

So, where are we? Let's look back to where we've been. During business modeling we selected five business use cases and defined their respective business object models: Accounts Receivable, Comply with Regulations, Manage Clinical Records, Provide Clinical Care, and Respond to Inquiry. During that phase, the high-level activity diagrams for the business use cases drove multiple and more detailed sequence diagrams in the business object model. For example, for the Manage Clinical Records business use case, the activity Transfer Records To/From Facility spawned five sequence diagrams in the business object model, depicting the internal business activities: Transfer Records In, Transfer Records Out, Close Records, Destroy Records, and Admit Prior Resident.

With the business model sufficiently elaborated, we moved into requirements definition. Before proceeding, the development team performed some scope reduction. They deferred the Accounts Receivable and Respond to Inquiry business use cases, in total, to later deliveries. The Comply with Regulations and Provide Clinical Care business use cases were partially descoped, focusing them on the critical internal information and goals of the project. The Manage Clinical Records use case was not descoped due to the central role it plays in the system. However, it was significantly restructured in the system use case model (see Table 4-5). Such changes are not abnormal and should be expected as the system evolves. Also, two use cases evolved as being central to all the various use case models: Access Clinical Records and Verify Security Permission. With the requirements captured in the business use case model, the business object model, the system use case model (including their respective activity and sequence diagrams), and the system use case descriptions, the team is ready to proceed with analysis and design.

Table  4-5. Business Model Sequences versus System Use Case Model for Manage Clinical Records
Sequence System Use Cases Rationale
Close Records Close Clinical Records  
Destroy Records Destroy Clinical Records  
Admit Prior Resident Manage Clinical Records The original three sequences were restructured into these three new and existing system use cases
Transfer Records In Update Clinical Records  
Transfer Records Out Close Clinical Records  
Create Clinical Records New
Unarchive Clinical Records New

UML for Database Design
UML for Database Design
ISBN: 0201721635
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 90 © 2008-2017.
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