17.9. Alphabetical Summary of GDB Commands

 < Day Day Up > 

The following alphabetical summary of GDB commands includes all those that are useful for day-to-day debugging. Esoteric commands, such as those used by GDB's maintainers, or to cross-debug remote systems connected via serial port or a network, have been omitted.

Many of these commands may be abbreviated. The list of abbreviations is provided in the earlier section "Aliases for Other Commands."


 add-symbol-file file addr [-readnow] add-symbol-file file [-s section address ...]

Read additional symbol table information from file, which was dynamically loaded into the debuggee outside of GDB's knowledge. You must tell GDB the address at which it was loaded, since GDB cannot determine this on its own. The -readnow option is the same as for the file command; see file for more information. You may use -s to name the memory starting at address with the name section. You can provide multiple section/address pairs with multiple -s options.


 advance bp-spec

Continue executing until the program reaches bp-spec, which can have any value acceptable to the break command (see break for the details). This command is like the until command, but it does not skip recursive function calls, and the location doesn't have to be in the current frame.


 apropos regex

Search through the built-in documentation for commands that match the regular expression regex. Multiple words constitute a single regular expression. GDB uses Basic Regular Expressions (see Chapter 7); however, it also ignores case when matching.


 attach pid

Attach to the running process pid, and use it to obtain information about in-memory data. You must have appropriate permission in order to attach to a running process.


 awatch expression

Set a watchpoint to stop when expression is either read or written. (Compare rwatch and watch.)


 backtrace [count]

Print a full list of all stack frames. With a positive count, print only the innermost count stack frames. With a negative count, print only the outermost count stack frames.


Show a backtrace upon hitting a breakpoint:

     ...     Breakpoint 1, do_print (tree=0x924f9e0) at builtin.c:1573     1573            struct redirect *rp = NULL;     (gdb) backtrace     #0  do_print (tree=0x924f9e0) at builtin.c:1573     #1  0x08087bef in interpret (tree=0x924f9e0) at eval.c:784     #2  0x08086b68 in interpret (tree=0x924f980) at eval.c:453     #3  0x08072804 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfe41bd4) at main.c:584


 break [bp-spec] break bp-specif condition break bp-spec tHRead threadnum break bp-spec thread threadnum if condition

Set a breakpoint. The first form sets an unconditional breakpoint; execution of the debuggee stops when the breakpoint is reached. The second form sets a conditional breakpoint: when the breakpoint is reached, GDB evaluates the condition. If the condition is true, execution stops. If it isn't, the program continues. In either case, bp-spec is one of the items given in the following section.

The third and fourth forms are similar to the first and second ones respectively; however, they work on individual threads of control running within the debuggee. They specify that GDB should stop the program only when the given thread threadnum reaches the point specified by bp-spec.

Breakpoint Specifications

The following list shows the different forms that the break command can take.


Set a breakpoint at the next instruction in the current stack frame. If you are not in the innermost stack frame, control stops as soon as execution returns to that frame. This is like the finish command, except that finish doesn't leave a breakpoint set. In the innermost frame, GDB stops when the breakpoint is reached. This is most useful inside loop bodies.

break function

Set a breakpoint at the first instruction of function.

break linenumber

Set a breakpoint at line linenumber in the current file.

break file: line

Set a breakpoint at line number line in source file file.

break file: function

Set a breakpoint at function function in source file file.

break + offsetbreak - offset

Set a breakpoint at offset lines forward (+offset) or backward (-offset) from where execution stopped in the current stack frame.

break * address

Set a breakpoint at address. This is useful for parts of the object file that don't have debugging symbols available (such as inside shared libraries).

A breakpoint set at a line or statement stops when the first instruction in that statement is reached.


Set a breakpoint in the main( ) function:

     $ gdb whizprog     GNU gdb 6.3     ...     (gdb) break main     Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483c0: file whizprog.c, line 6.


 call expression

Call a function within the debuggee. expression is a function name and parameter list. Non-void results are printed and saved in the value history.


 catch event

Place a catchpoint. Execution stops when the specified event occurs.

Catchpoint Events


A C++ exception is caught.


The program calls execve( ). This is not implemented on all systems.


The program calls fork( ). This is not implemented on all systems.


A C++ exception is thrown.


