Declaring Functions with Parameters

Most of the time a function needs information from the programmer to do its task. For example, if you write a function to add two numbers, the function needs to know what two numbers to add. To be able to pass information to the function, and sometimes to receive information from the function, programmers declare variables as part of the function declaration. These variables are called parameters.

Parameters have a direction. The direction determines how the values are passed from the caller to the callee, and what information gets transmitted back from the callee to the caller. Parameters can have three different directions. These are: in (or by value), out, and in and out (by reference). By default parameters are "in" parameters.

It can be difficult to understand how parameters are sent between the caller and a function, even to a seasoned developer. Before understanding the differences between in, ref, and out parameters you have to understand that the .NET Framework makes a distinction between two types of data types: value types and reference types. Value types refer to primitive types, such as byte, int, book, double, float, etc., (almost every common type except for string, which is a special type of reference type), structures and enums. Reference types include object, string, and any custom types you define as a class (more on this later). The meaning of in, ref and out changes slightly depending on whether you're using value types or reference types.

First let's talk about using value types as parameters.

Consider the code in Figure 2.33 . The x parameter in DoTask1 is an "in" parameter. (The absence of a direction modifier in front of the parameter. is what makes it an "in" parameter.) If you look at the code in DoTask1 you will notice that x can be set to a value. But the caller's variable, num , is unaffected by these changes. Also with "in" parameters you can send either a literal or a variable that has been set to a value.

Figure 2.33 The receiving parameter only gets a copy of the original value. Changing the function's parameter has no effect on the value of the caller's variable.
 void DoTask1(  int x  ) {    x = 20; //this statement only changes            //a copy of the original            //variable, not the original            //variable } void ProgramCode() {    DoTask1(5); //can send literal to                //"in" parameter    int num = 10; //the variable must be                  //set to a value                  //before calling DoTask1  DoTask1(num);  Response.Write(num); //prints 10,                         //num is unchanged } 

Now look at the code in Figure 2.34 . The x parameter is a ref parameter, or in-out parameter. It has the ref modifier in front of the parameter. Notice that if the value of the parameter is changed inside DoTask2 , the original variable used, num , is also changed. With ref parameters you can't send literal values. You have to declare a variable and send the variable as the input for the parameter. Just like in the case of "in" parameters, you have to assign a value to the variable before using it. One main difference in the way you call the function is that you have to use ref in the call in front of the parameter.

Figure 2.34 With ref parameters the receiving function doesn't get a copy; instead it gets the location in memory of the original value. Changing the ref variable also changes the value of the caller's variable.
 void DoTask2(  ref int x  ) {    x = 20; //this statement changes the original variable } void ProgramCode() {    DoTask2(ref 5); //*** illegal to send literal to ref                    //parameter    int num = 10; //the variable must be set to a value                  //before calling DoTask2    DoTask2(  ref num  );    Response.Write(num); //prints 20, num changed } 

Now look at Figure 2.35 . Out parameters are similar to ref parameters in that when you change the value inside the function the original variable used is also changed. One difference is that when a function has an out parameter, it is assumed that the function will provide the value not the caller. Therefore, the compiler gives you an error if you forget to assign a value to the out parameter. You have to use the keyword out in front of the parameter you're sending. With out parameters you can't send literal values. Another difference from ref parameters is that you don't have to assign a value to the variable you're sending as a parameter.

Figure 2.35 Out parameters are like ref parameters except that with out parameters the caller's variable doesn't have to be initialized beforehand; the value must be provided by the function.
 void DoTask3(  out int x  ) {    x = 20; //with out parameters you are            //required to assign a value            //to x. } void ProgramCode() {    DoTask3(out 5); //*** illegal to send                    //literal to out                    //parameter    int num;        //num does not have to                    //be initialized and                    //if it is the value                    //is ignored.  DoTask3(out num);  Response.Write(num); //prints 20, num                         //is changed } 

Things are a little different when using reference types (classes) instead of value types as parameter types. However, there are a few concepts to learn before being able to talk about reference types being used as parameters. At the end of this chapter we will revisit the topic of parameter direction and talk about how things change with reference parameters.

To declare parameters:

  1. Inside the parentheses for a function, type a parameter direction modifier. These are: (blank) for input-only parameters, ref for input-output parameters, or out for output-only parameters.

  2. Then use the method for declaring variables in C# (see "Declaring Variables" earlier in this chapter).

  3. Add a comma, and repeat steps one and two to add more parameters ( Figure 2.36 ).

    Figure 2.36 A function can have more than one parameter, and each parameter can be of a different type and direction.
     private void GetStudentInfo(int ID,  out  int classRank,  out  float GPA) {    if (ID == 10)    {      classRank = 2;      GPA = 3.9F;    }    else    {      classRank = 1000;      GPA = 0;    } } 

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  • If you don't use direction modifiers, the parameters will be input-only ( Figure 2.37 ).

    Figure 2.37. There is no direction modifier in C# to specify "in" parameters. To declare "in" parameters you simply don't add a modifier.


  • Out parameters and ref parameters are close cousins; internally they work almost the same way. The reason we have out parameters is mostly because of remoting. In remoting, a client may be in one machine and the function being executed may be in a different machine. This isn't the same as ASP.NET applications.

    In ASP.NET applications the browser sends a request to the server. The server then creates objects and executes functions in the same machine. This is known as server-side execution. The same machine acts as both the client and the server. The Web browser only gets to see the output generated by each function. In true remoting a client program uses network communication to execute a command in another machine. In those scenarios, the less information you send across the network the better your application performs (usually, number of round trips across the network is another factor to consider). If we only had ref parameters, the client would always have to send a value to the server for the parameter, and the server would have to send the modified value back to the client. This is inefficient if the server doesn't care about the original value. Therefore in those cases out parameters are used to enable the client to forget the input value and minimize the amount of information sent ( Figure 2.38 ).

    Figure 2.38. Out parameters are useful in remoting scenarios because they tell .NET that no value needs to be transferred from the client to the server, only from the server to the client.


C# & VB.NET Conversion Pocket Reference
ISBN: 0596003196
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 198
Authors: Jose Mojica © 2008-2017.
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