIs are a special form of rework that must be carefully managed to customer needs. Changing them introduces a variety of pain, usually resulting in the upgrade being delayed. For everyone concerned , it is best to avoid this pain if at all possible. Refer to Chapter 8 for a discussion of API management.
New FeaturesWhile customers may be excited to learn that your latest release has several new features, they may not be so excited to learn how to use them. Learning takes time and effort. It requires changing behaviors. Depending on the size of your customer and the magnitude of the upgrade, the cost of learning new features can motivate customers to delay or even cancel the upgrade. Inaccessible SystemUnless an application is truly mission critical, the upgrade process is likely to make it unavailable to users. This can range from a minor inconvenience, as when I'm upgrading a desktop application, to a major inconvenience, such as when I'm upgrading my operating system, to a completely unacceptable risk, such as when my business is upgrading its customer relationship management (CRM) or employee benefits system. ReversionChange management protocols for important or mission-critical applications always define how to revert to the previous version of the system should anything go wrong in an upgrade. Your architecture can help make reverting relatively easy or very dangerous. Often, many complicated steps must be followed exactly or the overall process will fail. The order in which these steps are performed, and their management, represents a special kind of customer pain. Understanding the upgrade process by mapping out each step gives you a chance to simplify it.