

SA 8000, see Social Accountability 8000
SAR, see Social Accountability Representative
SCEM, see Supply Chain Environmental Management Systems
SEAAR, see Social and ethical accounting, auditing, and reporting
SEAAR movement, 53, 73 “95
CSR schism , 84 “87
EU government legislation, 75 “79
growth of, 235
home-grown pressures on U.S. companies, 90 “91
litigation, 91 “95
repercussions of conflicting interpretations, 87 “90
United Nations, 79 “80
United States, 80 “84
Sears, 2
SEC, see Securities and Exchange Commission
Sector strategy self-assessment, Sustainable Development Commission s, 281 “291
assessment of current performance of sector and recent change, 282 “289
exemplification, application, and dissemination , 290 “291
general principles, 282
specific sectoral performance, indicators, and targets, 290
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 28, 91
Self-assessment tools, 136
Self- sustaining continuous improvement, 217
Shared product databases, 36
awareness, 4
scrutiny, 27
Shareholder Action Network, 65
civil lawsuit filed against, 15
market campaigning, 3
reports on environmental policies, 77
Site visits , 199
Six Sigma, 34, 140
Social Accountability 8000 (SA 8000), 87, 142 “144, 152, 192
efficiency, 145
requirements, 207
Social Accountability International, 61, 86, 195, 215
Social Accountability Representative (SAR), 259
Social compliance monitoring, 242
Social and environmental performance, systems to monitor and audit, 235 “247
applying technology to ethical supply chain, 246 “247
risk and incident management systems, 244 “245
standards-specific implementation software, 245
supplier management software, 242 “243
supply chain environmental management systems and environmental health and safety systems, 237 “242
Social and ethical accounting, auditing, and reporting (SEAAR), 68, see also SEAAR movement, based reporting structure, 110
endorsement by, 79
European-style of in United States, 83
Social investment index, 28 “29
Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) movement, 28, 31
Social reporting, 67
SOE, see Standards of engagement
Sony, 17
SRI movement, see Socially Responsible Investment movement
SRM, see Supplier relationship management
groups, identifying, 177
method of communication to, 178
profile, 177
Deming-like, 242
of engagement (SOE), 188, 189
implementation of, 158
Staples, environmental paper procurement policy, 56
Starbucks, core values, 56 “57
Statements of needs and expectations, 177
Stealth companies, 26
Stock management, 26
Strategic concerns, 11 “31
beyond pressures of globalization, 31
globalization, 12 “22
growing power and influence of NGOs, 22 “25
listing, naming, and shaming, 25 “27
shareholder scrutiny, 27 “31
Strategic Environmental Consulting, 243
Strategic sourcing, 36, 129
Stratos, 98, 209
Subcontractor risk, 50
criteria for ranking, 185, 186
description, 202
managed inventory, 36
monitoring of, 192
system of scoring, 189
relationship management (SRM), 236, 242
risk ranking, 198
workplace injuries, 129
Supplier program, 181 “200
case study, 188 “189, 191 “192
communication and training techniques, 190 “192
monitoring compliance and, 182
monitoring supplier performance, 192 “193
presenting suppliers with integrity guidelines and expectations, 186 “187
ranking and prioritizing suppliers, 184 “186
site visits, 199 “200
survey techniques and questionnaires, 196 “199
training company monitors , 195
Supply chain
accurate picture of performance and risk in, 163
analysis of, 51 “52
collaboration, 129
efficiency, evolution of, 39
ethical, 4
extended, 46, 50, 231
fragmented , 14, 43
imperative, 1 “10
getting from here to there, 8 “10
new ethical supply chain framework, 7 “8
keeping track of, 43
procurement practices, 35
revolution, 6, 31, 33
downside to, 60
pre-1990s, 100
team, ethical, 106
Supply Chain Environmental Management Systems (SCEM), 236, 237, 238
Surplus farm workers, 19
by-mail, 102
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 63
problem with, 197
techniques, 196
consultancy, 164
management of, 103
U.S. approach to, 83
reporting, 131, 166
SustainAbility, 69, 81
advice on reporting program, 233 “234
best global reporters list, 228
top 50 companies, 82
Sustainable Development Commission, see Sector strategy self-assessment, Sustainable Development Commission s
conditions, effects of, 53
per piece work, 49
Switcher/Prem case study, 249 “261
auditing partners , 252
child labour, 258 “259
extending social accountability, 260 “261
forced labour, 259
human development, 254 “255
image building, 260
internal audit, 259 “260
international standards, 251 “252
labour relations, 257 “258
management review meetings, 259
non-discrimination , 258
occupational health and safety, 257
partnership in India, 253
philosophy, 250 “251
social management, 253 “254
supplier audit, 260
work environment, 254
work organisation and general conditions of, work, 255 “257

The Supply Chain Imperative. How to Ensure Ethical Behavior in Your Global Suppliers
Supply Chain Imperative, The: How to Ensure Ethical Behavior in Your Global Suppliers
ISBN: 0814407838
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 123
Authors: Dale Neef © 2008-2017.
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