How to Create an Additional Heap

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You can create additional heaps in your process by having a thread call HeapCreate:

 HANDLE HeapCreate( DWORD fdwOptions, SIZE_T dwInitialSize, SIZE_T dwMaximumSize); 

The first parameter, fdwOptions, modifies how operations are performed on the heap. You can specify 0, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, or a combination of the two flags.

By default, a heap will serialize access to itself so that multiple threads can allocate and free blocks from the heap without the danger of corrupting the heap. When an attempt is made to allocate a block of memory from the heap, the HeapAlloc function (discussed later) must do the following:

  1. Traverse the linked list of allocated and freed memory blocks
  2. Find the address of a free block
  3. Allocate the new block by marking the free block as allocated
  4. Add a new entry to the linked list of memory blocks

Here's an example that illustrates why you should avoid using the HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag. Let's say that two threads attempt to allocate blocks of memory from the same heap at the same time. Thread 1 executes steps 1 and 2 above and gets the address of a free memory block. However, before Thread 1 can execute step 3, it is preempted and Thread 2 gets a chance to execute steps 1 and 2. Because Thread 1 has not yet executed step 3, Thread 2 finds the address to the same free memory block.

With both threads having found what they believe to be a free memory block in the heap, Thread 1 updates the linked list, marking the new block as allocated. Thread 2 then also updates the linked list, marking the same block as allocated. Neither thread has detected a problem so far, but both threads receive an address to the exact same block of memory.

This type of bug can be very difficult to track down because it usually doesn't manifest itself immediately. Instead, the bug waits in the background until the most inopportune moment. Potential problems are

  • The linked list of memory blocks has been corrupted. This problem will not be discovered until an attempt to allocate or free a block is made.
  • Both threads are sharing the same memory block. Thread 1 and Thread 2 might both write information to the same block. When Thread 1 examines the contents of the block, it will not recognize the data introduced by Thread 2.
  • One thread might proceed to use the block and free it, causing the other thread to overwrite unallocated memory. This will corrupt the heap.

The solution to these problems is to allow a single thread exclusive access to the heap and its linked list until the thread has performed all necessary operations on the heap. The absence of the HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag does exactly this. It is safe to use the HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag only if one or more of the following conditions are true for your process:

  • Your process uses only a single thread.
  • Your process uses multiple threads, but only a single thread accesses the heap.
  • Your process uses multiple threads, but manages access to the heap itself by using other forms of mutual exclusion, such as critical sections, mutexes, and semaphores (as discussed in Chapters 8 and 9).

If you're not sure whether to use the HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag, don't use it. Not using it will cause your threads to take a slight performance hit whenever a heap function is called, but you won't risk corrupting your heap and its data.

The other flag, HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, causes the system to raise an exception whenever an attempt to allocate or reallocate a block of memory in the heap fails. An exception is just another way for the system to notify your application that an error has occurred. Sometimes it's easier to design your application to look for exceptions rather than to check for return values. Exceptions are discussed in Chapters 23, 24, and 25.

The second parameter of HeapCreate, dwInitialSize, indicates the number of bytes initially committed to the heap. If necessary, HeapCreate rounds this value up to a multiple of the CPU's page size. The final parameter, dwMaximumSize, indicates the maximum size to which the heap can expand (the maximum amount of address space the system can reserve for the heap). If dwMaximumSize is greater than 0, you are creating a heap that has a maximum size. If you attempt to allocate a block that would cause the heap to go over its maximum, the attempt to allocate the block fails.

If dwMaximumSize is 0, you are creating a growable heap, which has no inherent limit. Allocating blocks from the heap simply makes the heap grow until physical storage is exhausted. If the heap is created successfully, HeapCreate returns a handle identifying the new heap. This handle is used by the other heap functions.

Allocating a Block of Memory from a Heap

Allocating a block of memory from a heap is simply a matter of calling HeapAlloc:

 PVOID HeapAlloc( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD fdwFlags, SIZE_T dwBytes); 

The first parameter, hHeap, identifies the handle of the heap from which an allocation should be made. The dwBytes parameter specifies the number of bytes that are to be allocated from the heap. The middle parameter, fdwFlags, allows you to specify flags that affect the allocation. Currently only three flags are supported: HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, and HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE.

