2.6. Alphabetical Summary of Java Commands

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     appletviewer [options] urls

Connect to the specified urls and run any Java applets they specify in their own windows, outside the context of a web browser.



Run the applet viewer from within the Java debugger, jdb.

-encoding name

Specify the input HTML file encoding.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


     apt [options] [files ...] [@file ...]

Annotation processing tool. The apt command uses reflective APIs from com.sun.mirror to annotate source code in order to provide a view of a program's structure. The APIs model the Java language's type structure, including generics.



Zero or more Java source files.

@ file

One or more files listing the names of Java source files, or other options.


-A[ key[= val]]

Options passed on to specific annotation processes, not interpreted directly by apt itself.

-cp path, -classpath path

Look in path for class files and annotation processor factories. With -factorypath, the classpath is not searched for factories.

-d dir

Place processor and compiled class files in dir.

-factory classname

Use classname as the annotation process factory. This bypasses apt's default discovery process.

-factorypath path

Find annotation processor factories in path. This option disables searching the classpath for factories.


Disable compilation of source files into class files.


Print a textual version of the types; do not do any annotation processing or compilation.

-s dir

Use dir as the root directory in which to place generated source files. Files are placed in subdirectories based on the package namespace.


     jar [options] [manifest] dest files

Java archive tool. All the named objects and directory trees (if directories are given) are combined into a single Java archive, presumably for downloading. jar is based on the ZIP and ZLIB compression formats; zip and unzip can process .jar files with no trouble. If a manifest is not provided, jar creates one automatically. The manifest becomes the first entry in the archive, and it contains any needed metadata about the archive.

Usage is similar to tar, in that the leading - may be omitted from the options. jar is an excellent tool for creating and for opening ZIP format files; its usage is much more intuitive for the long-time Unix user already familiar with tar.



Do not use ZIP compression when creating the archive.


Create a new or empty archive to standard output.

-C directory

Change to directory before processing the filenames that follow. Multiple -C options are allowed.


The second argument, dest, is the archive to process.


Create index information for the .jar file and the ones it depends upon. Include a file named INDEX.LIST in the archive which lists location information for each package in the .jar file and all the .jar files in the Class-Path attribute of the file.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


Use specified manifest instead of creating a manifest file.


Don't create a manifest file.


Don't compress the files with ZIP compression.


Print a table of contents for the archive on standard output.


Update an existing .jar file by adding to it the files and directories specified on the command line.


Produce verbose output to standard error.

-x[ file]

Extract named file, or all files if no file given.


     jarsigner [options] jarfile alias     jarsigner -verify [options] jarfile

Sign or verify .jar files. Adding a digital signature to a .jar file improves its security, since changing the contents causes the signature to become invalid. jarfile is the original file to be signed; alias is a recognized alias for the identity of the signer. By default jarsigner replaces the original file with the signed one. This can be changed with the -signedjar option.

The generated signed .jar file is identical to the input one, with the addition of two new files: a .SF signature file, and a .DSA signature block file. The default names of these files are taken from the first eight characters of alias, but this may be overridden with the -sigfile option.

The -keypass, -keystore, -sigfile, -signedjar, and -storepass options are only for signing a file.

Whenever jarsigner accepts a password for an option, if not provided on the command line, the program prompts for a password. Such options should not be used in scripts or on the command line, since they allow passwords to be seen. Similarly, jarsigner does not turn off echoing when prompting for a password, so make sure no one else can see your screen when using such options! See also keytool.



Together with -verify and -verbose, provide certificate information for each signer of the .jar file.


Revert to earlier behavior, whereby the .DSA file also contains a copy of the .SF file. Useful mainly for testing.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.

-keypass password

Use password to protect alias's private key in the keystore. This password must be used when signing a .jar file.

-keystore file | url

Provide the location of the keystore (database file) holding the signer's keys. The default is the .keystore file in the user's home directory, as specified by the user.home system property. This defaults to the user's home directory. The location may be specified as either a filename or a URL.

-provider class_name

Use class_name as the master class file for the cryptographic service provider when such is not listed in the security properties file.


