

packet sniffing tools, Chapter 5: Securing Web Applications

Page objects

IsValid property, Validation Tools Available to ASP.NET Web Applications

Page_Load events

https, setting to, How SSL Works

Params collection, Web Application Input, Table 15-1: Visual Basic .NET Keywords to Look For_ (continued)

Parse method, Parse Method

partially trusted DLLs, Strong-Named Visual Basic .NET .DLLs and Partial Trust

passphrases, Keeping Private Keys Safe

Passport authentication

advantages of, Passport Authentication

best use for, ASP.NET Authentication in the Real World

defined, Table 4-1: Authentication Types for ASP.NET Applications

getting a passport, Install the Passport SDK

live environment restoration, Install the Passport SDK

MSN Messenger with, Passport Authentication

PassportIdentity object, Passport Authentication

preproduction environment, Passport Authentication

preproduction passport signup, Install the Passport SDK

soft sign-ins, Install the Passport SDK

PassportIdentity objects, The Identity and Principal Objects, Chapter 2: Role-Based Authorization

password-cracking attacks, Table 14-2: Example of Common Attacks and Techniques to Mitigate Them

PasswordChar property of TextBox, Validation Tools Available to Windows Forms Applications


Access database authentication, Microsoft Access Authentication and Authorization

authenticating, Encryption in the Real World

BIOS, Implement BIOS Password Protection

blank in connection strings, Table 3-3: Full Trust Permissions Granted to My Computer Zone

blank, SQL, SQL Server Authentication

constants, stored as, Create a Blueprint of Your Application

hash digest function for, Hash Digests

hash digests for, Hash Digests

hiding entry of, Hiding Unnecessary Information

IIS version 6.0, Microsoft Initiatives

mitigating threats, Table 14-2: Example of Common Attacks and Techniques to Mitigate Them

removing fields from databases, Hiding Unnecessary Information

screen saver, Use Screen-Saver Passwords

SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server

strong, Fundamental Lockdown Principles

time-outs for accepting, Table 14-2: Example of Common Attacks and Techniques to Mitigate Them

tools for cracking, Table 9-3: Test Tools

unencrypted, dangers of, Hash Digests

verifying with hash digests, Hash Digests


not installing, reasons for, The Arms Race of Hacking

recommended, If You Do Nothing Else…

patches, OS security, Fundamental Lockdown Principles


GetFullPath method, Enforce Canonical Filenames

noncanonical, Enforce Canonical Filenames

parsing in Windows, Child-Application Attacks

PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol), Microsoft Initiatives

people as a design challenge, Design Challenges

PerformanceCounterPermission, Table 3-3: Full Trust Permissions Granted to My Computer Zone


Access, Microsoft, Microsoft Access User-Level Security Models

code-access.. , see code-access security

Full Trust, Security Zones and Permissions, Table 3-3: Full Trust Permissions Granted to My Computer Zone

full, granting, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy

Local Intranet zone, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites Zones

modifying policy, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely

policy manager, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy

purpose of, Permissions—The Basis of What Your Code Can Do

security policy attributes, table of, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy

security zones granting, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Table 3-3: Full Trust Permissions Granted to My Computer Zone

SQL Server, SQL Server Authorization, Locking Down SQL Server

testing for appropriate, Test in the Target Environment

trust level defaults, Security Zones and Permissions

Trusted Sites zone, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites Zones

version differences, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites Zones

physical security

locking down, Fundamental Lockdown Principles

plain text

defined, Chapter 1: Encryption


threat analysis, Plan and Document Your Threat Analysis

policy manager, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy


commonly used, table of, Step 9: Secure the Network with a Firewall

firewalls for restricting, Step 9: Secure the Network with a Firewall

posing as users attacks, Table 14-2: Example of Common Attacks and Techniques to Mitigate Them

practice file installation, Practice Files

practice files for chapters, Appendix A: Guide to the Code Samples

Principal, Chapter 2: Role-Based Authorization

principle of least privilege, Chapter 2: Role-Based Authorization


permission for, Table 3-2: Permissions for Each Zone, Table 3-4: Permissions for Local Intranet and Trusted Sites Zones

prioritizing threats, Prioritize Threats


trends in, Privacy vs. Security

private key encryption, Private Key Encryption

applications for, Private Key Encryption

brute force attacks on, Keeping Private Keys Safe

decryption function, Private Key Encryption

defined, Private Key Encryption

DES. , see triple-des

directory security, Keeping Private Keys Safe

encrypting keys, Keeping Private Keys Safe

export restrictions, Export Restrictions on Encryption

function, creating, Private Key Encryption

functions, sample, Private Key Encryption

installation issues, Keeping Private Keys Safe

login credentials as keys, Keeping Private Keys Safe

safety of keys, Keeping Private Keys Safe

storing data with, Private Key Encryption

storing keys safely, Keeping Private Keys Safe

private keys

SSL, How SSL Works


child-application attacks, effects on, Child-Application Attacks

elevating, attack by, Chapter 3: Code-Access Security

SQL Server, How SQL Server Assigns Privileges

testing for appropriate, Test in the Target Environment

profiling, Take the Attacker’s View

profiling tools, Table 9-3: Test Tools

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP), Microsoft Initiatives

PSNs (Processor serial numbers), Privacy vs. Security

public function vulnerability, Create Scenarios Based on Inroads for Attack

public key encryption, Public Key Encryption

defined, Public Key Encryption

functions for, creating, Public Key Encryption

functions, sample, Public Key Encryption

private key component of, Public Key Encryption

purpose of, Public Key Encryption

RSA algorithm for, Public Key Encryption

slowness of, Public Key Encryption

Public keyword, Table 15-1: Visual Basic .NET Keywords to Look For_ (continued)

Public methods

bypassing UI attacks, Table 14-2: Example of Common Attacks and Techniques to Mitigate Them

publisher identity security policy attribute, Table 10-4: Attributes Used to Grant Permissions

PWDump, Table 9-3: Test Tools

Security for Microsoft Visual Basic  .NET
Security for Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
ISBN: 735619190
Year: 2003
Pages: 168 © 2008-2017.
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