The purpose of the HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY flag should be fairly obvious. This flag causes the contents of the block to be filled with zeros before HeapAlloc returns. The second flag, HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, causes the HeapAlloc function to raise a software exception if insufficient memory is available in the heap to satisfy the request. When creating a heap with HeapCreate, you can specify the HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS flag, which tells the heap that an exception should be raised when a block cannot be allocated. If you specify this flag when calling HeapCreate, you don't need to specify it when calling HeapAlloc. On the other hand, you might want to create the heap without using this flag. In this case, specifying this flag to HeapAlloc affects only the single call to HeapAlloc, not every call to this function.

If HeapAlloc fails and then raises an exception, the exception raised will be one of the two shown in the following table.

Identifier Meaning
STATUS_NO_MEMORY The allocation attempt failed because of insufficient memory.
STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION The allocation attempt failed because of heap corruption or improper function parameters.

If the block has been successfully allocated, HeapAlloc returns the address of the block. If the memory could not be allocated and HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS was not specified, HeapAlloc returns NULL.

The last flag, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, allows you to force this individual call to HeapAlloc to not be serialized with other threads that are accessing the same heap. You should use this flag with extreme caution because the heap could become corrupted if other threads are manipulating the heap at the same time. Never use this flag when making an allocation from your process's default heap, as data could become corrupted: Other threads in your process could access the default heap at the same time.

Windows 98
Calling HeapAlloc and requesting a block larger than 256 MB is considered by Windows 98 an error—the call fails. Note that in this case, the function always returns NULL and will not raise an exception, even if you used the HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS flag when creating the heap or when attempting to allocate the block.

It is recommended that you use VirtualAlloc when allocating large blocks (around 1 MB or more). Avoid using the heap functions for such large allocations.

Changing the Size of a Block

Often it's necessary to alter the size of a memory block. Some applications initially allocate a larger than necessary block and then, after all the data has been placed into the block, reduce the size of the block. Some applications begin by allocating a small block of memory and then attempting to enlarge the block when more data needs to be copied into it. Resizing a memory block is accomplished by calling the HeapReAlloc function:

 PVOID HeapReAlloc( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD fdwFlags, PVOID pvMem, SIZE_T dwBytes); 

As always, the hHeap parameter indicates the heap containing the block you want to resize. The fdwFlags parameter specifies the flags that HeapReAlloc should use when attempting to resize the block. Only the following four flags are available: HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, and HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY.

The first two flags have the same meaning as when they are used with HeapAlloc. The HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY flag is useful only when you are resizing a block to make it larger. In this case, the additional bytes in the block will be zeroed. This flag has no effect if the block is being reduced.

The HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY flag tells HeapReAlloc that it is not allowed to move the memory block within the heap, which HeapReAlloc might attempt to do if the memory block were growing. If HeapReAlloc is able to enlarge the memory block without moving it, it will do so and return the original address of the memory block. On the other hand, if HeapReAlloc must move the contents of the block, the address of the new, larger block is returned. If the block is made smaller, HeapReAlloc returns the original address of the memory block. You would want to specify the HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY flag if the block were part of a linked list or tree. In this case, other nodes in the list or tree might have pointers to this node, and relocating the node in the heap would corrupt the integrity of the linked list.

The remaining two parameters, pvMem and dwBytes, specify the current address of the block that you want to resize and the new size—in bytes—of the block. HeapReAlloc returns either the address of the new, resized block or NULL if the block cannot be resized.

Obtaining the Size of a Block

After a memory block has been allocated, the HeapSize function can be called to retrieve the actual size of the block:

 SIZE_T HeapSize( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD fdwFlags, LPCVOID pvMem); 

The hHeap parameter identifies the heap, and the pvMem parameter indicates the address of the block. The fdwFlags parameter can be either 0 or HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE.