Prevent jarsigner from including a header in the .SF file with a hash of the entire manifest file. This prevents a useful optimization, and should only be used for testing.

-sigfile name

Use name as the base part of the filename for the signature and signature block files added to the .jar file.

-signedjar file

Use file as the signed file.

-storepass password

Use password as the password to access the keystore.

-storetype type

Use type as the type of keystore to instantiate.


Provide extra information about progress during signing or about the verification.


Verify a .jar file instead of signing one. jarsigner can also verify a file signed with the JDK 1.1 javakey program.


Sign a .jar file by multiple users:

     jp$ jarsigner whizprog.jar jp             User jp signs it     boss$ jarsigner whizprog.jar boss         User boss signs it

Verify the signatures:

     customer$ jarsigner -verify whizprog.jar   Customer checks it out     jar verified


     java [options] classname [args]     java [options] -jar jarfile [args]

Load and execute Java bytecode class files. By default, java uses the "Just In Time" ( JIT) compiler for the current system. args are passed on to the Java program's main( ) method.


-agentlib:lib[= options]

Load the native agent library lib, optionally passing options to it.

-agentpath:path[= options]

Use path to load a native agent library by full path.


Use the Java HotSpot Client VM.

-cp path, -classpath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path instead of $CLASSPATH to find class files. It is usually a good idea to have the current directory (".") on the search path.

-d32, -d64

Specify a 32- or 64-bit environment, respectively. On 64-bit systems, 64 bits is the default. Otherwise, the 32-bit environment is used.

-dsa, -disablesystemassertions

Disable assertions in all system classes.

-Dprop= val

Redefine the value of prop to be val. This option may be used any number of times.

-esa, -enablesystemassertions

Enable assertions in all system classes.

-jar jarfile

Invoke the main( ) method of the class listed in the Main-Class manifest header in jarfile.

-javaagent:jarpath[= options]

Use jarpath to load a Java agent.


Use the Java HotSpot Server VM.


Display version information and continue running.

-verbose[: item]

With item, display information about that item. Possible values for item are class, to print a message to standard output each time a class file is loaded; gc, to report each garbage collection event; and jni, for information about native methods. Plain -verbose is the same as -verbose:class.


Display version information for java.


Print information about nonstandard options, such as for debugging, control of garbage collection, interpreted mode only, and so on. The Solaris java(1) manpage says: "The -X options are nonstandard and subject to change without notice."

-?, -help

Print a usage message.


     javac [options] files

Compile Java source code into Java bytecode, for execution with java. Java source files must have a .java suffix and must be named for the class whose code they contain. The generated bytecode files have a .class suffix. By default, class files are created in the same directory as the corresponding source files. Use the CLASSPATH variable to list directories and/or ZIP files that javac will search to find your classes.

In the case that there are too many files to list on the command line, you may list the source and class files in a separate file, and indicate the contents of the file to javac by prepending an @ to the filename.


-bootclasspath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path for the boot classes, instead of the boot classes used by the java command itself.

-classpath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path instead of $CLASSPATH to find class files. It is usually a good idea to have the current directory (".") on the search path.


For compiling CLDC programs. This causes the compiler to generate stack maps, which obviates the need for the preverifier.

-d dir

Specify where to create generated class files.


Warn about every use or override of a deprecated member or class, instead of warning at the end.


Use dirs as the location for installed extensions.


Use dirs as the endorsed standards path.

-encoding encoding

The source file is encoded using encoding. Without this option, the system's default converter is used.

-extdirs dirs

For cross-compilation, use the specified dirs as the extension directories.


Generate all debugging information, including local variables.


Generate only the debugging information specified by type. Possible values are:


Line number debugging information.


No debugging information.


Source file debugging information.


Local variable debugging information.


Print a usage message.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


Disable all warnings.


Perform optimizations that may produce faster but larger class files. It may also slow down compilation. This option should be used with discretion.

-source version

Accept Java language source as specified by version. Acceptable values are 1.5 and 5 for JDK 1.5 features, such as generics, 1.4 for JDK 1.4 features (assertions), or 1.3 for only JDK 1.3 language features.

