

SAFE (foreign exchange administration authority) 271, 272
SAIC (Shanghai Auto Industry Corporation) 295
SAIC (State Administration for Industry and Commerce) 139 “40
sales and distribution management 206
sales practices 236
sampling practices, consumer research 225
Sanjiang Aerospace Co 312
savings rates 40 “42, 41
SBR latex production 369, 370 , 373
SBS rubber production 369, 370, 373
secondary sector 31, 243
securities market 282 “87, 283
security industries, opening up 88
self-reference criterion (SRC) 181
server market 333, 333, 334
service ( tertiary ) sector 5, 31, 87 “89
foreign investment regulations 9, 10
services, regulation of trade in 14
SFJSC see Sino-foreign-invested joint stock companies
SFTEs see state-owned foreign trade enterprises
Shaanxi Province 463 “65, 463, 464, 465
Shandong Province 428 “30, 428, 429, 430
Shanghai 413 “15, 413, 414, 415
Shanghai Auto Industry Corporation (SAIC) 295
Shanghai Shipping Exchange 121
Shanghai Symphony Telecom 376
Shantou City 519 “21, 519, 520, 521
Shanxi Province 394 “96, 394, 395, 396
Shenyang Jinbei 311Shenzhen City 513 “15, 513, 514, 515
shipment terms, import contracts 205
shipping guarantees 267
shipping orders 122
Sichuan Province 452 “54, 452, 453, 454
Sino-foreign-invested joint stock companies (SFJSCs) 139, 142 “43, 145
SIPO see State Intellectual Property Office
social environment differences, consumer research 226 “27
social functions, relations with people of different 259
social insurance system 131
social medical health care 354
social quality supervision 65
sodium benzoate production 321
sodium isoascorbate production 321
SOEs see state-owned enterprises
software market 334 “35, 334, 335
sole proprietorships 31 “32
sorbitol production 322 “23
special engineering plastics production 318
standards of living 5
State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) 139 “40
state bureaux 24 “25
State Council 23, 25, 26
State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) 164, 166
state-owned enterprises (SOEs), restructuring and development 49 “52
state-owned foreign trade enterprises (SFTEs) 93 “94, 97 “100
state trading requirements, WTO 18 “19, 91, 92 “93
statistics development 53 “59, 226
analysis 58
functions 54 “55
National Economic Accounting System 57 “58
publication and provision of data 58
surveys 55 “57
'stepping out' strategy 68, 99
stevioside production 322
stock dividends , foreign exchange payments 274
subsidies for employees 131
surveys, statistical 55 “57
sweeteners production 322
synthetic rubber industry 346 “47, 347, 350 , 369 “73, 369 “72

Doing Business with China
Doing Business with China
ISBN: 1905050089
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 648
Authors: Lord Brittan © 2008-2017.
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