

SAE, see Society of Automotive Engineers


interval, 27

nominal, 25

ordinal, 26

partially ordered, 26

ratio, 27

SCCS, see Software Configuration Control System


basis for all, 1

foundation of, 66

Scientific investigations, conduct of, 21-42

measurement, 22-27

primitive and derived measurements, 23-24

scales, 24-27

measurement issues, 27-29

accuracy and precision, 28

measurement error, 28-29

measurement standards, 30-36

reproducibility of measurements, 34-36

sources of noise in measurement data, 32-34

principles of experimentation, 36-42

data browsing, 41-42

design of experiments, 40-41

hypothesis formulation, 38

hypothesis testing, 38-39

type I and type II errors, 39-40

principles of scientific investigation, 21-22

Second-order mapping, 244

Security method, 328

Semantic ambiguities, 367

Set of moments, construction of, 388

Shared variance, 113

Simple hypothesis, 390

Skewness of distribution, 389

SLIP programmer experience, 50-51

Slope calculation data, 145

SNOBOL programming language, string in, 92

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 9

Sociological entities, 3



categories of, 45

relationship between software faults and, 212

availability, see Software availability

certification, 345

change requests, 52

complexity, unitary measure of, 131

design alternatives, 236

development, see also Software development measurement

environment, control of, 7

method, cleanroom, 37

nirvana, 9

process, 8, 44, 340, 369

projects, staffing of, 18

discipline, research funding and, 374

dynamics, profiles of, 249

engineering, see also Software engineering management, goals of

emerging discipline of, 365

practice, measurement based on best, 1

failure events, 52

faults, 17, 46, 96, 302

anticipation of, 131

elusiveness of, 137

introduction of, 51

surrogate for, 133


functionalities from, 221

operations for, 218

instrument, 260


attributes, 241

criterion measure of, 104

majority of security vulnerabilities in, 328

measurement, see also Software measurement plan, implementing of

baseline, establishment of, 182

database, 354

problems in, 3

process, 53, 176, 332

metrics, principal components of, 207

module reliability, 315


instrument software with, 260

placement of, 259


achieving, 6

attributes, 137

measures of, 96

objectives, 6, 7

reliability, 35, 374

investigations, problem found in, 311

modeling, 314

solution to crisis in, 329

requirements specification (SRS), 44, 52


budgeting for, 371

objectives, 371

plan, best way to kill incipient, 364

training program, 367

science metrics, 68, 110

security, solution to crisis in, 329

source code, measurement of, 212

system(s), 183

DEF, 138

design operational profile, 250

embedded, 308, 313

evolution, 15, 178, 353

failure, 296, 310, 325

reliability, 308, 309, 319, 325, 372

requirements of, 215

secure, 308

structural imperfection in, 204


general notion of, 198

system, 343

testability, evaluation of, 372


cyber-liability of, 327

problems fixed by, 307, 326

wrong way to develop, 14

Software availability, 307-330

maintainability, 329-330

security, 328-329

reliability, 309-325

data collection for reliability estimation, 319-325

software module reliability, 315-319

software reliability modeling, 314-315

understanding software, 313-314

Software Configuration Control System (SCCS), 205

Software development measurement, 43-54

mapping among measurement domains, 53

measurement domains, 43-53

environment metrics, 52-53

people metrics, 45-51

process metrics, 51-52

product metrics, 52

process of software measurement, 53-54

Software engineering management, goals of, 1-19

measurement across life-cycle model, 10-14

coding, 13

design, 12-13

maintenance, 15

operational requirements specification, 11-12

test, 13-14

rationale for effective measurement, 5-10

achieving software quality, 6-8

Deming and software development process, 8-9

role of statistics in software engineering, 9-10

reasonable and attainable goals for software measurement, 14-17

software engineering measurement, 1-5

logistics of software measurement, 5

measurement process, 1-3

problems in software measurement, 3-4

tried measurement, 3

Software evolution, measurement of, 175-213

measuring changes to modules across builds, 198-211

Cassini system, 204-211

measures of code module evolution, 199-200

obtaining average build values, 200-202

software evolution and fault introduction process, 202-203

measuring evolving software, 175-198

establishing software measurement baseline, 182-189

evaluating changes across builds, 192-195

examining specific changes in evolution of PASS, 195-198

measuring changes to system, 189-192

system baselining, 176-177

system evolution, 177-182

Software measurement plan, implementing of, 331-362

building of measurement process, 334-349

initial measurement system, 335-337

measurement reporting system, 337-341

measurement for testing, 341-343

measuring of people, 348-349

program change request system, 348

program trouble reporting system, 346-348

requirements tracking system, 343

software test system, 343-346

institutionalizing measurement process improvement, 351-353

measurement process improvement, 349-351

measurement process enhancement, 351

tools refinement, 349-350

network-based measurement system, 353-362

