Saving Your Theme as a Theme File

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Once you have finished setting up the backgrounds and object defaults, built your preview slide, and tested the theme, it's time to save the Keynote file as a theme file.

Before you save, however, you might want to look through Appendix B, "Theme Creation Checklist," to make sure that you've covered all the bases.

To save your custom theme

Choose File > Save Theme.

A Save dialog will appear.

Choose the location where you want to save your theme. Keynote may default to your username /Library/Application Support/iWork/Keynote/Themes folder. If you'd rather take a look at the theme file you created, or plan to save copies of it elsewhere, you might want to save it to the desktop instead of this default location ( Figure 14.30 ).

Figure 14.30. If you save your theme in the proper place, it will appear in the Keynote Themes sheet.

Name your theme.

If you have created your theme in more than one size , it is vital to use the proper naming scheme, which is " name _8x6.kth" with name representing the name you want the theme to display in Keynote's theme sheet, and the 8 and 6 corresponding to the actual size of your theme. If your theme is 800x600 and called Green Circles, the name of your theme file would be Green Circles_8x6.kth . If your theme is 1024x768, the proper form is name _10x7.kth. Another important rule is that the "x" in the theme name must be lowercase ( Figure 14.31 ).

Figure 14.31. If you don't follow Keynote's naming scheme, you'll get multiple copies of your theme in the Themes sheet. In this case, both instances of the Candy 2 theme mistakenly use a capital X in the tag portion of the name rather than a lowercase x, which makes them appear in the sheet as two different- sized themes with the wrong names .

Click Save.

 < Day Day Up > 

Keynote 2 for Mac OS X. Visual QuickStart Guide
Keynote 2 for Mac OS X. Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN: 321197755
Year: 2005
Pages: 179 © 2008-2017.
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