
This script connects to Active Directory and writes all the servers that are running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 to a text file; the next script uses this information as an input to create a computer rule element in ISA Server 2004.

 '==================================================================== ' ' PURPOSE: Add all the Computers running Windows Server 2003 from ' Active Directory to a text file called c:\ExportedServers.txt ' ' NAME: ExportServers.vbs ' ' RUN: cscript ExportServers.vbs <Domain Controller> ' ' WHERE: Run on a domain member of Active Directory as an administrator 'of the local computer, which must be Windows Server 2003. ' ' COMMENT: The script will only return Windows Server 2003 computers. '          This script was written by Jesper Hanno Hansen. ' ' VERSION: 1.0 '==================================================================== 'Set ForAppending from OpenAsTextStream Method Const ForAppending = 8 ' Create an arguments Object to get the parameters from the input Dim objArguments Set objArguments = WScript.Arguments ' Count the input parameters, if less than 1, show help If objArguments.Count < 1 Then    ShowHelp Else    ' Set the parameter to the Computername    Dim strServerName    strServerName = WScript.Arguments(0)    End If' ' Calling the Sub to connect to Active Directory FindServers strServerName WScript.Echo "Please check the file C:\ExportedServers.txt" WScript.Echo "to verify the data..." Sub FindServers(Server)    ' Show information on the screen    WScript.Echo "Connecting to server: " & strServerName    WScript.Echo ""    ' Create a Root Object of the LDAP namespace    Dim objRootSet objRoot = GetObject("LDAP:")    ' Declare variables    Dim objADsPath    Dim strADsPath    ' Looping through available ADsPath    For Each objADsPath In objRoot          ' Set AdsPathstrADsPath = objADsPath.AdsPath    Next    ' Create a Connection Object    Dim objConnection    Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")    ' Set Provider Property to ADSI OLE DB Provider    objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"    ' Open the Connection to Active Directory    objConnection.Open "ADs Provider"       ' Create a RecordSet Object    Dim objRecordset    Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")    ' Set the Query we will use against Active Directory    ' Note the filter operatingSystem=Windows Server 2003 define    ' that the query will return the Windows Server 2003 only    Dim strQuery    strQuery = "<" & strADsPath & ">" & _    ";(&(objectClass=Computer)(operatingSystem=Windows Server 2003))" & _    ";DNSHostName,description,distinguishedName;SubTree"    ' Set the RecordSet Object to the result of the executed query    Set objRecordSet = objConnection.Execute(strQuery)    ' Declare variables    Dim strDNSHostname, strDescription, strIPAddress, strDistinguishedName    ' Loop through the RecordSet, until End Of File    Do Until objRecordset.EOF          ' Enable Error Handling          On Error Resume Next          ' Set the results to variables          strDNSHostname = objRecordSet.Fields("dNSHostName")          WScript.Echo "Found       : " & strDNSHostname          CheckError          strDistinguishedName = objRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName")          CheckError          ' Since Active Directory does not have the IP Address of a          ' computer, we will ping the FQDN using a WMI Function and          ' set the result as strIPAddress          strIPAddress = GetIPAddress(strDNSHostname)          CheckError          ' The Description field in Active Directory is not returned using          ' our query, so a new connection directly to the DistinguishedName          ' of the Server is required          ' Create an ADsGetObject Object to get access to the Description          ' property          Set objADsGetObject = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDistinguishedName)          CheckError          ' Set Description variable to the value of the Description field          strDescription = objADsGetObject.Get("Description")          ' Check if the value is empty, if true clear the error          If IsNull(strDescription) Then                Err.Clear          End If          ' Show information on the screen          WScript.Echo "Information : " & strDNSHostname & " " & _          strIPAddress & " " & strDescription          Wscript.Echo ""          ' Send the values to the write sub          WriteToFile strDNSHostName, strIPAddress, strDescription          ' Clear the description          strDescription = Null          ' Move to the next record in the recordset          objRecordset.MoveNext    Loop End Sub Sub WriteToFile(strDNSHostName, strIPAddress, strDescription)    ' Create a FileSystem Object    Dim objFileSystemObject    Set objFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    ' Create a File Object, and open/create a file named ExportedServers.txt    ' if the file exists, append data to it, if not create a new file.    Dim objFile    Set objFile = objFileSystemObject.OpenTextFile _                 ("C:\ExportedServers.txt", ForAppending,True)    ' Write the data to the file    objFile.WriteLine strDNSHostname & "|" & strIPAddress & "|" & _    strDescription    ' Close the file again    objFile.Close End Sub Function GetIPAddress(strServer)    On Error Resume Next    ' Create a sWbemLocator Object to get access to sWbemService    Dim objsWbemLocator    Set objsWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")    CheckError    ' Create a sWbemService object to get access to sWbemObjectSet    Dim objsWbemService    Set objsWbemService = objsWbemLocator.ConnectServer(".","root\CIMV2")    CheckError    ' Create a sWbemObjectSet using the ExecQuery method of a ping query    Dim objsWbemObjectSet    Set objsWbemObjectSet = objsWbemService.ExecQuery("select * from " & _    "Win32_PingStatus where address = '" & strServer & "'")    CheckError    ' Declare    Dim objsWbemObject    ' Loop through the query    For Each objSwbemObject in objsWbemObjectSet          ' If statuscode is null or <> 0 there was an error, else ok          If IsNull(objsWbemObject.StatusCode) Or _                    objsWbemObject.StatusCode <> 0 Then                GetIPAddress = ""          Else                ' Set GetIPAddress to Address of the destination                GetIPAddress = objsWbemObject.ProtocolAddress          End If    Next End Function ' Used to check if the script is in an error state, if true quit Sub CheckError    If Err.Number <> 0 Then          WScript.Echo ""          WScript.Echo "Error Number      : " & "0x" & Hex(Err.Number)          WScript.Echo "Error Description : " & Err.Description          WScript.Quit    End If End Sub ' Used to show help on the screen, if input parameters is less than 1 Sub ShowHelp    WScript.Echo "Please use cscript ExportServers.vbs <Domain Controller>"    WScript.Echo "For Example:"    WScript.Echo ""    WScript.Echo "cscript ExportServers.vbs Server01.domain.local"    WScript.Quit End Sub 


This function can also be performed using one of the ds commands included with Windows Server 2003. This will take one line rather than 211. From a command line, type dsquery * -filter "(&(objectCategory=computer)(operatingSystem=Windows Server 2003)) -attr name - l >c:\ExportedServers.txt.

Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration ISA Server 2004 Administrator's Pocket Consultant
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004 Administrators Pocket Consultant (Pro-Administrators Pocket Consultant)
ISBN: 0735621888
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 173

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