

paged cursors , 90 “91
PageElement control, 66
PageSource control, 66
PageViewer control, 66 “67
paging, 90 “91
Panel classes. See panels
Canvas panel, 42, 43 “44
defined, 42
DockPanel panel, 42, 44 “45
FixedPanel panel, 43, 50, 69 “70
FlowPanel panel, 42, 45 “47
GridPanel panel, 43, 48 “50
overview, 42 “43
TextPanel panel, 42, 47 “48
as type of XAML element, 42
Parameters attribute, 109
partial class definitions, 29, 30
passwords, 144, 145, 149 “51. See also authenticated Web services
Path attribute, 103
Path element, 59
Path property, 100
peer-to-peer applications, 115
role in Longhorn application deployment, 5 “6
role of TrustInfo element, 33
Person class, 81, 93, 103, 106, 108 “10
Personal Contacts folder
adding new items, 80 “81
finding, 79 “80
FolderMember relationship, 82
Point object, 105
Polygon element, 59
Polyline element, 59
ports, in Indigo architecture, 117, 119
power management, as mobile PC issue, 161 “68
PresentationCore assembly, 13
PresentationFramework assembly, 13
Project element, 22
project files
applications vs. libraries, 24 “25
root element, 22
change notifications, 106 “12
IPropertyChange interface, 106 “7
vs. XAML attributes, 12
Property element, 19 “20, 22
property triggers, 56
PropertyGroup element, 22
publishedServerTypes element, 141

Introducing Microsoft WinFX
Introducing WinFX(TM) The Application Programming Interface for the Next Generation of Microsoft Windows Code Name Longhorn (Pro Developer)
ISBN: 0735620857
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 83
Authors: Brent Rector © 2008-2017.
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