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Since 1945, when IBM set up its first research laboratory hosted in renovated fraternity house near Columbia University in New York City, its management has realized the value of both internal and external research. Indeed it is fair to state that IBM would not be the size and success it is today without continuous innovative research programs that turn ideas and concepts into products, and then substantial profit. IBM has nearly 3,000 researchers worldwide with eight locations in six countries and has cumulatively produced more research breakthroughs than the rest of the entire IT industry combined.

With these enormous sources available to autonomic computing we can expect to see significant new enhancements, products, and services.

Note: Grateful thanks are due to Jeff Kephart of IBM, who contributed much to the discussion on research challenges.


Autonomic Computing
Autonomic Computing
ISBN: 013144025X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 254
Authors: Richard Murch © 2008-2017.
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