only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile |
Visual Basic Shell Programming
- member variables
- memory, associated with PIDLs, managing
- menu items, adding
- browser extension for
- for extension to Internet Explorer
- method for
- messages
- sending to windows
- methods
- AddPages
- implementing (example)
- AddRef
- AddToolbar , 2nd
- BindToObject , 2nd
- CompareIDs , 2nd
- CopyCallback
- CreateViewObject , 2nd
- CreateViewWindow
- namespace extensions and , 2nd
- DestroyViewWindow
- DestroyWindow
- DragEnter , 2nd
- DragOver
- Drop , 2nd
- EnumFormatEtc , 2nd
- EnumObjects , 2nd
- Exec
- implementation (example)
- Extract
- namespace extensions and
- for IPersistFile interface
- GetAttributesOf , 2nd
- GetBandInfo
- implementing (example)
- GetBorderDW
- GetClassID , 2nd
- GetCommandString , 2nd , 3rd
- GetCurrentInfo , 2nd
- GetData
- data handlers and , 2nd , 3rd
- GetDisplayNameOf , 2nd
- GetIconLocation
- namespace extensions and
- GetIDsOfNames
- GetInfoTip
- GetMalloc
- GetSite
- docking window example
- GetTypeInfo
- GetTypeInfoCount
- GetUIObjectOf , 2nd
- GetWindow
- namespace extensions and
- HasFocusIO
- implementing
- Initialize
- namespace extensions and
- Invoke
- InvokeCommand
- context menu handlers and , 2nd , 3rd
- IWebBrowser interface
- Load
- implementing (example)
- Next , 2nd
- QueryContextMenu
- swapping vtable for
- QueryGetData
- bitmap formats added to
- QueryService
- docking windows and
- QueryStatus
- implementation (example)
- reference counting
- Refresh
- Release
- RemoveToolbar
- ReplacePage , 2nd
- RequestBorderSpace
- requiring vtable swapping
- ResizeBorder
- implementing (example)
- SetBorderSpaceDW
- SetSite
- docking windows and , 2nd , 3rd
- ShowDW
- TranslateAcceleratorIO
- UIActivate
- UIActivateIO , 2nd
- Microsoft Dynamic HTML Object Model
- Microsoft HTML Object Library (MSHTML.TLB), for documentation of IWebBrowser2 methods
- Microsoft IDL (MIDL) compiler
- Microsoft Internet Control, events provided by
- MIDL Language Reference
- MKTYPLIB utility
- mouse, state information on
- MoveWindow API
- MSG structure
only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile |