Chapter 22. Testing


  • Creating, Configuring, and Managing Tests

  • Developer Testing

  • Web Testing

  • Load Testing

  • Manual Tests

  • Generic Tests

  • Ordered Tests

Testing is one of the most important parts of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). All too often, however, testing is pushed to the back of the project as a last-minute exercise. Or, just as bad, developers are put in charge of testing their own code. In either case, you can expect poor results. If you have ever released software like this, you know that the release is just a point in time on a calendar. When users get a hold of the application, the real testing begins. In fact, this is where we get alpha and beta releases. Developers and testers do not have the tools to be confident in a release of software. Therefore, they throw it over the wall with a name like alpha release to get a read on everything that is actually wrong with the code. The tags alpha and beta mean that the users can't get too mad when things break. This typical cycle is changing, however.

Visual Studio 2005 provides developers and testers with tools that allow for repeatable, automated tests. These tools bring testing into all phases of the SDLC (including development). The tools allow you to test early and test often. The result is an increased confidence in the software. This confidence can turn the tables on the alpha and beta releases. Instead of users fettering out the errors, they can focus on usability and requirements mapping. The result is an application delivered with predictability and fewer bugs.

In this chapter we focus on the testing tools built into Visual Studio 2005. They include unit testing in Team Developer and the many tools inside Team Test, such as test case management, web testing, and load testing. This chapter will get you well on your way to creating software of a higher quality.


You can create unit tests with Visual Studio Professional or Team Developer. However, you cannot create the many other tests we will discuss in this chapter without Team System's Team Test Edition. Therefore, if your edition does not have a specific feature, you may need to install Team Test or Team Suite.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Unleashed
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Unleashed
ISBN: 0672328194
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 195 © 2008-2017.
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