

name attribute, documents, 231, 262
accessing document elements by, 231
function, 129
variable, 47, 67 “69
namespace object, 843
NaN (not a number), 51 “52
navigation. See site navigation
Navigator object
browser detection, 536 “539
browser supporting, 134
javaEnabled( ) method, 559
methods , 845
mimeTypes[ ] property, 566 “567
overview of, 843
plugins[ ] collection, 543, 568
properties, 844 “845
bug in Netscape 4, 170
debugger for, 707
document properties, Netscape 3, 236 “237
document properties, Netscape 4, 236 “237
document properties, Netscape 6 and 7, 240
DOM document trees and, 261
error handlers, 710 “712
event methods, 809 “810
event model. see event model, Netscape 4
event model compatibility, 299
events, 813 “814
full-screen windows , 383
IE versions corresponding to, 731
innerHTML property support, 291
JavaScript versions corresponding to, 672 “673, 730
language detection, 548
nonstandard event handlers, 303 “309
plugin detection, 543
positioned regions in Netscape 4, 478 “479
preference settings, 553 “554
Screen object detection, 547
signed scripts for security, 683 “684
simulating browser activities, 551
XML and, 629
netscape object, 852 “853
new keyword. See also constructors
building objects, 33, 61 “62, 135
creating Array object with, 93
defining functions, 121 “122
noBR object, proprietary document objects, 845 “846
<nobr>, 845
NodeIterator object, 288
nodes, DOM
copying, 267 “268
creating, 264 “265
deleting/replacing, 268 “269
inserting, 265 “267
modifying, 269 “271
properties, 256
relationship to (X)HTML documents, 253 “254
text node manipulation methods, 270
noFrames object, HTMLElement, 846
<noframes>, 846
non-capturing parentheses (?:), 216
noScript object, HTMLElement, 846 “847
correspondence to noScript object, 846
old browsers and, 723
pseudo-URLs and, 19
pull-down menus , 507
turning script off with, 11 “13
NOT (~), 83
not a number (NaN), 51 “52
not equal to (!=), 87
not equal to and not same type (!==), 87
notation, operator shorthand, 34 “35
null data type
conversion of, 734
defined, 29
overview of, 59
vs. undefined data type, 59 “60
Number object
methods, 847 “848
numeric data type, 52
properties, 183, 847
numeric constants, 733
numeric data type
converting, 66, 734
defined, 29
hexadecimal literals, 50
octal literals, 50
overview of, 49 “50
representation issues, 52 “53
special values, 51 “52

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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