Section VI: Gameflow

This section describes the major areas, events, items, and characters the player finds as he progresses through the game. The final game will no doubt include additional items (such as health), encounters, small side-rooms, and other details that are not mentioned here. These will be added as needed for balancing as the level is developed. Note that each weapon is specifically mentioned when it is first introduced to the player. After that point, these weapons will be liberally sprinkled through the game as dictated by the needs of the game balance.


Intro: During the introduction the player does not have control of Torque s movement, but is able to use the game s controls to look around at the environment he is led through. As the game begins, it is night, and the player sees Torque brought by a Small Boat to Carnate Island and Abbott State Penitentiary . Torque s boat ties up at the Docks on the east side of the island, and he is then moved to a short, black Transfer Bus that transports him up to the prison. The bus passes numerous landmarks during the journey, including the Town , the Lighthouse , and the WorldWar II Fort . Finally inside the prison, Torque is taken into the Admissions Building where he undergoes the standard admittance procedure and is then escorted to his cell on Death Row by two Guards who discuss his crime between them along the way. Once they reach his Cell , one looks at his watch and mentions how, if his watch is right, the prison has just now finally executed Willie Wiggins after ten years on the row. The guard drops off a box containing Torque s personal effects. This introductory sequence takes approximately a minute of game-time, though in reality it would take much longer. This is achieved through fade-outs that cut the player from one key section of the introduction to the next .

Area: Death House, Top Floor

DH1. After the intro finishes, the player starts the game in Torque s Cell . Torque s Cell is a small, tight area containing a bed, a toilet , and a small table. There is no window. The door is shut and has a small barred window through which the player can look to see the Death Row Hallway outside. Torque overhears inmate chatter outside his cell. Torque will be confined to his cell long enough for the player to become familiar with the controls.

DH2. Chaos ensues outside Torque s Cell . Torque hears explosions, screaming, earthquake-like rumbling, as the Monsters start appearing and killing everything in sight. The entire building shakes, indicating that a massive earthquake is taking place, but that shaking eventually subsides.

DH3. Door of Torque s Cell is ripped off by a fast-moving Cartwheeler that the player sees only as a blur.

DH4. Torque leaves his Cell and is in the Death Row Hallway . Death Row consists of the hallway and six cells in a single block, with a barred door at the end, behind which is a hallway. The Guard Station adjacent to the hallway includes a window that looks in on the Death Row Hallway as well as the hallway just outside Death Row. The player sees the door of the cell adjacent to his slam shut, the implication being the Cartwheeler that ripped his door off is now in that cell. The player sees a Scared Prisoner grab onto the bars and scream for his life before he is ripped off the cell door by the Cartwheeler from the darkness behind him. The player hears the screams of the Scared Prisoner suddenly come to a stop as he is apparently killed in the darkness .

DH5. The Flashlight Guard in the Guard Station walks out from the station to the hall outside Death Row . He shines his Flashlight toward the player and says, Prisoner! Back to your cell while we sort this out! Suddenly he is jerked up into the ceiling, blood drips down, and his Flashlight clatters to the ground below, leaving only the Batteries for Torque to pick up (once he leaves the Death Row cellblock).

DH6. Investigating the rest of Death Row after seeing the guard killed, Torque sees one Other Cell with its door open . Torque goes into the Other Cell and in it finds a dead inmate with a look of terror frozen on his face, a Shiv stuck straight into his chest. Walking close to the body, Torque gets the Shiv.

DH7. From within this Other Cell , Torque hears a door-being-ripped-off sound and, leaving the Other Cell, sees the gate to Death Row has been removed. Foreboding and frightening sounds come from the darkness of the hallway.

DH8. Leaving the Death Row area, Torque ventures into the dark and frightening hallway (picking up the Batteries along the way), expecting to see the Creature that killed the Flashlight Guard . However, there is no Creature there any more. The player finds a Map of the Death House in the Guard Station .

DH9. To the left the hallway leads to a door that is locked and a Miscellaneous Room that contains a Large Window that the player can go into to find some Revolver Ammo . Here the player finds a number of dead guards. The player can look out of the LargeWindow and see the Courtyard below, watching an altercation between Prisoners and Guards . Soon indistinct Creatures rush into the fight and the Prisoners and Guards unite to try to fight them off, but are slaughtered in the process.

DH10. A dimly lit hallway stretches in the opposite direction of the dead end. As the player moves down this hallway, an Escaping Prisoner emerges and runs up to him, saying, We gotta get out of here, follow me! He then turns and runs down a hallway that has an Open Door to the outside and an Exterior Set of Stairs . Light streams in from the wide open door. The Escaping Prisoner gets ahead of the player and says, Hurry up! right before the whole building rumbles and the Ceiling caves in on him, crushing him and blocking the exit.

