Appendix B. KPI UtilitiesCode for Parsing Display Folders and Getting Image Indexes

// ----------------------------------------------------- // KpiUtilities // // Contains re-usable KPI-related utility functions. // ----------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace KpiDemo {    public static class KpiUtilities       {          /// <summary>          /// Returns a collection of TreeNodes representing          ///the display folders contained          /// in the displayFolders parameter. These TreeNodes          ///will be created if not found.          /// An empty array will be returned if displayFolders          ///does not contain any displayfolders.          /// </summary>          /// <param name="rootNodeCollection">nodes collection          ///to use as the root of the KPI tree</param>          /// <param name="displayFolders">the value of a          ///DisplayFolders property</param>          /// <param name="displayFolderImageIndex">the          ///ImageIndex to use for a display folder tree node          ///</param> <returns>          /// An array of TreeNode objects representing the          ///display folders contained in displayFolders.          /// May return an empty array but will not return          /// null.          /// </returns>          public static TreeNode[] GetDisplayFolderTreeNodes(                 TreeNodeCollection rootNodeCollection,                 string displayFolders,                 int displayFolderImageIndex )          {             if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( displayFolders ) )             {                return new TreeNode[0];             }             else             {                string[][] parsedDisplayFolders =                ParseDisplayFolders( displayFolders );                int pathCount =                   parsedDisplayFolders.GetLength( 0 );                TreeNode[] displayFolderNodes =                   new TreeNode[pathCount];                for ( int pathIndex = 0; pathIndex < pathCount;                          pathIndex++ )                {                   string[] path =                   parsedDisplayFolders[pathIndex];                   TreeNode folderNode = null;                   TreeNodeCollection parentNodeCollection =                      rootNodeCollection;                   foreach ( string folder in path )                   {                      TreeNode[] nodesFound =                      parentNodeCollection.Find( folder, false );                      if ( nodesFound.Length > 0 )                      {                         folderNode = nodesFound[0];                      }                      else                      {                         folderNode =                         parentNodeCollection.Add( folder, folder,                         displayFolderImageIndex,                         displayFolderImageIndex );                      }                      parentNodeCollection = folderNode.Nodes;                   }                   displayFolderNodes[pathIndex] = folderNode;                }                return displayFolderNodes;             }          }          /// <summary>          /// Parses the value of a DisplayFolders property          /// into an array of paths, each of which is          /// an array of folder names.          /// </summary>          /// <param name="displayFolders">string containing          /// the value of a DisplayFolders property</param>          /// <returns>          /// An array of arrays of strings. The outer array          /// may be zero-length, but will not be null.          /// The inner arrays will not be null or          /// zero-length. Duplicate paths will be removed.          /// </returns>          public static string[][]                 ParseDisplayFolders( string displayFolders )          {             const char pathDelimiter = ';';             const char folderDelimiter = '\\';             if ( displayFolders == null )             {                return new string[0][];             }             // Get paths             int emptyPathCount = 0;             string[] pathStrings =                displayFolders.Split( pathDelimiter );             string[][] allPaths =                new string[pathStrings.Length][];             for ( int i = 0; i < pathStrings.Length; i++ )             {                // Get folders                int emptyFolderCount = 0;                string[] allFolders =                   pathStrings[i].Split( folderDelimiter );                for ( int j = 0; j < allFolders.Length; j++ )             {                allFolders[j] = allFolders[j].Trim();                if ( allFolders[j].Length == 0 )                {                   emptyFolderCount++;                }             }             // Get currentPath without any             // empty folders             string[] nonEmptyFolders;             if ( emptyFolderCount == 0 )             {                // This is the common case,                // so optimize                nonEmptyFolders = allFolders;             }             else if ( emptyFolderCount == allFolders.Length )             {                nonEmptyFolders = null;                emptyPathCount++;             }             else             {                nonEmptyFolders =                new string [allFolders.Length                            emptyFolderCount];                for ( int j = 0, k = 0; j <                allFolders.Length; j++ )                {                   if ( allFolders[j].Length > 0 )                   {                      nonEmptyFolders[k] = allFolders[j];                      k++;                   }                }             }             // Remove duplicate paths             if ( nonEmptyFolders != null &&                  IsPathAlreadyInPathsArray( allPaths,                  nonEmptyFolders, i ) )             {                