

<a>, 769 “771
abbr object, HTMLElement, 771
<abbr>, 771
form validation and, 446 “449
in OOP, 157
acronym object, HTMLElement, 771
<acronym>, 772
ActiveX, 574 “578
FileSystemObject, 656 “657
IE security zones and, 689 “690
including ActiveX controls,
574 “575
interacting with ActiveX controls, 576 “578
overview of, 574
ActiveXObject, 655 “657, 772
addEventListener( ) method, 331
addition (+) operator, 79, 80 “81
address object, HTMLElement, 772 “773
<address>, 772 “773
aggressive matching, regular expressions, 216 “217
alert( ) method
debugging and, 703
methods common to all objects, 145 “146
Window object, 40, 348
all( ) method, Document object, 360, 362
all[ ] collection
DHTML and, 397 “398
Document object, 293 “294
IE positioned regions , 479 “480
alternation separator, in regular expressions, 202 “203
anchors, 769 “771
anchors[ ] collection, 391 “392
AND (&), bitwise operators, 82
animation, DHTML, 500 “504
anonymous functions, 124
appendChild( ) method, DOM node
creation, 265
applet object, HTMLElement, 560, 773 “774
compared with <object>, 562
correspondence to applet, HTMLElement, 773
Document object and, 396
including Java applets in JavaScript, 558 “559
mayscript attribute, 563 “564
applets. See Java applets
applets[ ] collection, 396, 560, 773
application-like menus , DHTML, 510 “513
appName property, Navigator object, 536
appVersion property, Navigator object, 536
area object, HTMLAreaElement, 774
<area>, 774
areas[ ] array, 774
checking, 130
Date( ) constructor, 174
functions, 63
arithmetic operators, 79 “81
binary and self-assignment , 739
list of, 79
overview of, 33 “34
pre/postfix, 739
string concatenation and, 80 “81
syntax reference, 739 “740
unary, 81, 740
arity property, functions, 126
array literals, 737 “738
Array object, 159 “173
accessing elements, 160
adding/changing elements, 161 “162
concat( ) method, 167 “168
constructors, 775
creating new, 93
declaring, 159 “160
extending with prototypes , 172 “173
join( ) method, 168
length property, 162 “165
methods, 776
multidimensional, 172
properties, 775
removing elements, 162
reverse( ) method, 168
slice( ) method, 169
sort ( ) method, 170 “171
splice( ) method, 169
as stacks and queues, 165 “166
toSource( ) method, 170
toString( ) method, 169 “170
Array( ) constructor, 159
array([ ]) operator, 137
arrays, 31 “32, 62
arrays, associative
accessing Document objects with, 232
cookies in, 525
objects as, 149 “150
assignment operator (=)
assigning value to variables , 78 “79
shorthand assignment, 84 “85
use in statements, 27
associative arrays
accessing Document objects with, 232
cookies in, 525
objects as, 149 “150
associativity, operator precedence, 94 “96, 743 “744
attachEvent( ) method, 322
attributes. See also properties
basic event handler attributes in (X)HTML, 300 “301
binding event handler attributes with JavaScript, 310 “311
manipulating DOM, 271 “272
Authenticode, 683. See also signed scripts

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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