DH11. Turning around from the dead end with the collapsed ceiling, the player moves toward a completely darkened hallway, out of which a Winded Prisoner runs, panting, leaning over on his knees. Thank God I made it to the light, he wheezes. As the player gets close to him, a Cartwheeler , apparently clinging to the ceiling, swings out of the darkness, impales him with his blades, and yanks the prisoner up toward the ceiling. The Winded Prisoner s decapitated head then falls back to the ground. The Winded Prisoner drops a key to the ground, which the player can use to open a nearby control room.

DH12. The player is then forced to open the gate the Winded Prisoner was killed behind using a control switch in the nearby control room. He then heads into the dark area where the Cartwheeler was, expecting to be killed. DH13. As the player rounds a corner and the hall continues, he spots the Cartwheeler up ahead on the ceiling that drops down in front of him, blocking his way. Suddenly the player hears gunfire as the Cartwheeler is shot down and killed by an Armed Guard farther down the hall.

DH14. The Armed Guard calls to the player and the player approaches him. The Armed Guard tells the player they need to work together, and tells him to go get a Flashlight from the Equipment Room just down the hall.

DH15. In the Equipment Room , the player finds a Flashlight that is fully charged. A mysterious PA speaker in the room talks to the player in a nefarious voice, urging him, You can t trust him, kill him before he puts you back in your cell.

DH16. Leaving the Equipment Room with the Flashlight , the Armed Guard tells the player that they need to head down the Stairs toward the exit. The Armed Guard leads the prisoner downstairs.

Area: Death House, First Floor

DH17. The Stairs lead down to the first floor, where it is pitch black, though the player can now use his Flashlight to shine the way. At the bottom, a Cartwheeler appears, but the player can use his Flashlight to frighten him away, potentially wounding it with his Shiv . After a moment a Second Cartwheeler appears. DH18. While the player is fighting, the Armed Guard is also attacking the Cartwheelers . He apologizes for putting the player at risk like that. At the room at the bottom of the Stairs, there are two passageways: one to the abandoned Electric Chair Room and one to a hallway that leads to the Electric Chair Control Room, which looks in on the chair. The Armed Guard tells the player to look in the executioner s room while he checks out the execution chamber .

DH19. Suddenly, the Armed Guard hears a sound coming from the Electric Chair Room , and he runs off to investigate it. Once the guard has entered the room, suddenly a burst of lightning fills the room, and the Armed Guard is killed and disappears.

DH20. The player can now go to the Electric Chair Room to find that all that is left of the Armed Guard is a pile of ash, though the player can now pick up his Revolver. DH21. If the player decides to kill the Armed Guard at the top of the Stairs , the Armed Guard will fight back with his Revolver . If the player successfully kills him, however, he will get his Revolver, but will have to fight the Cartwheelers at the bottom of the Stairs by himself. Step 19 will be skipped entirely.

DH22. Continuing down the hallway that leads to the Executioner s Control Room , the player comes to a Large Foyer . Locked double doors lead to the outside. A hallway leads to the Gas Chamber and Electric Chair Observation rooms, but has been collapsed by the earthquake. Another hallway leads north, but is blocked by a Double Lock Down Gate . A Lock Down Gate Control Room is also off the north end of the Large Foyer, which has a locked door on it. Four Cartwheelers drop out of the ceiling (though not necessarily all at once) and provide the player with his first experience at gun combat. If the player didn t pick up the gun, this battle is going to be difficult to survive.

DH23. With all the Cartwheelers killed, a final one rips through the door to the Lock Down Gate Control Room and hurtles into the room. Defeating the Cartwheeler , the player is then able to go into the Lock Down Gate Control Room.

DH24. In the Lock Down Gate Control Room, the player can operate a Lock Down Switch , which operates the Double Lock Down Gate that blocks progress out of the Large Foyer . However, it only opens the first gate, closing the second. Reflipping the switch inverts the positions of the doors. In order to get through the gate, the player must first make the first gate open, and then push a Statue from the Large Foyer to the gate. Then, while the first gate is open, if the player pushes the Statue under the gate, and then re- flips the switch, both of the gates will be opened and the player can proceed down the hall.

DH25. Straight ahead, the hall passes the Gas Chamber Control Room and then leads to another hall that forks off to the east. If the player passes that hall and continues, he comes upon the Lethal Injection Control Room . In that room the player finds some Revolver Ammo and Batteries for the Flashlight. The player can also look in on the Lethal Injection Room , though he cannot access it at this time. If the player continues down the hall past the Lethal Injection Room, he finds that the hallway has collapsed and he cannot progress. Along this section, the player fights a number of additional Cartwheelers .

DH26. The player must go back to the hallway that veered off to the east. Traveling down that hallway, the player comes to the door to the Lethal Injection Room , which is locked, as well as the door to the Gas Chamber Room , also locked. DH27. The player must go back to where he passed the Gas Chamber Control Room .