The program calls vfork( ). This is not implemented on all systems.


 cd dir

Change GDB 's working directory to dir.


 clear [bp-spec]

Clear a breakpoint. The argument is the same as for the break command (see break).


 commands [bp] ... commands ... end

Supply GDB commands that should run when the program stops at a given breakpoint. With no bp, the list of commands is associated with the most recent breakpoint, watchpoint, or catchpoint that was set, not the one that was most recently executed. To clear a list of commands, supply the commands keyword and follow it immediately with end.


break myfunc if x > 42       Break myfunc if x > 42     commands                     List of commands     silent                       Don't print GDB commands     printf "x = %d\n", x         Print variable value     cont                         Continue execution     end                          End of command list


 complete prefix

Show possible command completions for prefix. This is intended for Emacs when running GDB in an Emacs buffer.


 condition bpcondition bp expression

Add or remove a condition to a given breakpoint. The first syntax removes any condition associated with breakpoint number bp. The second form adds expression as a condition for breakpoint number bp, similar to the break ... if command. See also break.


 continue [count]

Resume execution after stopping at a breakpoint. If supplied, count is an ignore count; see the entry for ignore.


Set a breakpoint in main( ). Once there, set another break point and then continue until the new breakpoint is reached.

     (gdb) break main     Breakpoint 3 at 0x8071d2e: file main.c, line 209.     (gdb) run ...     Starting program: ...     Breakpoint 3, main (argc=2, argv=0xbff59f04) at main.c:209     209             const char *optlist = "+F:f:v:W;m:D";     (gdb) break do_print     Breakpoint 4 at 0x805b239: file builtin.c, line 1573.     (gdb) continue     Continuing.     Breakpoint 4, do_print (tree=0x91589e0) at builtin.c:1573     1573            struct redirect *rp = NULL;


 core-file [filename]

With no argument, indicate that there is no separate core file. Otherwise, treat filename as the file to use as a core file; that is, a file containing a dump of memory from an executing program.


 define commandname... commands ... end

Create a user-defined command named commandname. The series of commands makes up the definition of commandname. Whenever you type commandname, GDB executes the commands. This is similar to functions or procedures in regular programming languages. See also document.


If commandname has the form hook-command, where command is a built-in GDB command, when you enter command GDB runs commandname before it runs command.

Similarly, if commandname has the form hookpost-command, then GDB runs the provided sequence of commands after command finishes. You thus have available both pre- and post-execution hook facilities.

Finally, for the purposes of providing hooks, GDB recognizes a pseudo-command named stop that "executes" every time the debuggee stops. This allows you to define a hook of the form hook-stop in order to execute a sequence of commands every time the program stops.


 delete [breakpoints] [range ...] delete display dnums ... delete mem mnums ...

For the first syntax, remove the given range of breakpoints, watchpoints, or catchpoints. With no arguments, delete all breakpoints. (GDB may prompt for confirmation depending upon the setting of set confirm.) The second syntax removes items from the automatic display list (created with display); see display for more information. The third syntax removes defined memory regions created with mem; see mem for more information.



Detach the debugger from the running process previously attached to with attach.


 directory [dirname ...]

Add dirname to the list of directories that GDB searches when attempting to find source files. The directory is added to the front of the search path. With no argument, clear the directory search path.


 disable [breakpoints] [range ...] disable display dnums ... disable mem mnums ...

With the first syntax, disable the breakpoints in range, or all breakpoints if these are not supplied. GDB remembers disabled breakpoints, but they do not affect execution of the debuggee. The second syntax disables item(s) dnums in the automatic display list; see display for more information. The third syntax disables item(s) mnums in the list of defined memory regions; see mem for more information.


 disassemble disassemble pc-valdisassemble start end

Print a range of memory addresses as assembly code instructions. With no argument, print the entire current function. One argument is assumed to be a program counter value; the function containing this value is dumped. Two arguments specify a range of addresses to dump, from (and including) start up to (but not including) end.


 display display/format expression

Add expression (usually a variable or address) to the list of values that GDB automatically displays every time the debuggee stops. The format is one of the format letters accepted by the x command; see x for the full list. The trailing "/" and format immediately follow the display command. With no arguments, print the current values of the expressions on the display list.


 document commandname ... text ...end

Provide documentation for the user-defined command commandname. The documentation consists of the lines provided in text. After executing this command, help commandname displays text. See also define.



This command is designed for use inside user-defined commands (see define). It indicates that the user-defined command should not be repeated if the user presses ENTER.


 down count

Move down count stack frames. Positive values for count move towards more recent stack frames. See also frame and up.


 down-silently count

Same as the down command, but don't print any messages. This is intended mainly for use in GDB scripts.


 echo strings ...

