
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]

aborting threads
     activation model settings
ActivationArguments property
add-ins. [See also extensibility]
     .NET Framework unification
     application domain manager calling step
     application domain partitioning guidelines
     application domain selection step
     assembly loading 2nd
     availability issues 2nd
     configuring domains
     default domain problems
     determining CLR version used to build
     exception handling issues
     extensible applications as
     loading step
     making applications aware of
     multiple, CLR version selection issues
     place in extensibility architecture
     startup version matching
     versions, effects on
administrator policy
advantages of CLR
AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute
AppDomain class. [See also application domains]
     AssemblyResolve event
     CreateDomain method 2nd 3rd
     CreateInstanceFrom method
     DomainUnload events
     ExecuteAssemblyByName method
     Load method 2nd
     properties, editing
     properties, retrieving
     SetShadowCopyPath method
     SetupInformation property
     Unload method
AppDomainInitializer property
AppDomainInitializerArguments property
AppDomainManager. [See application domain managers]
AppDomainSetup objects
     ActivationArguments property
     AppDomainInitializer property
     AppDomainInitializerArguments property
     application-specific settings
     ApplicationBase property 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     ApplicationName property 2nd
     assembly version binding settings 2nd
     base directory specification
     CachePath property 2nd
     ConfigurationBytes property
     ConfigurationFile property
     DisallowApplicationBaseProbing property 2nd
     DisallowBindingRedirects property
     DisallowCodeDownload property
     DisallowPublisher property
     DynamicBase property
     editing with a manager
     LicenseFile property
     Load(byte[]) method
     LoaderOptimization property
     private assembly directory settings 2nd
     PrivateBinPath property
     PrivateBinPathProbe property 2nd
     properties, editing
     properties, list of
     properties, retrieving
     shadow copy settings 2nd
     ShadowCopiesDirectory property
     ShadowCopyFiles property
     specifying settings
     subdirectory settings
AppDomainViewer tool
application configuration files. [See configuration files]
application domain managers. [See also application domains]
     add-in domain customizing
     advantages of 2nd
     ApplicationActivator method
     ApplicationActivator property 2nd
     assemblies, loading with
     assembly loading from within destinations
     assembly loading recommendations
     associating with processes
     calling for add-in loading
     calling managed code example
     classes for
     CLR hosting APIs for associating with processes
     cocoon example
     configuring domains after initialization
     CreateDomain method 2nd
     CreateDomainHelper method 2nd
     creating application domains 2nd
     creating managers
     customized domain creation
     environment variables for process associations
     example specification
     extensibility architecture, role in
     host runtimes
     HostExecutionContext property
     HostExecutionContextManager method
     HostSecurityManager 2nd 3rd 4th
     ICLRControl with
     identifiers for domains
     InitializationFlags method
     InitializationFlags property
     InitializeNewDomain method 2nd
     initializing the CLR
     instancing 2nd
     interception points 2nd
     interface definition generation
     interfaces for
     listing domains in a process
     loading add-in step
     pointers to
     populating maps with pointers
     preventing domain creation
     reusing domains
     sample IHostControl implementation
     SetAppDomainManager method
     steps in domain creation
     unmanaged code, calling from
application domains
     activation model
     advantages of 2nd
    AppDomain objects. [See AppDomain class]
     AppDomainInitializer property
     AppDomainInitializerArguments property
    AppDomainSetup. [See AppDomainSetup objects]
     AppDomainViewer tool
     application-specific settings
     ApplicationBase property 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     ASP.NET use of
     assemblies, loading into
     assembly elements
     assembly version binding settings 2nd
     base directory specification
     calls across, guidelines for
     calls across, property for minimizing
    CAS. [See CAS (Code Access Security)]
    class for. [See AppDomain class]
     CLR thread pools
     code unloading guidelines
     configuration files of 2nd
     configuration properties, list of
     configuration specification methods
     configuration with InitializeNewDomain
     data structures of
     debugging not isolated by
     default domain 2nd
     disabling downloading code
     domain-neutral code static elements
     downloaded files cache 2nd
     dynamic assembly directory property
     editing configurations with a manager
     evidence, associating with
     extensibility architecture, goal of
     guidelines for partitioning processes into
     host runtimes
     HostRuntime assemblies
     Internet Explorer use of
     isolation goal of
     machine.config settings
    managers for. [See application domain managers]
     memory safety benefit of
     not isolated resources
     performance costs
     permissions for
     place in extensibility architecture
     policy tree creation
     private assembly directory settings 2nd
     processes, relationship to
     properties, list of
     property elements
     purpose of
     remote call proxy elements
     representation of
     security policy elements
     security settings
