Acceptance Tests

Unit tests are necessary but insufficient as verification tools. Unit tests verify that the small elements of the system work as they are expected to, but they do not verify that the system works properly as a whole. Unit tests are white box tests[3] that verify the individual mechanisms of the system. Acceptance tests are black box tests[4] that verify that the customer requirements are being met.

[3] A test that knows and depends on the internal structure of the module being tested.

[4] A test that does not know or depend on the internal structure of the module being tested.

Acceptance tests are written by folks who do not know the internal mechanisms of the system. These tests may be written directly by the customer or by business analysts, testers, or quality assurance specialists. Acceptance tests are automated. They are usually composed in a special specification language that is readable and writable by relatively nontechnical people.

Acceptance tests are the ultimate documentation of a feature. Once the customer has written the acceptance tests that verify that a feature is correct, the programmers can read those acceptance tests to truly understand the feature. So, just as unit tests serve as compilable and executable documentation for the internals of the system, acceptance tests serve as compilable and executable documentation of the features of the system. In short, the acceptance tests become the true requirements document.

Furthermore, the act of writing acceptance tests first has a profound effect on the architecture of the system. In order to make the system testable, it has to be decoupled at the high architecture level. For example, the user interface has to be decoupled from the business rules in such a way that the acceptance tests can gain access to those business rules without going through the UI.

In the early iterations of a project, the temptation is to do acceptance tests manually. This is inadvisable because it deprives those early iterations of the decoupling pressure exerted by the need to automate the acceptance tests. When you start the very first iteration knowing full well that you must automate the acceptance tests, you make very different architectural trade-offs. Just as unit tests drive you to make superior design decisions in the small, acceptance tests drive you to make superior architecture decisions in the large.

Consider, again, the payroll application. In our first iteration, we must be able to add and delete employees to and from the database. We must also be able to create paychecks for the employees currently in the database. Fortunately, we have to deal only with salaried employees. The other kinds of employees have been held back until a later iteration.

We haven't written any code yet, and we haven't invested in any design yet. This is the best time to start thinking about acceptance tests. Once again, intentional programming is a useful tool for us to use. We should write the acceptance tests the way we think they should appear, and then we can design the payroll system accordingly.

I want the acceptance tests to be convenient to write and easy to change. I want them to be placed in a collaborative tool and available on the internal network so that I can run them any time I please. Therefore, I'll use the open-source FitNesse tool.[5] FitNesse allows each acceptance test to be written as a simple Web page and accessed and executed from a Web browser.


Figure 4-3 shows an example acceptance test written in FitNesse. The first step of the test is to add two employees to the payroll system. The second step is to pay them. The third step is to make sure that the paychecks were written correctly. In this example, we are assuming that tax is a straight 20 percent deduction.

Clearly, this kind of test is very easy for customers to read and write. But think about what it implies about the structure of the system. The first two tables of the test are functions of the payroll application. If you were writing the payroll system as a reusable framework, they'd correspond to application programming interface (API) functions. Indeed, in order for FitNesse to invoke these functions, the APIs must be written.[6]

[6] The manner in which FitNesse calls these API functions is beyond the scope of this book. For more information, consult the FitNesse documentation. Also see [Mugridge2005].

Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
ISBN: 0131857258
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 272 © 2008-2017.
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