Print strings. You may use the standard C escape sequences to generate nonprinting characters. In particular, you should use \n for newline. Note: unlike the shell-level echo command, GDB 's echo does not automatically supply a newline. You must explicitly request one if you want it.


 edit [line-spec]

Edit the lines in the source file as specified by line-spec. See list for values for line-spec. With no argument, edit the file containing the most recently listed line. This uses the value of $EDITOR as the editor, or ex if that environment variable is not set.



Provide an alternate list of commands to execute if the expression in an if is false. Terminate the commands with end. See if.


 enable [breakpoints] [range ...] enable [breakpoints] delete range ... enable [breakpoints] once range ... enable display dnums ... enable mem mnums ...

The first syntax enables breakpoints; either all breakpoints if no range is supplied, or just the given breakpoints. The second syntax enables the specified breakpoints so that they stop the program when they're encountered, but are then deleted. The third syntax enables the specified breakpoints so that they stop the program when encountered, but then become disabled. The fourth syntax enables items in the automatic display list that were previously disabled with disable; for more information see display. The fifth syntax enables items in the list of defined memory regions; for more information, see mem.



Terminate a list of commands provided with keywords commands, define, document, else, if, or while.


 exec-file [filename]

With no argument, discard all information about the executable file. Otherwise, treat filename as the file to execute. This command searches $PATH to find the file if necessary.


 fg [count]

An alias for continue; see continue.


 file file filename [-readnow]

The first syntax causes GDB to discard all its information on both the symbol file and the executable file. The second syntax treats filename as the file to be debugged; it is used both for symbol table information and as the program to run for the run command.

The -readnow option forces GDB to load symbol table information immediately instead of waiting until information is needed.



Continue execution until the current stack frame (function) is about to return. This is most useful when you accidentally step into a function (using step) that does not have debugging information in it (such as a library function).


 focus window

Change the focus to TUI window window. Acceptable values for window are next, prev, src, asm, regs, and cmd.


 forward-search regex

Search forward from the current line for a line that matches the regular expression regex, and print it.


 frame frame frame-numframe address

Select or print information about the current stack frame (function invocation). Frame zero is the innermost (most recent) stack frame. With no arguments, print the current stack frame. With a frame-num, move to that frame. This is the most common kind of argument. An address argument may be used to select the frame at the given address. This is necessary if the chaining of stack frames has been damaged by a bug. Some architectures may require more than one address.


Move up the call stack toward an older function:

     (gdb) where     #0  do_print (tree=0x83579e0) at builtin.c:1573     #1  0x08087bef in interpret (tree=0x83579e0) at eval.c:784     #2  0x08086b68 in interpret (tree=0x8357980) at eval.c:453     #3  0x08072804 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfeb8584) at main.c:584     (gdb) frame 2     #2  0x08086b68 in interpret (tree=0x8357980) at eval.c:453     453                       (void) interpret(tree->rnode);


 generate-core-file [file]

Generate a core file from the state of the debuggee. With file, send the core dump to file. Otherwise, use a file named core.PID.


 handle signal keywords ...

Set GDB up to handle one or more signals. The signal may be a signal number, a signal name (with or without the SIG prefix), a range of the form low-high, or the keyword all. The keywords are one or more of the following:


Ignore the signal; do not let the program see it.


Same as the pass command.


Same as the ignore command.


Do not print a message when the signal arrives.


Do not stop the program when the signal arrives; let the debuggee receive it immediately.


Pass the signal on through to the program.


Print a message when the signal arrives.


Stop the program when the signal arrives. Normally, only "error" signals such as SIGSEGV stop the program.


 hbreak bp-spec

Set a hardware-assisted breakpoint. The argument is the same as for the break command (see break, earlier in this list). This command is intended for EEPROM/ROM code debugging; it allows you to set a breakpoint at a location without changing the location. However, not all systems have the necessary hardware for this.


 help [command]

With no arguments, print a list of subtopics for which help is available. With command, provide help on the given GDB command or group of commands.


 if expression ... commands1 ...[ else ... commands2 ... ] end

Conditionally execute a series of commands. If expression is true, execute commands1. If an else is present and the expression is false, execute commands2.


 ignore bp count

Set the ignore count on breakpoint, watchpoint, or catchpoint bp to count. GDB does not check conditions as long as the ignore count is positive.


 inspect print-expressions

An obsolete alias for the print command. See print for more information.


 info [feature]

Display information about feature, which concerns the state of the debuggee. With no arguments, provide a list of features about which information is available. Full details are provided in the section "Summary of the info Command," earlier in this chapter.


 jump location

Continue execution at location, which is either a line-spec as for the list command (see list), or a hexadecimal address preceded by a *.

