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<h1> through <h6> (Headings) elements
examples of, 58-59, 61
explanation of, 6
overview of, 638-639
hand value of cursor property in CSS2, description of, 350
hash symbol (#)
in CFML example, 426
using with HTTP URLs, 103
using with marker names , 113-114
using with URLs, 100
HEAD method in HTTP requests , description of, 511
<head> (document head) element
elements of, 14-17
example of, 8-9
explanation of, 6
overview of, 16-17, 639-640
headings, overview of, 58-61
height attribute
using with <img> tags, 161-162
using with QuickTime, 258
height properties for boxes in CSS1, controlling, 312, 320-322
help rel value, explanation of, 130
help value of cursor property in CSS2, description of, 351
hex values and color names, table of, 190
hexadecimal, converting RGB to, 828-829
hexadecimal values specification, CSS1 support for, 307
hidden <input> type, using with forms, 385-387
hidden attribute, using with QuickTime, 258
hidden value
of CSS2 visibility property, 337-338
of overflow CSS2 property, 338
hidefocus attribute, overview of, 581
Highlight color value in CSS2, intended rendering of, 351
HighlightText color value in CSS2, intended rendering of, 351
HomeSite HTML development tool, overview of, 43
horizontal rules, overview of, 77-78
hosting, outsourcing, 501-503
Hover link state, explanation of, 112
:hover pseudoclass in CSS2, example of, 330
<hr> (Horizontal Rule) element
example of, 4, 77-79
explanation of, 6
overview of, 640-641
href attribute
using with <a> tag, 91, 109
using with <area> tag, 122
using with QuickTime, 258
value and description of, 113
hspace attribute
imitating with style sheets, 322-324
using with images, 158-159
using with QuickTime, 258
.htm versus .html file extension, 6, 46-47, 98
HTML 4.0
events defined in, 442-443
example of, 5
HTML 4.0 character entities
arrows, 814
geometric shapes , 817
Greek, 810-813
Latin Extended-A and B, 808
letter-like symbols, 813-814
mathematical operators, 815-817
miscellaneous symbols, 817
punctuation, 809-810
spacing modifier letters , 808
technical symbols, 817
HTML character entities
for acute accents, 802-807
&acute; (acute accent ) HTML character entity, description of, 801
&aelig; (lowercase ae ligature), 805
&amp;, 790
&brvbar; (broken vertical bar), 800
&ccedil; (lowercase c with cedilla), 805
&cedil; (cedilla), 802
&cent; (cent symbol), 800
for circumflex accents, 802-807
&copy; (copyright symbol), 801
&curren; (currency symbol), 800
&deg; (degree symbol), 801
&divide; (division symbol), 806
&ETH; (capital ETH), 804
&eth; (lowercase eth), 806
&frac12; (one-half fraction), 802
&frac14; (one-quarter fraction), 802
&frac34; (three-fourths fraction), 802
for grave accents, 802-807
&gt; (greater than symbol), 792
&iexcl; (inverted exclamation point), 800
&iquest; (inverted question mark), 802
&laquo; (opening double-angle quote), 801
&lt; (less than symbol), 792
&macr; (macron), 801
&micro; (micron), 801
&middot; (middle dot), 802
&nbsp; (non-breaking space), 800
&not; (logical "not" symbol), 801
&ordf; (feminine ordinal indicator), 801
&ordm; (masculine ordinal indicator), 802
overview of, 86-88
&para; (paragraph symbol), 802
&plusmn; (plus/minus symbol), 801
&pound; ( pound sterling symbol), 800
&quot; (double quote), 790
&raquo; (closing double-angle quotes), 802
&reg; (registered trademark symbol), 801
&sect; (section symbol), 800
&shy; (soft hyphen), 801
&sup1; (superscript 1), 802
&sup2; (superscipt 2), 801
&sup3; (superscipt 3), 801
&szlig; (SZ ligature), 805
table of, 790-807
&THORN; (capital thorn), 805
&thorn; (lowercase thorn), 806
for tilde (~) accents, 803-807
&trade; (trademark symbol), 798-799
&uml; (umlaut), 800
for umlaut accents, 802-807
&yen; (Japanese Yen), 800
HTML development tools
Dreamweaver, 43
FrontPage, 43
GoLive, 43
HomeSite, 43
HTML documents. See also HTML pages
adding styles to, 270-272
deriving templates for, 8-9
formatting for consistency and maintenance, 48-49
inserting blank lines in, 62-63
using comments with, 47-48
validating, 45-46
HTML elements. See elements
HTML errors, catching with validators, 46-47
HTML files, naming, 46-47
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). See also DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
advisory about using slice and save features with, 40
and case sensitivity, 18-20
colors in, 189-190
content model of, 20
form presentation with, 397-399
hand-coding of, 26
limitations of, 26
linking in, 109-112
logical and physical types of, 23-24
myths about, 25-26
overview of, 3-10
parse tree for, 449
phasing out, 25
producing for Web site projects, 41-44
as programming language, 25
referencing DTDs for, 548
rules of, 18-22
standards versus practice, 24-25
structure of, 8-10
table specifications defined for, 222-223
transforming XML to, 555-560
versions of, 577
as WYSIWYG design language, 25
HTML images. See images
HTML markup, reading, 6
HTML pages. See also HTML documents
adding ActiveX controls to, 482-485
centering with tables, 210-213
crunching for delivery, 48-49
displaying in browsers, 6-7
troubleshooting display of, 6
using templates with, 48
HTML production
methods of, 42-43
tips for, 44-49
HTML tags. See elements; individual elements; markup tags; tag pair
HTML versions, descriptions of, 12
<html> (HTML document) element
example of, 8-9
explanation of, 6
overview of, 14, 641-642
HTTP 1.1
request methods in, 511
server response headers for, 518-519
status codes for, 514-517
HTTP dialog sample in CGI, 409-411
http-equiv attribute, using with <meta> element, 526-527
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
explanation of, 98
and MIME, 519-522
overview of, 509-522
HTTP request headers, overview of, 510-513
HTTP requests, overview of, 509-510
HTTP responses, overview of, 514-519
examples of, 102-104
using <a> (anchor> tags with, 109
HTTP_* variables in CGI, descriptions of, 414
hyperlinks . See linking; links

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HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 007222942X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 252
Authors: Thomas Powell © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: