WW3C (World Wide WebConsortium), 902

wait handle, threads, 550551, 573574

WaitHandle class, 573574

#warning, preprocessor directive, 73

WAS (Windows Activation Services), 1517

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), 15111540

binding, 1532–1535

building applications in Visual Studio 2005, 433

clients, 1536–1537

configuration categories, 509

data contracts, 1524–1525

defined, 1400

duplex communication, 1538–1540

hosting, 1535–1536

integrating Enterprise Services with, 1478–1482

message contracts, 1525

.NET Framework and, 25

overview of, 1511–1512

requirements for .NET-based applications, 444

service contracts, 1522–1524

service implementation, 1526–1532

simple service and client, 1512–1522

WCFClientApp application, 14811482

Web applications

options for deploying, 446

SimpleWebApp deployment solution, 456–457

Web Forms

ASP.NET and, 23

code model, 1219–1220

overview of, 1215–1218

Visual Studio 2005 Design View, 416

Web method calls, in ASP.NET AJAX, 13321334

Web pages, accessing master page content from, 1270

Web parts, 1231, 12891299

application components, 1290–1292

example of, 1292–1299

overview of, 1289–1290

Web server controls

AJAX Library, 1307–1308

binding to database with, 1238–1239

Crystal Reports, 1224

data, 1228–1229

defined, 1220

login, 1280–1281

navigation, 1273–1275

overview of, 23, 1220

standard, 1224–1227

validation, 1229–1230

Web Parts, 1231, 1288–1299

Web servers. See servers

Web Service DescriptionLanguage. See WSDL (Web Service Description Language)

Web services, 1334, 13731398

consuming, 1381–1383

event-booking client example, 1388–1392

event-booking Web service example, 1383–1388

exchanging data using SOAP headers, 1392–1397

exposing, 1377–1380

overview of, 1373–1374

ScriptManager control, 1318–1319

SOAP, 1374–1375

WSDL, 1375–1376

Web Setup Project, Visual Studio 2005, 447

Web sites

AJAX-enabled. See ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web sites

publishing, 442, 446

WebBrowser control

adding more Internet Explorer

features, 1349–1354

allowing simple Web browsing from applications, 1346–1348

displaying code of requested page, 1355–1356

launching Internet Explorer instances, 1348–1349

overview of, 1346

printing using, 1355

WebClient class, 13401342

Web.config files

application configuration, 1250–1252

ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web sites, 1313–1316

CTP-enabled Web sites, 1316

event-booking Web service example, 1384

hosting .NET Remoting servers in ASP.NET, 1439–1440

WebPartManager control, 1291, 1293, 1296

WebPartZone control, 1291, 12931294, 1297 1745

WebRequest class, 13611371

asynchronous page requests, 1345

authentication, 1345

displaying code of requested page, 1355–1356

hierarchy of WebResponse and, 1356–1357

HTTP header information, 1343–1344

overview of, 1342–1343

WebResponse class, 13421345

hierarchy of WebRequest and, 1355–1356

HTTP header information, 1343–1344

overview of, 1342–1343

<webServices> element, 1315

Web.sitemap file, 12731275

Welcome( ) method, Enterprise Services, 14651466

well-known objects

activators, 1417

client configuration, 1432

server configuration, 1431

server for, 1416

Wellknown_Client.config file, 1432

Wellknown_Server.config file, 1430

WF (Windows Workflow), 15411582

binding parameters to activities, 1570–1571

download details, 1581

Hello World, 1542–1543

hosting workflows, 1578–1580

passing parameters to workflows, 1568–1569

returning results from workflows, 1569–1570

sequential workflows, 1565

state machine workflows, 1565–1568

Workflow Designer, 1580

workflow runtime, 1571

workflow services, 1572–1578

WF activities

ActivityToolboxItem and icons, 1555–1557

CallExternalMethodActivity, 1547

custom, 1550–1552

custom composite activities, 1557–1565

DelayActivity, 1547–1548

executing, 1549–1550

IfElseActivity, 1544–1545

ListenActivity, 1548–1549

overview of, 1543–1544

ParallelActivity, 1545–1547

themes and designers, 1554–1555

validation, 1552–1554

Where( ) extension method, LINQ

deferred query execution, 1695–1697

expression trees, 1698

lambda expressions, 1694

where clause

restrictions in C# 2.0, 255

syntax for generics in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1649–1650

WHERE clause, OLE DB Provider, 1671

Where operator, LINQ, 1690

while loops, 54

while statement, 16371638

“windows”, terminology of, 1076

windows, Visual Studio 2005

Class View window, 420

Design View window, 415–418

Object Browser window, 420–421

overview of, 396, 414

pin buttons, 422

Properties window, 418–419

Server Explorer window, 422

Windows Activation Services (WAS), 1517

Windows API

Com Interop for wrapping Window API calls, 705–707

platform invoke for unmanaged functions, 783–785

Windows applications, building with Visual Studio 2005, 410

Windows CardSpace, 433

Windows Controls, 24

Windows Forms

ActiveX controls in Windows Forms, 767–770

adding user input in GDI+ vs., 1123–1124

Button class, 998–999

CheckBox, 1000

CheckedListBox, 1001–1003

class hierarchy, 993–995

ComboBox, 1001–1003

ContextMenuStrip, 1015

Control class, 995–998

creating, 24

creating applications, 768–770, 988–993

cultures example, 644–648

custom controls, 1023–1035

DateTimePicker, 1003

editing text document, 1115–1116

ErrorProvider, 1004–1005

FlowLayoutPanel, 1010–1011

Form class, 1017–1022

HelpProvider, 1005

hosting workflows, 1578–1580

ImageList, 1005

integration with WPF, 1208–1212

Labels, 1005–1006

ListBox, 1001–1003

ListView, 1006–1008

MaskedTextBox, 1009–1010

MenuStrip, 1015

Multiple Document Interface (MDI), 1022–1023

overview of, 987

Panel, 1010

PictureBox, 1008

ProgressBar, 1008

RadioButton, 1000

RichTextBox, 1009–1010

running Windows Forms controls in Internet Explorer, 782–783

SplitContainer, 1011

TabControl and TabPages, 1012

TableLayoutPanel, 1010–1011

TextBox, 1009–1010

threading and, 582

ToolStrip, 1012–1015

ToolStripContainer, 1016

ToolStripManager, 1016

ToolStripMenuItem, 1016

Visual Studio 2005 Design View, 416

Windows Forms ActiveX Control Importer (aximp.exe), 767

Windows Installer

compared with ClickOnce, 459–460

deploying applications with, 447–448

Visual Studio 2005 installer projects based on, 446–447

Windows OSs.

See also Windows Vista

platform invoke for unmanaged functions, 783–785

Regional and Language options, 640

requirements for .NET-based applications, 443–444

side-by-side feature for DLLs in Windows 2000, 471

System.Windows.Forms namespace relying on, 997–998

Windows Services and, 709

Windows Presentation Foundation. See WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)

Windows principal, 633634

Windows Services, 709746

admin privileges with, 1654

architecture, 710–711

base class, 722–723

client access to new service, 731

configuring, 1464

creating services, 713–714

event logging, 744

handler methods, 724–725

hosting workflows, 1578–1580

installation program, 726

Installer classes, 726–730

installutil.exe for installing/uninstalling services, 731

interactive, 743–744

main, service-main, and handler functions, 712

main function, 723–724

monitoring services, 735–740

.NET Framework and, 24–25

net.exe for command-line management of services, 732–733

overview of, 709–710

power events and, 745

project wizard for creating new service, 720–721

properties, 721

sc.exe for command-line management of services, 733–734

SCM (Service Control Manager), 711–712

Server Explorer for managing services, 734

service configuration program, 713

service control program, 713

service program, 711

ServiceController class, 734–735, 741–742

Services MMC snap-in, 732

socket server example, 714–717

starting services, 724

stopping services, 724

summary, 746

System.ServiceProcess, 713

TcpClient example, 717–720

threading and, 725–726

troubleshooting, 742–743

types of, 710

Windows Vista, 16531673

directory structure, 1658–1660

new controls and dialogs, 1660–1666

searches. See search, Windows Vista

TCP/IP Services, 714

transactions and, 704–707

user account control, 1654–1658

Vista Bridge, 1654

Windows Workflow. See WF (Windows Workflow)

Windows Workflow Foundation. See WWF (Windows Workflow Foundation)

workflow. See WF (Windows Workflow)

Workflow Designer, 1541, 15521554

WorkflowCompleted event, 15691570

WorkflowPersistenceService, 1574


CallExternalMethodActivity, 1547

executing activities, 1550

overview of, 1571

ParallelActivity, 1546

services, 1572–1578

using persistence service, 1571, 1574–1575

world coordinates, 10941095, 11211122

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 902

WorldYCoordinateToLineIndex( ) method, 1120, 11211122

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), 11331212

animations, 1183–1189

building applications in Visual Studio 2005, 433, 436–437

class hierarchy, 1140–1141

commands, 1158–1161

controls, 1147–1152

data binding. See data binding, WPF

designer/developer cooperation, 1138–1141

event handling, 1157–1158

layout, 1152–1157

markup extensions, 1138

namespaces, 1142–1147

.NET Framework and, 24

overview of, 1133

properties, 1136–1138

requirements for .NET-based applications, 444

resources, 1163–1167

shapes, 1144–1147

styles, 1162–1163

styling ListBox, 1176–1182

templates, 1169–1176

threads, 582

triggers, 1167–1169

Windows Forms and, 1136, 1208–1212

XAML, 1134–1138

WrapPanel, 11531154, 1182

Write( ) method, FileStream, 812

write methods, event logs, 536

WriteAll method, files, 806807

WriteAllBytes method, files, 806807

WriteAllLines method, files, 806807

WriteByte( ) method, FileStream, 812


ActivityToolboxItem and icons, 1555–1557

creating, 1550–1551

themes and designers, 1554–1555

validation, 1552–1554

write-only properties, 9394

WriteXml( ) method, 890894, 932938

WriteXmlSchema( ) method, 941


See also reading/writing

to files, 806–807

streamed XML, 912–914

WSDL (Web Service Description Language)

accessing configuration by client developer, 1518–1519

defined, 1373

syntax, 1375–1376

WSDL.exe, 13811383

wsDualHttpBinding, duplex communication, 1539

WWF (Windows Workflow Foundation)

building applications in Visual Studio 2005, 433

building WF applications with Visual Studio 2005, 438–439

requirements for .NET-based applications, 444

Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
ISBN: 470124725
Year: 2007
Pages: 427

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