     selection for add-in loading
    setup. [See AppDomainSetup objects]
     shadow copy settings 2nd
     SQL Server use of
     static data with
     subdirectory settings
     synchronization privileges with
     thread issues 2nd
     type safety benefit of
     type visibility
     unload events
     unload exceptions
     unloading CLR data
     unloading code guidelines
     unloading, overview of
     unsafe types
     verification benefit of
ApplicationActivator method
ApplicationActivator property 2nd
ApplicationBase property 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
architecture of extensible applications
     application domains with
     extensibility of
     loose version binding of
     unloading application domains
    add-ins, of. [See add-ins]
     application domain data elements for
     application domains, loading into
     application domains, object calls between
     AssemblyName class 2nd
     AssemblyResolve event
     binding contexts 2nd
     binding times
     blocking loading of
    class for. [See Assembly class]
     CLR base class library
    cocoon model. [See cocoon deployment model]
     configuring domains with InitializeNewDomain
     culture element of
     customized loading of [See also managed customized assembly loading]
     default rules for
     determining assembly locations on disk
     determining CLR version used to build
     directory settings for application domains 2nd
     discovery issues
    domain neutral. [See domainneutral assemblies]
     dynamic, setting directories for
     exceptions from load failures
     extensibility overview
     friendly names of 2nd
     fully specified references
    Global Assembly Cache. [See GAC (global assembly cache)]
     host-specific data association
    HostRuntime. [See HostRuntime assemblies]
     identities, assignment by host
     identities, components of
     identities, string based
     load events, capturing
    loading APIs. [See assembly loading APIs]
    loading by filename. [See loading assemblies by filename]
    loading by identity. [See loading assemblies by identity]
     location by CLR
     managed customized assembly loading 2nd
     marshaling issues
     monitoring changes to
     multiple file, support for 2nd
     multiple, version selection issues
     naming types
    naming. [See naming assemblies]
     partially specified references 2nd
     public key token of
     referencing issues
    runtime data sharing. [See domainneutral assemblies]
     shadow copies of
     side by side existence of
     specification as strings
     specification of references
     storage format issues
     string-based identity issues
     strong names 2nd
     System.Reflection.AssemblyName specification of
     type visibility
     version binding settings for application domains 2nd
     version numbering of
     version of CLR embedded
     version of CLR used to build, determining
     version policy overview
     version specification of
     weak names 2nd 3rd
Assembly Binding Log Viewer
Assembly class
     ImageRuntimeVersion property
     Load method
     Load(byte[]) method
     LoadFile method
     LoadFrom method
     LoadWithPartialName method
     location determination
     ResolveModule event
assembly loading APIs
     add-in loading step
     architecture of extensible applications
     AssemblyName class 2nd
     assigning evidence with
     capabilities of
     CreateInstanceFrom method
     domain to call from, importance of
     ExecuteAssemblyByName method of AppDomain
     ExecuteInDefaultAppDomain method
     filenames, methods for loading by
     goal for design
     Load method of AppDomain 2nd
     Load method of Assembly
     LoadFile method of Assembly
     LoadFrom method of Assembly
     LoadWithPartialName method of Assembly
     location of assemblies by CLR
     remote calls
     specification as strings
     type creation on loading
assembly loading managers
     .NET Framework assembly loading
     administrator policy
     application assembly specification
     binding process
     CLR behavior options
     COM interfaces for cocoons
     creation example
     defined 2nd
     EBindPolicyLevels enumeration
     GetAssemblyStore method
     GetHostApplicationPolicy method
     GetNonHostStoreAssemblies method 2nd
     host-specific data association
     identity assignment
     IHostAssemblyManager implementation
     IHostAssemblyStore implementation
     implementation overview
     module references, resolving
     overview of
     publisher policy, preventing application of
     purpose of
     resolving assembly references 2nd
     returning assembly stores
     specifying non-host-loaded assemblies
     SQL Server with
     versioning rule implementation
AssemblyLoad event
AssemblyName class 2nd
AssemblyResolve event
asynchronization manager
authentication, CAS
authorization, CAS
auto reset events
     action options for failures
     add-ins problem
     calls to unmanaged code
     critical regions of code
     database server requirements
     disabling the CLR
     escalation policy
     exceptions introduced for
     failure escalation overview
     failure types
     fatal runtime errors
     finalizer issues
     guidelines for
     host protection
     ICLRPolicyManager for escalation policy
     managed code exception handling dilemma
     memory requirements problem
     native handle issues
     need for
     new concepts introduced for
     notifications of actions
     orphaned locks
     resource allocation failures
     SafeHandles 2nd
     synchronization primitive guidelines
     Web services scenario

Customizing the Microsoft  .NET Framework Common Language Runtime
Customizing the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime
ISBN: 735619883
Year: 2005
Pages: 119

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