bySimon Robinsonet al.
Wrox Press 2002
N \t, Chapter 1: C# and .NET Architecture
N format specifier , The FormattableVector Example
n- tier architectures
transactions, Transactions in n-Tier Architectures
name attribute, application element, Server Configuration for Client-Activated Objects
name attribute, C# documentation member elements, XML Documentation
Name property, DirectoryInfo class, .NET Classes that Represent Files and Folders
Name property, FileInfo class, .NET Classes that Represent Files and Folders
Name property, IIdentity interface, Windows Principal
Name property, RegistryKey class, The .NET Registry Classes
Name property, Thread class, Starting a Thread
Name property, Type class, Type Properties
named colors \i \rnamedcolors, The Named Colors
namespace keyword, A Closer Look
Namespace property, Type class, Type Properties
aliases \b \raliases1, Namespace Aliases
for COM components , Creating a Wrapper from Visual Studio .NET
global namespace, Namespaces
using statements \b \rusing2, The using Statement
using statements \rusing1, A Closer Look
ventions \b \rnamespaces1, Namespace Names
namespaces \i \rnamespaces1, Namespaces, Assemblies, and Components
namespaces \i \rnamespaces2, Namespaces
naming conventions
ADO.NET \b \rnaming1, Naming Conventions
camel casing \b \rcamel1, Casing of Names
keywords \rkeywords1, Names and Keywords
namespaces \b \rnamespaces1, Namespace Names
Pascal casing \b \rPascal1, Casing of Names
naming conventions \i \rnaming1, Naming Conventions
native images \i \rnative1, Native Image Generator
NativeGuid property, Active Directory DirectoryEntry class, Object Identifier
NativeMethods class, ServiceBase Class
NativeObject property, Active Directory DirectoryEntry class \rNativeObject1, Accessing Native ADSI Objects
Navigate method, WebBrowser control, Displaying Output as an HTML Page
NDS provider, ADSI, Protocol
nested try blocks \i \rnested1, Nested try Blocks
net.exe utility \i \rnetexe, net.exe
network streams
connecting StreamReaders to, Basic Web Client Example
NetworkCredentials class, System.Net namespace, WebRequest and WebResponse Classes
NetworkStream class, System.Net.Sockets namespace, Lower-Level Classes
new keyword, Method Hiding
new keyword \rnew1, Method Overriding and Hiding
new operator, A Note About Reference Types
activating remote objects \b, Object Activation
new operator \rnew1, Initialization of Variables
New Project dialog, Visual Studio, Adding Another Project to the Solution
NewRow method, ADO.NET DataTable class, Generating Code with XSD
NewRow method, ADO.NET DataTable class \rNewRow1, Generated DataTable
NextSink property, IMessageSink interface, Message Sinks
nodes, XML DOM \i \rnodes1, Inserting Nodes
NodeType property, XmlTextReader class, Using the XmlTextReader Class
Northwind database, Using Database Connections
Nothing keyword, VB, Value Types and Reference Types
Nothing permission, Code Access Permissions and Permissions Sets
null keyword \rnull1, Value Types and Reference Types
NullText property, Windows Forms DataGridColumnStyle class, DataGridTableStyle and DataGridColumnStyle
NumberFormatInfo class, internationalization \rNumberFormatInfo1, Numbers
NWCOMPAT provider, ADSI, Protocol

Professional C#. 2nd Edition
Performance Consulting: A Practical Guide for HR and Learning Professionals
ISBN: 1576754359
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 244

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