-sourcepath path

Use path to search for class and interface definitions. Classes found through the classpath may be recompiled if their source files are found.

-target version

Compile for the JVM matching version. Values for version are 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 5 (a synonym for 1.5). The default is 1.2, although -source 1.4 or lower changes the default JVM to 1.4.


Print messages as files are compiled and loaded.


Print information about nonstandard options and exit.


     javadoc [options] files | classes

Process declaration and documentation comments in Java source files and produce HTML pages describing the public and protected classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields.

In the case that there are too many files to list on the command line, you may list the source and class files in a separate file, and indicate the contents of the file to javadoc by prepending an @ to the filename.

javadoc uses "doclets" to format the source code. You can supply your own doclet with the -doclet option. The standard doclet produces HTML. The following section lists the union of the javadoc options and those of the standard doclet.


Options are case-insensitive, although option arguments may not be.


Create documentation matching that of javadoc 1.1. No longer available; use javadoc 1.2 or 1.3 if you need it.


Include @author tags.

-bootclasspath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path for the boot classes, instead of the boot classes used by the java command itself.

-bottom text

Place text at the bottom of each output file. text may contain HTML tags and whitespace, but must be quoted if it does.


Use internationalized sentence boundary of java.text.BreakIterator for English for the first sentence, which is copied to the index. The default is to use a locale-specific algorithm for English.

-charset charset

Use charset as the HTML character set for the document.

-classpath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path instead of $CLASSPATH to find class files. It is usually a good idea to have the current directory (".") on the search path. It is better to use -sourcepath instead of -classpath.

-d dir

Create the generated HTML files in dir.

-docencoding encoding

Use encoding for the generated HTML file.


Enable deep copying of directories for document files.

-doclet class

Use class as the doclet to produce documentation.

-docletpath pathlist

Use pathlist to find the doclet class file(s).

-doctitle title

Use title as the title of the document, which is placed near the top of the overview summary file.

-encoding encoding

The Java source file is encoded using encoding.

-exclude packages

Unconditionally exclude packages, even if they would otherwise be included.

-excludedocfilessubdir names

Exclude the subdirectories names. Useful to avoid copying source code control directories.

-extdirs directories

Search for extensions in directories.

-footer text

Place text at the bottom of each output file.

-group groupheading package-list

Group the packages in package-list into a group labeled groupheading. Each group gets its own table on the overview page.

-header text

Place text at the top of each output file.


Print a short help message.

-helpfile file

Use file as the help file, instead of the automatically-generated helpdoc.html file.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


Place HTML meta keyword tags into the file.

-link URL

Add a link to the javadoc-generated document specified by URL. It must specify a directory, not a file, and may be either a relative or absolute URL.

-linkoffline URL packagelistfile

Use instead of -link when javadoc is not able to access the URL over the Web. The list of packages is provided in packagelistfile, which is usually a local file.


Create an HTML version of the source code that is linked-to by the HTML documentation.

-locale locale-spec

Generate documentation using the language described by locale-spec. This option must come before any options provided by any doclet, or else all the navigation bars will be in English.


Suppress the comment body, generating only declarations.


Exclude paragraphs marked with @deprecated.


Do not generate the deprecated-list.html file or the link to it from the navigation bar. Useful if you use no deprecated APIs to make the documentation cleaner.


Do not generate the HELP link.


Do not generate the package index.


Do not generate the navigation bar, header, or footer. Useful if all you need is the documentation itself.

-noqualifier all | package-list

Omit package qualifiers from the packages in package-list, or from all packages if all is used.


Do not generate the "since" sections from @since tags.


Suppress the hidden timestamp in each file. Useful for comparing two versions of the documentation.


Do not generate the class and interface hierarchy.

-overview file

Use file for the overview documentation in the overview page, overview-summary.html.


Include only package, protected, and public classes and members.


Include all classes and members.


Include only protected and public classes and members. This is the default.


Include only public classes and members.


Do not include the version number of the standard doclet in the generated output.


Warn about missing @serial tags.

