

You may use a loop to run one or more statements multiple times. There are three types of loops in PL/SQL:

  • Simple loops     Run until you explicitly end the loop

  • WHILE loops     Run until a specified condition occurs

  • FOR loops     Run a predetermined number of times

You ll learn about these loops in the following sections.

Simple Loops

A simple loop runs until you explicitly end the loop. The syntax for a simple loop is as follows :

 LOOP  statements  END LOOP; 

To end the loop, you use either an EXIT or EXIT WHEN statement. The EXIT statement ends a loop immediately, and the EXIT WHEN statement ends a loop when a specified condition occurs.

The following example shows a simple loop. A variable named counter is initialized to 0 prior to the beginning of the loop, and the loop adds 1 to counter . The loop exits when counter is equal to 5 using an EXIT WHEN statement.

 counter := 0; LOOP   counter := counter + 1;   EXIT WHEN counter = 5; END LOOP; 

The EXIT WHEN statement can appear anywhere in the loop code.


A WHILE loop runs until a specified condition occurs. The syntax for a WHILE loop is as follows:

 WHILE  condition  LOOP  statements  END LOOP; 

The following example shows a WHILE loop that executes while the counter variable is less than 6:

 counter := 0; WHILE counter < 6 LOOP   counter := counter + 1; END LOOP; 

FOR Loops

A FOR loop runs a predetermined number of times; you determine the number of times the loop runs by specifying the lower and upper bounds for a loop variable. The loop variable is then incremented (or decremented) each time around the loop. The syntax for a FOR loop is as follows:

 FOR  loop_variable  IN [REVERSE]  lower_bound..upper_bound  LOOP  statements  END LOOP; 


  • loop_variable specifies the loop variable. You can use a variable that already exists for the loop variable, or you can just have the loop create one for you (this occurs if the variable specified doesn t exist). The loop variable value is increased (or decreased if you use the REVERSE keyword) by 1 each time through the loop.

  • REVERSE specifies that the loop variable value is to be decremented each time through the loop. The loop variable is initialized to the upper bound and is decremented by 1 until the loop variable reaches the lower bound. You must still specify the lower bound before the upper bound.

  • lower_bound specifies the loop s lower bound. The loop variable is initialized to this lower bound as long as REVERSE is not used.

  • upper_bound specifies the loop s upper bound. If REVERSE is used, the loop variable is initialized to this upper bound.

The following example shows a FOR loop. Notice that the variable count2 isn t explicitly declared ”the FOR loop automatically creates an INTEGER variable in this case:

 FOR count2 IN 1..5 LOOP   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(count2); END LOOP; 

If REVERSE was used in this example, the loop variable counter would start at 5, be decremented by 1 each time through the loop, and end at 1.

Oracle Database 10g SQL
Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
ISBN: 0072229810
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217

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