Freeing a Block

When you no longer need the memory block, you can free it by calling HeapFree:

 BOOL HeapFree( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD fdwFlags, PVOID pvMem); 

HeapFree frees the memory block and returns TRUE if successful. The fdwFlags parameter can be either 0 or HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE. Calling this function might cause the heap manager to decommit some physical storage, but there are no guarantees.

Destroying a Heap

If your application no longer needs a heap that it created, you can destroy the heap by calling HeapDestroy:

 BOOL HeapDestroy(HANDLE hHeap); 

Calling HeapDestroy causes all the memory blocks contained within the heap to be freed and also causes the physical storage and reserved address space region occupied by the heap to be released back to the system. If the function is successful, HeapDestroy returns TRUE. If you don't explicitly destroy the heap before your process terminates, the system will destroy it for you. However, a heap is destroyed only when a process terminates. If a thread creates a heap, the heap won't be destroyed when the thread terminates.

The system will not allow the process's default heap to be destroyed until the process completely terminates. If you pass the handle to the process's default heap to HeapDestroy, the system simply ignores the call.

Using Heaps with C++

One of the best ways to take advantage of heaps is to incorporate them into existing C++ programs. In C++, calling the new operator—instead of the normal C run-time routine malloc—performs class-object allocation. Then, when we no longer need the class object, the delete operator is called instead of the normal C run-time routine free. For example, let's say we have a class called CSomeClass and we want to allocate an instance of this class. To do this, we would use syntax similar to the following:

 CSomeClass* pSomeClass = new CSomeClass; 

When the C++ compiler examines this line, it first checks whether the CSomeClass class contains a member function for the new operator; if it does, the compiler generates code to call this function. If the compiler doesn't find a function overloading the new operator, the compiler generates code to call the standard C++ new operator function.

After you're done using the allocated object, you can destroy it by calling the delete operator:

 delete pSomeClass; 

By overloading the new and delete operators for our C++ class, we can easily take advantage of the heap functions. To do this, let's define our CSomeClass class in a header file like this:

 class CSomeClass { private: static HANDLE s_hHeap; static UINT s_uNumAllocsInHeap; // Other private data and member functions     public: void* operator new (size_t size); void operator delete (void* p); // Other public data and member functions     }; 

In this code fragment, I've declared two member variables, s_hHeap and s_uNumAllocsInHeap, as static variables. Because they are static, C++ will make all instances of CSomeClass share the same variables; that is, C++ will not allocate separate s_hHeap and s_uNumAllocsInHeap variables for each instance of the class that is created. This fact is important to us because we want all of our instances of CSomeClass to be allocated within the same heap.

The s_hHeap variable will contain the handle to the heap within which CSomeClass objects should be allocated. The s_uNumAllocsInHeap variable is simply a counter of how many CSomeClass objects have been allocated within the heap. Every time a new CSomeClass object is allocated in the heap, s_uNumAllocsInHeap is incremented, and every time a CSomeClass object is destroyed, s_uNumAllocsInHeap is decremented. When s_uNumAllocsInHeap reaches 0, the heap is no longer necessary and is freed. The code to manipulate the heap should be included in a .cpp file that looks like this:

 HANDLE CSomeClass::s_hHeap = NULL; UINT CSomeClass::s_uNumAllocsInHeap = 0; void* CSomeClass::operator new (size_t size) { if (s_hHeap == NULL) { // Heap does not exist; create it. s_hHeap = HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 0, 0); if (s_hHeap == NULL) return(NULL); } // The heap exists for CSomeClass objects. void* p = HeapAlloc(s_hHeap, 0, size); if (p != NULL) { // Memory was allocated successfully; increment // the count of CSomeClass objects in the heap. s_uNumAllocsInHeap++; } // Return the address of the allocated CSomeClass object. return(p); } 

Notice that I first defined the two static member variables, s_hHeap and s_uNumAllocsInHeap, at the top and initialized them as NULL and 0, respectively.

The C++ new operator receives one parameter—size. This parameter indicates the number of bytes required to hold a CSomeClass object. The first task for our new operator function is to create a heap if one hasn't been created already. This is simply a matter of checking the s_hHeap variable to see whether it is NULL. If it is, a new heap is created by calling HeapCreate, and the handle that HeapCreate returns is saved in s_hHeap so that the next call to the new operator will not create another heap but rather will use the heap we have just created.

When I called the HeapCreate function above, I used the HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag because the remainder of the sample code is not multithread-safe. The other two parameters in the call to HeapCreate indicate the initial size and the maximum size of the heap, respectively. I chose 0 and 0 here. The first 0 means that the heap has no initial size; the second 0 means that the heap expands as needed. Depending on your needs, you might want to change either or both of these values.

You might think it would be worthwhile to pass the size parameter to the new operator function as the second parameter to HeapCreate. In this way, you could initialize the heap so that it is large enough to contain one instance of the class. Then, the first time that HeapAlloc is called, it would execute faster because the heap wouldn't have to resize itself to hold the class instance. Unfortunately, things don't always work the way you want them to. Because each allocated memory block within the heap has an associated overhead, the call to HeapAlloc will still have to resize the heap so that it is large enough to contain the one class instance and its associated overhead.

Once the heap has been created, new CSomeClass objects can be allocated from it using HeapAlloc. The first parameter is the handle to the heap, and the second parameter is the size of the CSomeClass object. HeapAlloc returns the address to the allocated block.

When the allocation is performed successfully, I increment the s_uNumAllocsInHeap variable so that I know there is one more allocation in the heap. The last thing the new operator does is return the address of the newly allocated CSomeClass object.

Well, that's it for creating a new CSomeClass object. Let's turn our attention to destroying a CSomeClass object when our application no longer needs it. This is the responsibility of the delete operator function, coded as follows:

 void CSomeClass::operator delete (void* p) { if (HeapFree(s_hHeap, 0, p)) { // Object was deleted successfully. s_uNumAllocsInHeap--; } if (s_uNumAllocsInHeap == 0) { // If there are no more objects in the heap, // destroy the heap. if (HeapDestroy(s_hHeap)) { // Set the heap handle to NULL so that the new operator // will know to create a new heap if a new CSomeClass // object is created. s_hHeap = NULL; } } } 

The delete operator function receives only one parameter: the address of the object being deleted. The first thing the function does is call HeapFree, passing it the handle of the heap and the address of the object to be freed. If the object is freed successfully, s_uNumAllocsInHeap is decremented, indicating that one fewer CSomeClass object is in the heap. Next the function checks whether s_uNumAllocsInHeap is 0. If it is, the function calls HeapDestroy, passing it the heap handle. If the heap is destroyed successfully, s_hHeap is set to NULL. This is extremely important because our program might attempt to allocate another CSomeClass object sometime in the future. When it does, the new operator will be called and will examine the s_hHeap variable to determine whether it should use an existing heap or create a new one.

This example demonstrates a convenient scheme for using multiple heaps. The example is easy to set up and can be incorporated into several of your classes. You will probably want to give some thought to inheritance, however. If you derive a new class using CSomeClass as a base class, the new class will inherit CSomeClass's new and delete operators. The new class will also inherit CSomeClass's heap, which means that when the new operator is applied to the derived class, the memory for the derived class object will be allocated from the same heap that CSomeClass is using. Depending on your situation, this might or might not be what you want. If the objects are very different in size, you might be setting yourself up for a situation in which the heap could fragment badly. You might also be making it harder to track down bugs in your code, as mentioned in the sections "Component Protection" and "More Efficient Memory Management" earlier in this chapter.

If you want to use a separate heap for derived classes, simply duplicate what I did in the CSomeClass class. More specifically, include another set of s_hHeap and s_uNumAllocsInHeap variables, and copy the code over for the new and delete operators. When you compile, the compiler will see that you have overloaded the new and delete operators for the derived class and will make calls to those functions instead of to the ones in the base class.

The only advantage to not creating a heap for each class is that you won't need to devote overhead and memory to each heap. However, the amount of overhead and memory the heaps tie up is not great and is probably worth the potential gains. The compromise might be to have each class use its own heap and to let derived classes share the base class's heap when your application has been well tested and is close to shipping. But be aware that fragmentation might still be a problem.

Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Programming Series)
ISBN: 1572319968
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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