Chapter 17 Triggers


Oracle® PL/SQL® Interactive Workbook, Second Edition
By Benjamin Rosenzweig, Elena Silvestrova
Table of Contents
Appendix D.  Answers to Test Your Thinking Sections


Create the following trigger: Create or modify a trigger on the ENROLLMENT table that fires before an INSERT statement. Make sure all columns that have NOT NULL and foreign key constraints defined on them are populated with their proper values.


Answer: Your trigger should look similar to the following:

 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER enrollment_bi  BEFORE INSERT ON ENROLLMENT  FOR EACH ROW  DECLARE     v_valid NUMBER := 0;  BEGIN     SELECT COUNT(*)       INTO v_valid       FROM student      WHERE student_id = :NEW.STUDENT_ID;     IF v_valid = 0 THEN        RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000, 'This is not a        valid student');     END IF;     SELECT COUNT(*)       INTO v_valid       FROM section      WHERE section_id = :NEW.SECTION_ID;     IF v_valid = 0 THEN        RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001, 'This is not a        valid section');     END IF;     :NEW.ENROLL_DATE := SYSDATE;     :NEW.CREATED_BY := USER;     :NEW.CREATED_DATE := SYSDATE;     :NEW.MODIFIED_BY := USER;     :NEW.MODIFIED_DATE := SYSDATE;  END; 

Consider this trigger. It fires before the INSERT statement on the ENROLLMENT table. First, you validate new values for student ID and section ID. If one of the IDs is invalid, the exception is raised and the trigger is terminated. As a result, the INSERT statement causes an error. If both student and section IDs are found in the STUDENT and SECTION tables, respectively, the ENROLL_DATE, CREATED_ DATE, and MODIFIED_DATE are populated with current date, and columns CREATED_BY and MODIFIED_BY are populated with current user name.

Consider the following INSERT statement:

 INSERT INTO enrollment (student_id, section_id)  VALUES (777, 123); 

The value 777, in this INSERT statement does not exist in the STUDENT table and therefore is invalid. As a result, this INSERT statement causes the following error:

 INSERT INTO enrollment (student_id, section_id)  *  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-20000: This is not a valid student  ORA-06512: at "STUDENT.ENROLLMENT_BI", line 10  ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger  'STUDENT.ENROLLMENT_BI' 

Create the following trigger: Create or modify a trigger on the SECTION table that fires before an UPDATE statement. Make sure that the trigger validates incoming values so that there are no constraint violation errors.


Answer: Your trigger should look similar to the following:

 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER section_bu  BEFORE UPDATE ON SECTION  FOR EACH ROW  DECLARE     v_valid NUMBER := 0;  BEGIN     IF :NEW.INSTRUCTOR_ID IS NOT NULL THEN        SELECT COUNT(*)          INTO v_valid          FROM instructor         WHERE instructor_id = :NEW.instructor_ID;        IF v_valid = 0 THEN           RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000,              'This is not a valid instructor');        END IF;     END IF;     :NEW.CREATED_BY := USER;     :NEW.CREATED_DATE := SYSDATE;     :NEW.MODIFIED_BY := USER;     :NEW.MODIFIED_DATE := SYSDATE;  END; 

This trigger fires before the UPDATE statement on the SECTION table. First, you check if there is a new value for an instructor ID with the help of an IF-THEN statement. If the IF-THEN statement evaluates to TRUE, the instructor's ID is checked against the INSTRUCTOR table. If a new instructor ID does not exist in the INSTRUCTOR table, the exception is raised, and the trigger is terminated. Otherwise, all columns with NOT NULL constraints are populated with their respected values.

Consider the following UPDATE statement:

 UPDATE section     SET instructor_id = 220   WHERE section_id = 79; 

The value 220 in this UPDATE statement does not exist in the INSTRUCTOR table and therefore is invalid. As a result, this UPDATE statement when run causes an error:

 UPDATE section  *  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-20000: This is not a valid instructor  ORA-06512: at "STUDENT.SECTION_BU", line 11  ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger  'STUDENT.SECTION_BU' 


    Oracle PL. SQL Interactive Workbook
    Oracle PL/SQL Interactive Workbook (2nd Edition)
    ISBN: 0130473200
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2002
    Pages: 146 © 2008-2017.
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