

table manipulation, DOM, 405 “414
table object, HTMLTableElement, 889 “891
<table>, 405 “406, 409, 889
tables, mapping HTML-to-DOM, 273
tagName property, HTMLElement object, 256
tBody object, HTMLTableElement, 891
<tbody>, 891
td object, HTMLCellElement, 892 “893
<td>, 892
technology, browser detection, 539 “544
termination, semicolons and returns and, 76 “77
test( ) method, RegExp object, 203
fields, 393 “394, 426 “431
node manipulation methods , 270
Text object, HTMLInputElement, 893 “894
textarea object, HTMLTextAreaElement, 894 “895
ActiveX, 574
correspondence to textarea object, 894
form fields, 426, 428 “431
spelling correction feature, 592 “594
TextNode object, document objects, 895 “896
TextRange object, proprietary browser objects, 896 “898
TextRectangle object, proprietary browser objects, 898 “899
tFoot object, HTMLTableElement, 891
<tfoot>, 891
th object, HTMLCellElement, 892 “893
<th>, 892
tHead object, HTMLTableElement, 891
this keyword, 153
this statement, 736
<thread>, 891
threads, remote JavaScript, 588
throw. See also try...catch statements
catching exceptions, 716
invoking exceptions, 748
overview of, 109
timeout methods, Window object, 368
title object, HTMLTitleElement, 899
<title>, 391, 899
tokens, 24
toLocaleString( ) method, Array object, 170
toLowerCase( ) method, String object, 184
toSource( ) method, Array object, 170
toString( ) method
Array object, 169 “170
Boolean object, 173
Date object, 176
methods common to all objects, 145 “146
type conversion with, 64
tr object, HTMLTableRowElement, 899 “900
<tr>, 899
DHTML, 496 “499
filters and, 654 “655
TreeWalker object, 288
true/false, in Boolean statements, 57 “58
Trusted Sites, security policies, 685 “686
truth tables, for bitwise operators, 82
try...catch statements, 109, 715 “717
try/catch/finally block structure, 748
tt object, HTML Element, 900
<tt>, 900
type attribute, <script>, 7 “8
type conversion, 64 “67
comparing types and, 742
conversion rules for primitive types, 65 “66
by data types, 734
dates to strings, 177
explicit, 67
JavaScript-driven applets and, 563
manual techniques, 735
overview of, 64
promoting primitive types to objects, 66 “67
strings to dates, 177 “178
syntax, 733 “735
type operators, 741
typeof operator
data type examination with, 63
error reporting and, 113
return values with, 92

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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