

Paint program, editing images, 388
Park value, GearState enumeration, 346, 351
ParseCommand method, Console class, 64
Particle structure, definition, 154
particle systems
components , 152
ParticleUpdate delegate, 153
ParticleGenerator class
constructor, 157
inheritance and definition, 154
copy constructor method, 156
Copy method, 159
Dispose method, 156, 166
InRect method, 165
Render method, 162
Update method, 160
ParticleUpdate delegate
creating a multipurpose particle system, 153
ballistics of projectiles , 303
cloth dynamics, 303
dynamics of flexible systems, 362
vehicle dynamics, 303
Pitch, definition, 6
Plane class
FromPoints method, 184, 210
Play method, Jukebox class, 286
players vehicle
Update method, Ownship class, 192
players view, 197
PlaySound method, SoundEffect class, 298
point lights, 110, 215
CheckFrustum method, 228
point primitive, 104
Poll method
Device class, 3132
GameInput class, 73
polygon reduction tools
compared to WeldVertices method, 170
PolyTrans, 387
PopulateBuffer method, Cloth class, 372
PopulateIndexBuffer method, Cloth class, 373
Portal culling, 86
description, 87
position, characteristic of object, 80
Position property, ImageButton class, 46
PositionNormalTextured structure
vertex format, 124
primitives, defining, 5
Process method
CarDynamics class, 337, 344, 346, 349, 351352
Wheel class, 324327
ProcessAttitude method, CarDynamics class, 352, 359
ProcessEntry method, Console class, 63
ProcessWheels method, CarDynamics class, 352, 357
ProgressiveMesh class
constructor, 179
DrawSubset method, 187
OptimizeBaseLevelOfDetail method, 181
TrimByVertices method, 170, 181
projection matrix
creating, 200
represents lens of camera, 197
values that define, 197
viewing frustum , 198

Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
ISBN: 1590590813
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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