The continue command resumes execution where it stopped, while jump moves to a different place. If the location is not within the current frame, GDB asks for confirmation since GDB will not change the current setup of the machine registers (stack pointer, frame pointer, etc.).



Kill the process running the debuggee. This is most useful to force the production of a core dump for later debugging.


 layout layout

Change the layout of the TUI windows to layout. Acceptable values for layout are:


The assembly window only.


The next layout.


The previous layout.


The register window only.


The source and assembly windows.


The source window only.

The command window is always displayed.


 list functionlist line-spec

List lines of source code, starting at the beginning of function function (first form), or centered around the line defined by line-spec (second form). Pressing the ENTER key repeats the last command; for list, this shows successive lines of source text. A line-spec can take one of the forms shown below.

Line Specifications

list number

List lines centered around line number.

list + offset

list - offset

List lines centered around the line offset lines after (first form) or before (second form) the last line printed.

list file: line

List lines centered around line line in source file file.

list file: function

List lines centered around the opening brace of function function in source file file. This is necessary if there are multiple functions of the same name in different source files.

list * address

List lines centered around the line containing address, which can be an expression.

list first, last

List the lines from first to last, each of which may be any of the previous forms for a line-spec.

list first,

List lines starting with first.

list , last

List lines ending with last.

list +

list -

List the lines just after (first form) or just before (second form) the lines just printed.


 macro expand expressionmacro expand-once expressionmacro define macro bodymacro define macro(args) bodymacro undefine macro

Work with C preprocessor macros. As of GDB 6.3, not all of these are implemented.

macro expand expression

Display the result of macro expanding expression. The results are not evaluated, thus they don't need to be syntactically valid. expand may be abbreviated exp.

macro expand-once expression

Expand only those macros whose names appear in expression instead of fully expanding all macros. expand-once may be abbreviated exp1. Not implemented as of GDB 6.3.

macro define macro body

macro define macro(args) body

Define a macro named macro with replacement text body. As in C and C++, the first form defines a symbolic constant, while the second form defines a macro that accepts arguments. Not implemented as of GDB 6.3.

macro undefine macro

Remove the definition of the macro named macro. This works only for macros defined with macro define; you cannot undefine a macro in the debuggee. Not implemented as of GDB 6.3.


 make [args]

Run the make program, passing it args. Equivalent to the shell make args command. This is useful for rebuilding your program while remaining within GDB.


 mem start-addr end-addr attributes ...

Define a memory region, i.e., a portion of the address space starting at start-addr and ending at end-addr that has particular attributes.

Memory Access Attributes


Memory is read-only.


Memory is read-write.


Memory is write-only.

8, 16, 32, 64

GDB should use memory accesses of the specified width in bits. This is often needed for memory-mapped device registers.


 next [count]

Run the next statement. Unlike step, a function call is treated as a simple statement; single-stepping does not continue inside the called function. With a count, run the next count statements. In any case, execution stops upon reaching a breakpoint or receipt of a signal. See also step.


 nexti [count]

Run the next machine instruction. Otherwise, this is similar to the next command in that single-stepping continues past a called function instead of into it.



Unload all shared libraries from the debuggee.


 output expressionoutput/format expression

Print expression, completely unadorned. No newlines are added, nor is the value preceded by the usual $n =. Neither is the value added to the value history. With "/" and format, output the expression using format, which is the same as for the print command; see print.


 path dir

Add directory dir to the front of the PATH environment variable.


 print [/format] [expression]

Print the value of expression. If the first argument is "/" and format, use the format to print the expression. Omitting expression prints the previous expression, allowing you to use a different format to see the same value. The allowed format values are a subset of the format items for the x command; see also x, later in this section.

Print Formats


Print the value as an address. The address is printed as both an absolute (hexadecimal) address, and as an offset from the nearest symbol.


Print the value as a character constant.


Print the value as a signed decimal integer.


Print the value as a floating point number.


Print the value as an octal integer.


Print the value as a binary integer (t stands for "two").


Print the value as an unsigned decimal integer.


Print the value as a hexadecimal integer.


Print a wide character value as a regular character:

     (gdb) print tmp->sub.val.wsp     $2 = (wchar_t *) 0x99f0910     (gdb) print/c *$2     $3 = 97 'a'


 print-object object

Cause the Objective C object object to print information about itself. This command may only work with Objective C libraries that define the hook function _NSPrintForDebugger( ).


 printf format-string, expressions ...

