

TCI. See Total Cost of Investment (TCI)
TCO. See Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
TCP connection hash table
setting size of in Sun Solaris WebSphere-based applications, 265
TCP connection time-out
problems associated with changing settings, 330 “331
TCP hash table size settings
in IBM AIX, 271
TCP keepalive feature
deactivating on your Linux-based WebSphere application server, 256 “257
TCP keepalive settings
command for checking current, 261
for the Sun Solaris WebSphere-based applications, 261 “262
TCP maximum listen backlog setting
function of in IBM AIX, 270 “271
TCP port number assignment
changing maximum with the Registry Editor tool, 253
TCP Selective Acknowledgment
disabling in Linux, 256
TCP send and receive buffer attributes
setting in IBM AIX, 269 “270
TCP TIME_WAIT interval
setting for Sun Solaris WebSphere-based applications, 262
setting in IBM AIX, 267
TCP time stamp
enabling or disabling for Solaris WebSphere applications, 264
TCP time stamping feature
disabling on your Linux-based WebSphere application server, 256
TCPTimedWaitDelay value
changing with the Registry Editor tool, 254 “255
technical tests
warning about running behind the scenes, 242
performance management, 26
testing tools
monitors and probes, 244 “245
recommended for WebSphere environments, 243 “244
for your WebSphere environment, 243 “246
thick Web server WebSphere topology
example of, 191
example of component mapping for, 192
overview of example components , 193
thin Web server WebSphere topology
example of, 190
thread size value
setting, 387 “389
steps for setting in WebSphere 4, 388
steps for setting in WebSphere 5, 388
threading characteristics
of JVMs, 161 “162
effect on performance, 8
time stamps
placing in logging entries within your database, 241
settings between Web tier and application server, 389 “390
steps for setting in WebSphere 4, 390
steps for setting in WebSphere 5, 390
timing markers
warning about writing them into your code, 240 “241
Tivoli Performance tool
checking for I/O time-outs with, 392 “393
features from a profiling perspective, 515
function of, 513 “515
vs. HPjmeter and JProbe tools, 515
for monitoring and testing TIME_WAIT state, 390
for monitoring thread values in WebSphere 5, 387 “389
Performance Viewer screen, 514
using to monitor and test queues, 283 “284
tnsnames.ora file
example that has the CTF extensions in it, 366
for testing your WebSphere environment, 243 “246
top command
for determining memory usage on Unix servers, 478 “480
getting your memory and swap space usage with, 480 “481
using Grep with, 479
topological architecture, 154 “164
blueprints, 165 “229
common elements to consider in, 165 “173
considerations for scalability and performance, 157 “164
and example of a building block for, 156 “157
Total Cost of Investment (TCI), 19 “24
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
cost comparisons for different implementations , 21 “23
inception of, 20
vs. Net Present Value (NPV), 23
an overview, 19 “23
vs. Return on Investment (ROI), 23
a two year comparison, 22 “23
tracing services
requests serviced by the application server, 59
transaction affinity
for EJB containers, 305
transaction characteristics
effect of on response times, 236 “238
graph comparing lightweight vs. heavyweight, 237
transaction management
effect on performance, 8
in multiple JVM environments, 185
transaction rate
considerations when implementing databases, 429 “430
effect on WebSphere environment, 238 “239
example of, 239
transactional affinity
for following container transactions, 336
Transparent Application Failover (TAF)
function of, 365
trend analysis
importance of for WebSphere application environments, 249
measuring the effects of, 246 “251
tuning and optimization
of EJB container, 377 “384

Maximizing Performance and Scalability with IBM WebSphere
Maximizing Performance and Scalability with IBM WebSphere
ISBN: 1590591305
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 111
Authors: Adam G. Neat © 2008-2017.
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