-sourcepath path

Use path as the search path for class source files. path is a colon-separated list of directories. If not specified, it defaults to the current -classpath directory. Running javadoc in the directory with the sources allows you to omit this option.


Split the index into multiple files, one per letter of the alphabet.

-stylesheetfile file

Use file as the HTML stylesheet file. The default is to create a stylesheet file, stylesheet.css.

-subpackages package-list

Document the packages and recursively their subpackages for the packages listed in package-list.

-tag tagname: placement: text

Inform javadoc about a custom tag named tagname. text is the text placed into the documentation in bold. placement describes where to use the tag, as follows:


Use the tag in all places.


Use the tag for constructors.


Use the tag for fields.


Use the tag for methods.


Use the tag in overviews.


Use the tag in packages.


Use the tag for types (classes and interfaces).


Tag is disabled, don't generate it.

-taglet class

Use class as the taglet for generating custom output. The taglet is used for tags specified after it with the -tag option.

-tagletpath path

Search path to find taglets.


This option no longer exists; use -doctitle.


Create a "Use" page for each class, listing the classes that use the page's class.


Print additional messages about time spent parsing source files.


Include @version tags.

-windowtitle title

Place title in the HTML <title> tag.


     javah [options] classes | files

Generate C header and/or source files for implementing native methods. The generated .h file defines a structure whose members parallel those of the corresponding Java class.

The header filename is derived from the corresponding Java class. If the class is inside a package, the package name is prepended to the filename and the structure name, separated by an underscore.

Note: the Java Native Interface (JNI) does not require header or stub files. Use the -jni option to create function prototypes for JNI native methods.


-bootclasspath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path for the boot classes, instead of the boot classes used by the java command itself.

-classpath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path instead of $CLASSPATH to find class files. It is usually a good idea to have the current directory (".") on the search path.

-d dir

Place generated files in dir.


Always write output files.


Print a help message.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


Produce JNI native method function prototypes.

-o file

Concatenate all generated header or source files for all the classes and write them to file.


Produce JDK 1.0-style headers.


Generate C declarations, not headers.


Add tracing information to the generated stubs.




Print the version of javah.


     javap [options] classfiles

Disassemble Java class files and print the results. By default, javap prints the public fields and methods of the named classes.



Ignored. For backward compatibility with the JDK 1.1 javap.

-bootclasspath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path for the boot classes, instead of the boot classes used by the java command itself.


Print out the disassembled byte-codes for each method in the given classes.

-classpath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path instead of $CLASSPATH to find class files. It is usually a good idea to have the current directory (".") on the search path.

-extdirs dirs

For cross-compilation, use the specified dirs as the extension directories.


Generate code that can be used in a C header file.


Print a usage message.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


Display line number and local variable information.


Only disassemble package, protected, and public classes and members. This is the default.


Disassemble all classes and members.


Only disassemble protected and public classes and members.


Only disassemble public classes and members.


Display the internal type signatures.


For each method, print the stack size, number of arguments, and number of local variables.


     jdb [options] [class] [args]

jdb is the Java Debugger. It is a line-oriented debugger, similar to traditional Unix debuggers, providing inspection and debugging of local or remote Java interpreters.

jdb can be used in place of java, in which case the program to be run is already started in the debugger. Or, it may be used to attach to an already running java session. In the latter case, java must have been started with the option -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=PORT. You then attach to the running JVM with jdb -attach PORT, where PORT is the same numeric port number used to run java.


jdb forwards the -v, -D, -classpath, and -X options to the JVM running the program to be debugged. See java.

-attach address

Attach to an already running JVM at port address.

-connect connector: name= value...

Connect to the JVM using the specified connector.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


Start the application immediately, stopping before the initial application class is loaded. This saves having to use the run command from within jdb.


List the connectors available in this JVM.

-listen address

Wait for a JVM to connect to the debugger at address.


Wait for a JVM to connect to the debugger at any address.

-sourcepath path

Use path to search for class and interface definitions.


Use the HotSpot Client Performance Engine to run the application.