Print expressions under control of the format-string, as for the C library printf(3) function. GDB allows only the simple, single-letter escape sequences (such as \t and \n) to appear in format-string.


 ptype ptype expressionptype type-name

Print the full definition of a type. This differs from whatis, in that whatis only prints type names, while ptype gives a full description.

With no argument (the first syntax), print the type of the last value in the value history. This is equivalent to ptype $. With expression (the second syntax), print the type of expression. Note that the expression is not evaluated. No operators with side effects (such as ++, or a function call) execute. The third syntax prints the type of type-name, which is either the name of a type or one of the keywords class, enum, struct, or union, followed by a tag. See also whatis.



Print GDB 's current working directory.



Exit GDB.


 rbreak regexp

Set breakpoints on all functions matching the regular expression regexp. The regular expression syntax used is that of grep (i.e., Basic Regular Expressions, see Chapter 7). This is useful for overloaded functions in C++.



Redraw and refresh the screen for the TUI. See the earlier section "The GDB Text User Interface" for more information.


 return [expression]

Cause the current stack frame to return to its caller. If provided, expression is used at the return value. GDB pops the current stack frame and any below it (functions it called) from the execution stack, causing the returning frame's caller to become the current frame. Execution does not resume; the program remains stopped until you issue a continue command.


 reverse-search regex

Search backwards from the current line for a line that matches the regular expression regex, and print it.


 run [arguments]

Run the debuggee, optionally passing it arguments as the command-line arguments. GDB also supports simple I/O redirections (<, >, >>); pipes are not supported. GDB remembers the last-used arguments; thus a plain run command restarts the program with these same arguments. (Use set args to clear or change the argument list.)

The debuggee receives the arguments you give to the run command, the environment as inherited by GDB and modified by set environment, the current working directory, and the current standard input, standard output, and standard error (unless redirected).


 rwatch expression

Set a watchpoint to stop when expression is read. (Compare awatch and watch.)


 search regex

An alias for forward-search. See forward-search for more information.


 section sectname address

Change the base address of sectname to address. This is a last-ditch command, used when the executable file format doesn't contain data on section addresses or if the data in the file is wrong.


 select-frame select-frame frame-numselect-frame address

Same as the frame command, except that it does not print any messages. See frame for more information.


 set [variable]

Change the setting either of GDB variables or variables in the debuggee. See the earlier section "Summary of set and show Commands" for more information.


 sharedlibrary [regexp]

With no argument, load all the shared libraries required by the program or core file. Otherwise, load only those files whose names match regexp.


 shell [command args]

Run the shell command command with arguments args without leaving GDB. With no arguments, start an interactive subshell.


Run grep to find the definition of a macro:

     510             return tmp_number((AWKNUM) len);     (gdb) shell grep tmp_number *.h     whizprog.h:#define   tmp_number(x)   mk_number((x), TEMP)     (gdb)


 show [variable]

Show the setting of internal GDB variables. See the earlier section "Summary of set and show Commands" for more information.


 signal sig

Continue the program running, and immediately send it signal sig. sig may be either a signal number or a signal name. The signal number 0 is special: if the program stops due to receipt of a signal, sending signal 0 resumes it without delivering the original signal.



Don't print breakpoint-reached messages. Use this command inside a commands list; see commands.


 source file

Read and execute the commands in file. The commands are not printed as they are read, and an error in any one command terminates execution of the file. When executing a command file, commands that normally ask for confirmation do not do so, and many commands that would otherwise print messages are silent.


 step [count]

Run the next statement. This differs from the next command in that if the next statement is a function call, step steps into it and continues single-stepping in the called function. However, next calls the function without stepping into it. With a count, step through count statements. In any case, execution stops upon reaching a breakpoint or receipt of a signal. See also next.


 stepi [count]

Run the next machine instruction. Otherwise, this is similar to the step command in that single-stepping continues into a called function. With a count, step through count instructions.


 symbol-file symbol-file filename [-readnow]

With no argument, discard all symbol table information. Otherwise, treat filename as the file to get symbol table information from, and as the file to execute. This command searches $PATH to find the file if necessary. The -readnow option has the same meaning as for the file command; see file for more information.


 tbreak bp-spec

Set a temporary breakpoint. The argument is the same as for the break command (see break, earlier in this list). The difference is that once the breakpoint is reached, it is removed.


 tcatch event

Set a temporary catchpoint. The argument is the same as for the catch command (see catch, earlier in this list). The difference is that once the catchpoint is reached, it is removed.


 thbreak bp-spec

Set a temporary hardware-assisted breakpoint. The argument is the same as for the hbreak command (see hbreak, earlier in this list).


 thread threadnumtHRead apply [threadnum | all] command

The first form makes threadnum the current thread, i.e., the one that GDB works with. The second form lets you apply command to either the specific thread threadnum or to all threads.


 tty device

Set the debuggee's input and output to device (typically the device file for a terminal).


 tui reg regkind

For the TUI, update the register window to display the register set regkind.