nonEmptyFolders = null;                emptyPathCount++;             }                allPaths[i] = nonEmptyFolders;             }             // Get results without any empty paths             string[][] nonEmptyPaths;             if ( emptyPathCount == 0 )             {                // This is the common case, so optimize                nonEmptyPaths = allPaths;             }             else if ( emptyPathCount == allPaths.Length )             {                nonEmptyPaths = new string[0][];             }             else             {                nonEmptyPaths =                   new string[allPaths.Length                    emptyPathCount][];                for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < allPaths.Length; i++ )                {                   if ( allPaths[i] != null )                   {                      nonEmptyPaths[j] =                      allPaths[i];                      j++;                   }                }             }             return nonEmptyPaths;          }          /// <summary>          /// Takes a normalized value such as those associated          /// with KPI Status and Trend and returns          /// a numeric index of an image based on the          /// normalized value.          /// </summary>          /// <param name="normalizedValue">normalized value          /// between -1 and 1 (values less than -1 are treated          /// as -1 and those greater than 1 are treated as          /// 1)</param>          /// <param name="firstImageIndex">value of the first          /// image index</param>          /// <param name="lastImageIndex">value of the last          /// image index</param>          /// <returns>An integer between firstImageIndex and          /// lastImageIndex, inclusive</returns>          public static int GetImageIndex( double normalizedValue,             int firstImageIndex, int lastImageIndex )          {             const double normalizedLowerBound = -1.0;             const double normalizedUpperBound = 1.0;             if ( double.IsNaN( normalizedValue ) )             {                return firstImageIndex;             }             else if ( normalizedValue <= -1 )             {                return firstImageIndex;             }             else if ( normalizedValue >= 1 )             {                return lastImageIndex;             }             else             {                const double inputRange =                   normalizedUpperBound                    normalizedLowerBound;                double outputRange =                       ( double )( Math.Abs( lastImageIndex                        firstImageIndex ) + 1 );                double outputSegmentsFromLowerBound =                       ( normalizedValue - normalizedLowerBound )                       * ( outputRange / inputRange );                outputSegmentsFromLowerBound =                   Math.Round( outputSegmentsFromLowerBound,                   10 ); // round off floating point errors                   int zeroBasedIndex = ( int )(                      ( normalizedValue > 0 ) ?                      Math.Floor( outputSegmentsFromLowerBound):                      // borders between segments (whole                      //numbers) belong to the preceeding                      // segment                      Math.Ceiling(                      outputSegmentsFromLowerBound ) - 1 );                      // borders between segments (whole                      // numbers) belong to the following                      // segment                   return ( firstImageIndex < lastImageIndex )?                          firstImageIndex + zeroBasedIndex :                          firstImageIndex - zeroBasedIndex;             }          }          #region ParseDisplayFolder helper methods          /// <summary>          /// Checks whether paths contains currentPath before          /// currentIndex. Used by ParseDisplayFolders.          /// </summary>          private static bool IsPathAlreadyInPathsArray(             string[][] paths,          string[] currentPath,             int currentIndex )          {             if ( paths == null )             {                  return false;             }             int count =                Math.Min( currentIndex, paths.GetLength( 0 ) );                for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )                {                   if ( DoPathsMatch( paths[i], currentPath ) )                   {                      return true;                   }                }                return false;          }          /// <summary>          /// Checks whether path1 and path2 match.          /// </summary>          private static bool                  DoPathsMatch( string[] path1, string[] path2 )          {               if ( path1 == null && path2 == null )               {                  return true;               }               else if ( path1 == null || path2 == null )               {                  return false;               }               else if ( path1.Length != path2.Length )               {                  return false;               }               else               {                  for ( int i = 0; i < path1.Length; i++ )                  {                     if ( string.Compare( path1[i],                        path2[i], true,System.Globalization.                        CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture )                        != 0 )                     {                        return false;                     }                  }                  return true;               }         }         #endregion ParseDisplayFolder helper methods      } } 

Inside SQL Server 2005 Tools
Inside SQL Server 2005 Tools
ISBN: 0321397967
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 149 © 2008-2017.
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