There the player will be able to see into the Gas Chamber Room , which is barren except for the Gas Chamber itself. Strapped into the chair inside the Gas Chamber is a Gas Chamber Victim , who turns to look at the player and is crying out for help, though his cries are inaudible. In the room is the Gas Chamber Switch , which the player can flip if he wants to. If he does, the Gas Chamber fills with gas and the Gas Chamber Victim is seen to be struggling and screaming as he dies. DH28. Also in the Gas Chamber Control Room , the player will find a Door Switch , which opens the previously locked door to the Gas Chamber Room . Now the player can travel down to the Gas Chamber Room door and enter.

DH29. Entering the Gas Chamber Room , the door suddenly slams shut behind the player and the player cannot re-open it.

DH30. If, in DH27, the player killed the Gas Chamber Victim in the Gas Chamber , the Gas Chamber Victim is slumped over in the chair, dead, and the door to the Gas Chamber immediately springs open and gas starts billowing out.

DH31. If, in DH27, the player did not kill the Gas Chamber Victim , the man is still in the Gas Chamber , screaming (almost inaudibly) for the player to let him out. However, the player is unable to open the door to the Gas Chamber. Looking into the Gas Chamber Control Room through the glass wall that separates the two, the player sees a shadowy, indistinct human figure who flips the Gas Chamber Switch that fills up the Gas Chamber with the deadly gas. The Gas Chamber Victim inside is killed in the same manner as if the player had flipped the switch. Once the Gas Chamber Victim is dead, the door to the Gas Chamber springs open, just as in DH27.

DH32. The gas flowing out of the Gas Chamber causes continuous damage to the player if he lets it reach his mouth, and so the player must avoid it by running to the other side of the Gas Chamber Room . Here there is a glass wall that looks into the Gas Chamber Observation Room .

DH33. Now, with the player up against the glass wall that joins the Gas Chamber Room to the Gas Chamber Observation Room, the player sees a Cartwheeler in the Observation Room. The Cartwheeler bashes up against the glass several times before finally breaking through, allowing the player to escape the gas from the Gas Chamber by fleeing into the Gas Chamber Observation Room . The player will be able to speed up the shattering of the glass by shooting or hitting the glass while the Cartwheeler bashes against it, though the thick, bulletproof glass will be unbreakable from the player s attacks alone. While escaping into the Gas Chamber Observation Room , the player will simultaneously need to deal with fighting the Cartwheeler.

DH34. In the Gas Camber Observation Room , the player finds several corpses, which have been propped up in the observation chairs, as if to watch the execution. The corpses include one guard and several prisoners, some of whom have been beheaded. The guard is still clutching the prison-issue Stun Stick , which the player can pick up.

DH35. From the Gas Chamber Observation Room , the player sees a wall that has been bashed through, apparently by the Cartwheeler . It looks like the wall was made to cover up an old, abandoned door that leads down into the darkness of the Basement .

Area: Death House, Basement

DH36. Traveling down the stairs, the player finds himself in the pitch-black Basement . Old pieces of prison equipment such as shackles, a pillory, and various torture devices are found here. The player finds several gates, which are locked for the time being. The player must navigate the musty, abandoned, and initially totally dark basement, where the player will have to fight numerous Cartwheelers . The player will be able to turn on the gas- powered lights that are in the basement if he finds the Gas Control Switch . But only some of the lights work, so this will provide only partial illumination of the basement, but will make fighting the Cartwheelers considerably easier.

DH37. If the player searches the Basement , he will find one tile on the tiled stone floor that makes a different, hollow sound when walked on. This panel is partially covered by a heavy piece of furniture, which the player can push and pull. When the object is pushed off the floor tile, it springs open, revealing a cache of Revolvers and Revolver Ammo .

DH38. The only obvious way out of the Basement leads up some stairs, but these stairs are behind a closed gate the player cannot open. However, in the Basement the player finds a Metal Lever sticking out of a long horizontal slot in the wall. The Metal Lever does not rotate, but the player is able to push and pull this Metal Lever along the slot in the wall. Though not immediately obvious, if the player is at all observant he will notice that moving the Metal Lever moves a corresponding part of the wall opposite the Metal Lever. When the Lever is positioned just so, the wall opens to reveal a passage the player can enter.

Area: Death House, First Floor

DH39. Traveling through the passage, the player reaches the stairs on the other side of the closed iron gate. The stairs lead up through another wall, similar to the one leading out of the Gas Chamber Observation Room , which has recently been smashed through, apparently by the Cartwheelers. Now back on the first floor of the prison, the player sees a locked Door to the Outside and another passageway that leads into the Lethal Injection Observation Room .