Darwin database, 358

Darwin reporting system, 357-358

measurement infrastructure, 354-356

network appliance, 354

software engineering maintenance problem, 356-357

software measurement process, 331-334

Software measures, validation of, 55-64

construct validity, 59-60

content validity, 58-59

criterion-oriented validity, 56-58

concurrent validity, 58

predictive validity, 57-58

empirical validity, 60-61

reliability, 61-64

understanding what is being measured, 55-56

Software research plan, implementing of, 363-374

budgeting for software research, 371-373

basic research, 371-372

product development research, 372-373

defining software research objectives, 371

implementing research plan, 367-371

institutionalizing of research review process, 369-370

institutional research reporting mechanism, 369

providing kudos for research investigations, 370-371

research and decision-making process, 368-369

software research training program, 367-368

research pays, 373-374

what software research is, 363-367

empirical research, 365-367

how we got this way, 364-365

Software specification and design, 215-245

configuration control for requirements, 230-236

formal description of program operation, 224-230

maintainability, 240-245

call graph structure, 244

first-order mapping, 243

functional specification, 242-243

measuring maintainability attributes, 244-245

module flowgraph structure, 244

module specification, 243

operational specification, 242

requirements traceability, 241-242

second-order mapping, 244

measuring software design alternatives, 236-239

design functional complexity, 237-238

design module complexity, 236-237

testability, 238

software functional requirements specification, 218-221

functionalities, 220-221

functional system metaphor, 219-220

software module requirements specification, 221-224

module call graph structure, 224

module specifications, 222-224

software operational requirements specification, 216-218

operational system metaphor, 217

operational system overview, 216

operations, 217-218

Software testing activity, measurement of, 273-306

fractional measures, 291-302

FI of XC modules, 291-293

fractional complexity, 293-298

operational complexity, 298

measurement-based testing, 276-291

case study, 283-291

cumulative measure of testing, 279-281

delta testing, 281-283

simple measures for test process, 277-279

metaphor for test activity, 275-276

static and dynamic measurement, 274-275

statistical testing, 302-306

estimating functional parameters, 303-305

goal of statistical testing, 302-303

optimal allocation of test resources, 305-306

Source code

control system, 336

incorrect sequencing of tokens in, 100

instrumentation process, 258

lines of associated with PTR, 339

measurement, 65, 212, 333

metrics, construction of canonical complexity metrics from, 173

module, 222, 241, 242

primitive measures of, 67

statement, mapping of, 105

tracking of changes in, 357

Source documents, types of, 347

Space Shuttle Primary Avionics Software System (PASS), 115, 168

baseline transformation matrix, 193

changes in evolution of, 195


discrepancy reports for, 125

domain scores for, 130

evolution of, 183, 192

Guidance and Navigational Control subsystem, 115, 120

HAL/S programming language for, 124


correlation coefficients for, 117

FI values, 132

PCA of, 121

principal components of, 119

modules, raw metric values for, 128

Operational Increment 8 through Operational Increment 22, 180

sample data, z-scores for, 127

shuttle operations governed by, 224

software metrics, canonical correlation technique performed on, 171

spider chart for, 180, 181

system, change in overall FI of, 193

Spanish Inquisition, 41

Specification fault, 97

Spectral decomposition, 377

Speech recognition technology, 366

SQL, see Structured query language

SRS, see Software requirements specification


apparent, 30

lack of, 4

Statements, faults within, 98

Static code attributes, 65

Static measurements, 254, 274

Static software measurement, 65-107

measures of software quality, 96-105

software faults, 96-104

software maintainability, 104-105

primitive measures of source code, 67-96

control flowgraph metrics, 77-88

coupling metrics, 94-96

data structures complexity, 88-94

lexical metrics, 74-77

measures of program size, 69-74

Statistics, 385

fundamental premise of, 10

role of in software engineering, 9

software packages, 41

testing, 302

Stochastic process, 249

Stochastic variable, 378

Stopping rule, common, 119

String constant, definition of, 416

Stroud number, 112

Structured query language (SQL), 16

framework, building of larger, 351

procedures, creation of standard, 338

statement, Darwin database and, 358

Subflowgraph, 79

Subrange, representation of, 93

Survey process, software measurement process and, 176


audit, 364

change, reason for, 330

fan-out, 404

functional metaphor, 233

functional overview, 232

functional specification, 232

non-functional requirements, 233

nonoperational requirements, 231

operational metaphor, 231

operation specification, 232

survivability, 308

Software Engineering Measurement
Software Engineering Measurement
ISBN: 0849315034
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 139 © 2008-2017.
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