
This book is an act of devotion, created by two extraordinary Adobe evangelists and educators, Adam Pratt and Lynn Grillo, out of their mutual love for Adobe GoLive. Huddling over keyboards and phones late at night, snatching time between flights and after customer presentations, these two have managedwith grace and humorto collaborate once again on a lucid, insightful introduction to designing Web sites with Adobe GoLive CS2 and Adobe Creative Suite 2.

If you're serious about putting GoLive to work, this book is for you. It breaks down complex Web concepts into manageable blocks and then helps you assemble these pieces into a coherent workflow. You'll go from novice to natural faster than you think possible, while uncovering the depth and richness of GoLive CS2's powerful Web-design tools. And if you're a GoLive enthusiast already, you'll pick up a wealth of detail about the latest features.

I speak from experience, having dipped deep into their last volume, Adobe GoLive CS Tips and Tricks. I carted it to three continents, jotted all manner of notes in it, sprinkled food and coffee on it, and dog-eared it into a well-loved state. Through it, I got the hands-on view of mastering the GoLive Site window, working with Smart Objects, building CSS pages, incorporating interactivity, and so much more. What appealed most was learning in the company of such stimulating teachers. Their love of GoLive shines on every page and will inspire you to your best Web-design work.

This release of Adobe GoLive is as packed as ever with rich features, from its innovative new drag-and-drop approach to CSS authoring to its deepened integration into the Creative Suite. The GoLive team is indebted to Adam and Lynn for their energy and enthusiasm in educating people about our favorite product. Adobe GoLive CS2 Tips and Tricks is a treasure trove of information about getting the most from GoLive. Enjoy!

Whitney McCleary
Adobe GoLive Senior Product Marketing Manager

    Adobe GoLive CS2 Tips and Tricks The 250 Best
    Adobe GoLive CS2 Tips and Tricks The 250 Best
    ISBN: B008CMGJS0
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 301 © 2008-2017.
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