DH40. In the Lethal Injection Observation Room , the player sees a glass wall facing into the Lethal Injection Room , along with a number of chairs where the witnesses would sit. In these chairs are more dead prisoners and guards, propped up in the chairs, some decapitated. Among them is a guard who is clutching his Revolver , which the player can pick up to allow him to use two Revolvers simultaneously (if he didn t find the hidden ones in the basement). There is also a Security Monitor , which the player can walk up to and use to get a televised view of the Lethal Injection Room .

DH41. Looking into the Lethal Injection Room, the player sees a Lethal Injection Victim strapped to the gurney in the room, struggling in the straps that hold him down. If the player uses the Security Monitor, he sees a view of the man on the table, but now Killjoy (the doctor boss eventually fought in the Asylum) is there, hooking up the IV, bloody amputation cleaver in his free hand. If the player continues to watch, Killjoy looks into the security camera, straight at the player. If the player stops using the Security Monitor and looks back into the Lethal Injection Room through the window, Killjoy is not there. Eventually the Lethal Injection Victim dies, whether the player looks at him over the Security Monitor or not. DH42. The player hears a knocking coming from behind him, from the Door to the Outside , followed by a voice on the other side of the door asking, Is there anybody there? The player hears keys rattling, and the Door to the Outside opens, revealing Dallas , a friendly prisoner who is eager to talk to the player. He quickly explains what he thinks is causing these monsters to appear: they have been doing experiments on the inmates and something went horribly wrong. (Of course this is not actually true, but Dallas believes it wholeheartedly.) He explains that he has just come from the North Cellblock Building , and that there are lots of Cartwheelers in there, so he s looking for another way out. This end of the Death House only leads to dead ends, so Dallas suggests he saw another way out through the Death House, and tells the player to follow him. If the player kills Dallas at any time, the prisoner drops his Ring of Keys, which the player can pick up.

Area: Courtyard Outside Death House

CY43. Dallas leads the player through the Courtyard , which is to the northeast of the Death House . Here the player sees the bodies of a number of guards and prisoners strewn about, with a few dead Cartwheelers as well. Many of the guards will have dropped their Revolvers when they died, and the player will be able to collect them for their ammo. The player also sees assorted hypodermic needles lying scattered around the yard. Dallas leads the player to where there is a large hole in the wall, apparently caused by the earthquake. The hole leads back into the Death House, and the Friendly Player leads the player back into the building.

Area: Death House, First Floor

DH44. The player and Dallas enter the Lethal Injection Room through the hole in the wall. Here Dallas is stunned to see the Lethal Injection Victim on the table, and tells the player that it was an old buddy of his. The Lethal Injection Victim lies dead on the table as the player had seen him from the Lethal Injection Observation Room , except now he is stuck with thirty or more hypodermic needles, making him resemble an acupuncture patient. What the hell is this? questions Dallas. The door out of the Lethal Injection Room is unopenable, however, and so Dallas admits that they won t be able to get out through the Death House. As a result, Dallas, leads the player back out into the Courtyard.

Area: Courtyard Outside Death House

CY45: Returning to the Courtyard , there are now a number of Cartwheelers that the player must fight. Dallas is defenseless, and the player must try to keep the Cartwheelers away from him to keep him alive .

CY46: With the Cartwheelers killed, Dallas leads the player to a door that leads into the North Cellblock Building , which is located across the Courtyard from the Death House . Dallas unlocks the door, heading into the building.

CY47. If the player killed Dallas , or Dallas was killed by one of the Cartwheelers , the player will have to pick up the Ring of Keys that he drops. If the player then tries to open the door to the North Cellblock Building , the player will automatically use the keys and be able to open the door. Also, as soon as Dallas is killed, the Cartwheelers start appearing in the Courtyard , if they have not already shown up.

Area: North Cellblock Building

CB1. Inside the door of the North Cellblock Building , the player and Dallas stop in the Entryway . Dallas warns the player that there are a number of Cartwheelers ahead. He suggests that the player should lead the way now, since he s armed and more of a bad-ass, besides.

CB2. From the Entryway , the player hears sounds coming from around the corner.

First is the distinctive blade clattering noise of the Cartwheeler, followed by a new sound of the squirting of fluid through a hypodermic needle (made by the Mainliner , though the player does not realize this yet). The sounds seem to indicate something in a fight with the Cartwheeler . After that, only the sound of the Mainliner is left, and then everything is quiet.

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The Quarry

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Transition to Asylum

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The Woods

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The Beach

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Return to Prison

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Caverns to Lighthouse

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Surrounding Area Outside Lighthouse

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Return to Lighthouse

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Road to Docks

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The Docks

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Game Design Theory and Practice
Game Design: Theory and Practice (2nd Edition) (Wordware Game Developers Library)
ISBN: 1556229127
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 189 © 2008-2017.
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