

Eavesdropping, 25-27, 296
cardholder identification capture, 26
defined, 25
of PIN, 26
scenarios, 25-26
waiter attack, 25
See also Threats
E-commerce applications
candidate list, 344
processing initiation, 345-46
selection, 344-45
See also Chip e-commerce
E-commerce related technologies, 419-27
Electrically erasable programmable memory (EEPROM), 57, 58, 59
ICCs, 261-62
supplementary, 269
Electronic codebook mode (ECB), 401
Elementary files (EFs), 60, 63-65
application (AEFs), 83
internal, 63
referencing methods , 63-64
structures, 64
working, 63
See also Files
Embossed data, 18-20
counterfeiting, 32
financial items, 18
manual capturing, 19-20
PAN, 18, 19
application context in cardholder system, 342-46
card application, 87
Cardholder Verification Methods, 179-81
certifiers, 125, 127-29
Chip Electronic Commerce framework, 5
chip migration issues, 3-4, 227-86
choice of, 4
data objects heap, 158
data organization, 4, 91-122
defined, 82
defined data objects, 248-49
entities, 127-29
functionality, 247
mapping of data objects, 84
message manager component, 340
payment method, 4, 147
payment system implementation, 232
protocol stack, 93
remove debit/credit with, 5-6
terminal application, 87
terminals, 149-50, 159
EMV 96 “Integrated Circuit Card Specification for Payment Systems , 92, 93
EMV 2000 “Integrated Circuit Card Specification for Payment Systems , 92-95
Book 1 , 92-94
Book 2 , 94-95
Book 3 , 95
Book 4 , 95
defined, 92
EMV ¢ protocol stack mapping to, 93
EMV ¢ application selection, 115-22
candidate list, 115-16
candidate list, building directly, 119-21
candidate list, building from PSE, 118-19
final, 121-22
list of supported applications and, 117
matching criteria application and, 117
mechanism, 94
EMV ¢ cards
in cardholder access device, 340-41
in cardholder access device configuration, 292
file organization, 86
multiple applications, 227
partial name selection support, 103-6
as token, 340
transaction processing, for e-commerce, 293
EMV ¢ certificates, 4, 125-45
certification mechanism/algorithm, 125-26
chains, 129-32
public key, 125-40
signed static application data, 125, 140-45
types of, 125
EMV ¢ data elements, 96-99
classes, 98
defined, 96
grouping in record templates, 99
length field, 97-98
specification, 98-99
tag field, 97
EMV ¢ debit/credit, 147-225
AEF(s), 148
AFL, 154-56
AFL processing, 156-58
AIP, 154-56
ATC, 154
authorization response, 151
cardholder verification, 178-95
card layout, 247
ICC interchange, 149
initiate application processing, 152-56
issuer authentication, 221-22
issuer scripts, 222-25
off-line data authentication, 160-74
on-line dynamic CAM for, 263
on-line processing, 217-21
overview, 147-48
payment network processing, 151
PDOL, 153-54
processing restrictions, 174-78
read application data, 156-60
terminal action analysis, 201-17
terminal risk management, 195-201
transaction overview, 148-51
TSI, 152-53
TVR, 152
EMV ¢ file system, 84-85, 99-115
ADFs, 99-106
AEFs, 106-8
DDFs, 108-12
payment system environment, 112-15
EMV ¢ regulatory framework, 228-36
business objectives, 229-31
functional requirements, 231-33
minimal card requirements, 231
minimal terminal requirements, 231-32
security politics, 233-36
EMV ¢ specifications, 82
data organization, 92-95
ICC, deriving by issuers , 236-39
organization, 92-95
transaction processing for chip e-commerce, 291, 340
EMV ¢ transactions, 89
completion, 355-56
finalization , 147
flow, 152
network support, 228
profile, 342-44
status, 220
Enciphered PIN verification
asymmetric, 390-91
on-line, 267-68, 387-88
symmetric, 389
BER-TLV, 82-84
of directory entries, 108-9
elements with fixed format, 71-72
with fixed format, 71-72
self-determined, 82-84
Encryption, 373-76
asymmetric, 375-76
defined, 373
with PKCS#1, 414-16
symmetric, 374-75
unified model, 374
See also Security mechanisms
Entity authentication (ES) services, 302-3
defined, 367
dynamic card authentication, 368
static card authentication, 368
See also Security services
Entity Public Key
remainder, 129
splitting, 130
See also Public key certificates
Europay, MasterCard, and Visa. See EMV ¢
C-APDU, 221
for issuer authentication, 221-22

Implementing Electronic Card Payment Systems
Implementing Electronic Card Payment Systems (Artech House Computer Security Series)
ISBN: 1580533051
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 131
Authors: Cristian Radu © 2008-2017.
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