Use the HotSpot Server Performance Engine to run the application.


     keytool [subcommands]

Key and certificate management utility. Together with jarsigner, replaces the JDK 1.1 javakey utility. Keys and certificates are maintained in a keystore. keytool manages the keystore, and jarsigner uses the information in it for signing .jar files. If you need to work with keys and keystores, read the keytool(1) manpage carefully first!

The command-line arguments to keytool are subcommands, each of which begins with a hyphen. Each subcommand, in turn, accepts suboptions.

Whenever keytool accepts a password for an option, if a password is not provided on the command line, the program prompts for one. Such options should not be used in scripts or on the command line, since they allow passwords to be seen. Similarly, keytool does not turn off echoing when prompting for a password, so make sure no one else can see your screen when using such options! See also jarsigner.


-certreq suboptions

Generate a Certificate Signing Request.

-delete suboptions

Delete the entry for the alias given with -alias from the keystore. With no -alias option, prompt for the alias name.

-export suboptions

From the keystore, export the certificate belonging to the user specified with -alias, storing it in the file specified with -file.

-genkey suboptions

Add a new public/private key pair to the keystore.


Print a command usage summary.

-identitydb suboptions

Import information from the JDK 1.1 style identity database specified with -file. If no such option is used, read from standard input. Create the keystore if it doesn't exist.

-import suboptions

Import a certificate or certificate chain from the file specified by the -file suboption. The certificates must be in either binary encoding or in RFC 1421 Base64 printable encoding.

-keyclone suboptions

Create a new keystore entry with the same private key and certificate chain as the original. Specify the source with -alias and the new password for the copy with -new.

-keypasswd suboptions

Change the password protecting a private key. Specify whose key with -alias, the original password with -keypass, and the new one with -new.

-list suboptions

Print the contents of the keystore for the user specified with -alias to standard output. With no -alias, print the entire keystore.

-printcert suboptions

Read a certificate from the file specified with -file or from standard input and print the contents in a human-readable format. The original certificate may be binary-encoded or RFC 1421 encoded.

-selfcert suboptions

Generate an X.509 v1 self-signed certificate. Use -alias to provide the alias of the user signing the certificate. Use -dname to provide an X.500 Distinguished Name if you don't wish to use the Distinguished Name associated with the user's alias.

-storepasswd suboptions

Change the password that protects the entire keystore. Use -new to provide the new password, which must be at least six characters long.

Suboptions for Subcommands

Following is the list of suboptions and their meanings. The entry for each suboption lists the subcommands with which it may be used.

-alias name

Use name as the user or alias name in order to specify which key pair and/or certificates to use. May be used with: -certreq, -delete, -export, -genkey, -import, -keyclone, -keypasswd, and -selfcert.

-dest alias

Use alias as the new user alias. May be used with: -keyclone.

-dname name

Use name as the X.500 Distinguished Name. May be used with: -genkey and -selfcert.

-file filename

Use filename as the source or sink of data, depending on the subcommand in use. May be used with: -certreq, -export, -import, and -printcert.

-keyalg algorithm

Use algorithm for producing keys. May be used with: -genkey.

-keypass password

Use password as the password for the given private key. Used with: -certreq, -genkey, -import, -keyclone, -keypasswd, and -selfcert.

-keysize size

Use size as the size in bits of the key. For DSA key pairs, size must be in the range from 512 to 1024, and it must be a multiple of 64. May be used with: -genkey.

-keystore filename

Use filename as the keystore. May be used with: -certreq, -delete, -export, -genkey, -import, -keyclone, -keypasswd, -list, -selfcert, and -storepasswd.

-new newpasswd

Use newpasswd as new password. May be used with: -keyclone, -keypasswd, and -storepasswd.


Do not interact with the user. May be used with: -import.

-provider provider_class

Use provider_class as the name of the cryptographic service provider's master class file if the security properties file does not list a service provider. May be used with: -certreq, -delete, -export,-genkey,-import,-keyclone,-keypasswd,-list,-selfcert, and -storepasswd.


Use the RFC 1421 (Base64) printable encoding for output. May be used with: -export and -list.

-sigalg algorithm

Use algorithm for producing signatures. Used with: -certreq, -genkey, and -selfcert.

-storepass password

Use password as the password that protects the entire keystore. Must be at least six characters long and must be provided for all commands that access the keystore's contents. If this password isn't provided on the command line, the user is prompted for it. May be used with: -certreq, -delete, -export, -genkey, -import, -keyclone, -keypasswd, -list, -selfcert, and -storepasswd.

-storetype type

Use type as the type of the keystore. This an esoteric option; see the manpage for more details. May be used with: -certreq, -delete,-export,-genkey,-import,-keyclone,-keypasswd, -list, -selfcert, and -storepasswd.


Use certificates in the "cacerts" (Certificate Authority certificates) file, in addition to those in the keystore. May be used with: -import.

-validity days

Signature is valid for days days. May be used with: -genkey and -selfcert.

The following table shows default values for several of the most frequently used suboptions.



Default value


User name



Data source / sink

Standard input if reading, standard output if writing


Signature Algorithm



Encryption key size



Location of keystore



Days signature is valid for



     rmic [options] classes

Remote Method Invocation compiler for Java. rmic takes the fully package-qualified class names and generates skeleton and stub class files to provide remote method invocation. The classes must have previously been successfully compiled with java.

For a method WhizImpl in class whiz, rmic creates two files, WhizImpl_Skel.class and WhizImpl_Stub.class. The "skeleton" file implements the server side of the RMI; the "stub" file implements the client side.


-always, -alwaysgenerate

Always generate code, even if the existing IDL files are newer than the input class. Use with -idl or -iiop only.

-bootclasspath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path for the boot classes, instead of the boot classes used by the java command itself.

-classpath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path instead of $CLASSPATH to find class files. It is usually a good idea to have the current directory (".") on the search path.

-d dir

Place the generated files in dir.

-extdirs dirs

For cross-compilation, use the specified dirs as the extension directories.


Use the factory keyword in the IDL. Use with -idl only.


Generate all debugging information, instead of just line numbers.


Generate OMG IDL for the specified classes.

-idlFile package[.class ] file

Provide an IDLEntity file mapping from Java package package to IDL module file. Use with -idl only.

-idlModule package[.class ] module

Provide an IDLEntity package mapping from Java package package to IDL module module. Use with -idl only.


Generate IIOP stub and tie classes, instead of the default JRMP stub and skeleton classes.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.

-keepg, -keepgenerated

Keep the generated .java source files for the skeletons and the stubs.


Do not create stubs optimized for clients and servers that will run in the same process. Use with -iiop only.


Do not use valuetype methods and initializers in the generated IDL. Use with -idl only.


Disable all warnings.


Use the Portable Object Adapter. In other words, use org.omg.PortableServer.Servant instead of org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.ObjectImpl. Use with -idl only.

-sourcepath path

Use path to search for class and interface definitions. Classes found through the classpath may be recompiled if their source files are found.


Generate code compatible with version VERS of the JRMP protocol. VERS is one of 1.1, for the JDK 1.1 protocol, 1.2, for the JDK 1.2 protocol, or compat for code compatible with both versions.


Print messages as files are compiled and loaded.


     rmid [options]

RMI activation system daemon. This daemon must be started before activatable objects can be registered or activated.



Pass child-option on to each child process. Useful, for example, for specifying a property's default value.

-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


Specify the policy for checking commands and command-line options. Specific to Sun's JVM. See the rmid(1) manpage for the details.

-log directory

Use directory as the directory in which to place the database and other information. The default is ./log.

-port port

Use port as the port for the rmid registry.


Stop the invocation of rmid that is using the port specified with -port. If no -port is given, stop the rmid running on port 1098.


     rmiregistry [port] [-Jjava-option]

Create and start a remote object registry on the specified port. The default port is 1099. The registry provides naming services for RMI (Remote Method Invocation) servers and clients.


-J java-option

Pass java-option on to the java program. Useful for changing the execution environment or memory usage. java-option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.

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    Unix in a Nutshell
    Unix in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition
    ISBN: 0596100299
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 201

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