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Category: Text Formatting

Syntax: TextColor (text; RGB (red; green; blue))

Parameters: text ”any text string or expression that returns a text string; RGB (red;green;blue) ”a function that accepts three parameters from 0 to 255 and returns a number representing a color . See the RGB() definition.


Returns the text string in the color specified by the RGB parameter.



 TextColor ("this text will be blue"; RGB (0;0;255)) 

Returns this text will be blue , formatted in blue.


 TextColor ("this text will be red"; 16711680) 

Returns this text will be red , formatted in red.


Use the TextColor() function within text expressions to emphasize words:


 "We will have " & TextColor (NumberItems;RGB (255;0;0)) & " errors per cycle. Unacceptable!" 

TextColor() can also be used for conditional text formatting. The following calculation highlights losses in red:


 Let (Profit = GetAsText (Earnings  Expenditures);    Case (Profit > 0; TextColor (Profit; RGB(0;0;0));       Profit < 0; TextColor (Profit; RGB(255;0;0));       "")) 

If a field is formatted in the Number Format dialog, some options override the TextColor() function. For example, conditional color for negative numbers overrides TextColor , unless the user has clicked into the field being formatted.

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QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
Year: 2003
Pages: 494

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