Register Sets

The following are the acceptable values for regkind.


The floating-point registers.


The general purpose registers.


The "next" register group. Predefined register groups are all, float, general, restore, save, system, and vector.


The system registers.


 undisplay dnums ...

Remove display items dnums from the automatic display list. See display for more information.


 unset environment variable

Remove environment variable variable from the environment passed to the debuggee.


 until [location]

Continue execution until it reaches the next source line after the current line. This is most useful for reaching the line after the end of a loop body. Without a location, until uses single-stepping to reach the next source line. With a location, it uses an internal breakpoint to reach the next source line; this is much faster. The location may be any form acceptable to the break command; see break for more information.


Use until to skip through the entire execution of a loop:

     $ nl -ba foo.c                 Show source file          1  #include <stdio.h>          2          3  int main(void)          4  {          5      int i;          6          7      for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)          8              printf("i = %d\n", i);          9         10      printf("all done: i = %d\n", i);         11  }     $ gcc -g foo.c -o foo          Compile it     $ gdb foo                      Run GDB      GNU gdb 6.3     ...     (gdb) break main               Set breakpoint     Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048358: file foo.c, line 7.     (gdb) run                      Start it running     Starting program: /tmp/foo     Breakpoint 1, main (  ) at foo.c:7     7       for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)     (gdb) next                     Next statement     8           printf("i = %d\n", i);     (gdb)                         ENTER repeats 'next'     i = 1     7       for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)     (gdb)                         Same     8           printf("i = %d\n", i);     (gdb)                         Same     i = 2     7       for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)     (gdb) until 9                  Finish up the loop     i = 3     i = 4     i = 5     i = 6     i = 7     i = 8     i = 9     i = 10     main (  ) at foo.c:10     10      printf("all done: i = %d\n", i);     (gdb) continue                  Finish program     Continuing.     all done: i = 11     Program exited with code 021.     (gdb) quit 


 up count

Move up count stack frames. Positive values for count move towards less recent stack frames. See also frame and down.


 up-silently count

Same as the up command, but don't print any messages. Intended mainly for use in GDB scripts.



For the TUI, update the source window and the current execution point.


 watch expression

Set a watchpoint to stop when expression is written. (Compare awatch and rwatch.)


 whatis [expression]

With no argument, print the type of the last value in the value history. This is equivalent to whatis $. With expression, print the type of expression. Note that the expression is not evaluated. No operators with side effects (such as ++, or a function call) execute. See also ptype.


 where [count]

Identical to the backtrace command; see backtrace for more information.


 while expression... commands ... end

Repeatedly execute a series of commands. As long as expression is true, execute commands.


 winheight win ±amount

For the TUI, change the height of window win by amount. Using + increases the height; using - decreases it. The window name win may be one of asm, cmd, regs, or src.


 x [[/NFU] addr]

Examine the data at address. Subsequent x commands without an address move forward in memory according to the values for N, F, and U.

The N value is a repeat count, for example, to examine a given number of instructions. The F value is a format, indicating how to print the data. The U value is the unit size in bytes of the items to be displayed.

GDB stores the address printed by the x command in the $_ convenience variable. It stores the contents of the address in the $_ _ convenience variable.

Format Values


Print the value as an address. The address is printed as both an absolute (hexadecimal) address and as an offset from the nearest symbol.


Print the value as a character constant.


Print the value as a signed decimal integer.


Print the value as a floating point number.


Print the value as a machine instruction.


Print the value as an octal integer.


Print the value as a NUL-terminated string.


Print the value as a binary integer (t stands for "two").


Print the value as an unsigned decimal integer.


Print the value as a hexadecimal integer.

Unit Size Values




Giant words, i.e., 8 bytes.


Halfwords, i.e., 2 bytes.


Words, i.e., 4 bytes.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Unix in a Nutshell
    Unix in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition
    ISBN: 0596100299
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 201

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