

data. See also specific applications

caching in Session objects, 218


creating pages for, 153 55

customizing, 155 56

types of, 25

data access

configuring computers for, 37

objects used for, 141 45

overview, 33

SQL Server access and, 328

data binding

binding grids to results of queries, 275

data-bound pages, 156 58

displaying records on slideshow picker pages, 214, 215

explicit, 195 96

objects bound to columns in databases, 172

overview, 146, 183 86, 191 94

syntax of, 199 201

data input validation. See validation, of user input in guestbooks

Data Pages templates, 153

data reader objects

appointments in calendars, 270 72

overview, 144 45

Data tab (Workspace window), 46

data tables. See tables

database servers, connections established with, 142 43, 156 57

database tables, 217 18, 328 35

databases. See also specific applications

access permissions when hosting sites yourself, 324 25

connection objects and, 142 43, 156 57


adding data to tables, 152 53

creating tables to store data, 148 52

establishing connections for runtime, 165

establishing connections to MSDE, 147 48, 161

reading values out of text boxes, 254 55

recommended reading, 140

secure access to, 317 20

support for, 139 41

validating user input, 175

DataBind method, 275

DataBinder objects, 193 94

data-binding expressions

defined, 191 92

in HTML view, 199 200

in templates, 195 96

DataBindings dialog box, 192 94

data-entry pages for master-details tables, 232 35

datagrids. See grids on data-display pages

DataList control

binding controls to data, 193, 194

creating pages using, 187 91

defining alternating items, 197, 200 201

HTML view, 198 99

overview, 183 86

programming, 195 96

DataNavigateUrlField, 239

DataNavigateUrlFormatString, 239


defined, 146

overview, 217 18

programming for slideshow viewer pages, 222 26

reading information from, 226 28

storing, 218

dates. See calendar applications

DateTime data type and slideshows, 212

date-time strings for calendar records, 266


in Start Web Application dialog box, 323

values in table columns, 150, 152


characters used as, 104 5

splitting strings into parts based on, 112

deploying applications

to hosts, 325 34

to ISPs, 142

when hosting sites yourself (on local Web sites), 321 25

Design view. See also specific applications

grids on, 53

setting properties for controls in, 56

switching to, 50

Designing Relational Database Systems, 140

Designing Secure Web-Based Applications for Microsoft Windows 2000, 305

details pages in slideshows

adding slides, 244 45

creating, 241 42

deleting slides, 248 50

displaying list of slides, 245 48

editing slides, 250 52

navigating from master page, 238 40

reading from master page, 242 43

slideshow pages compared to, 241

updating databases, 252 55

detail records in Slideshows tables, 207


organizing pictures for slideshows, 66, 206

for practice pages, 44

storing pages for IIS to find, 322 24

disconnected Web

each request treated as first-time request, 9

overview, 8 9

stateless pages, 9 10

DisplayCurrentSlide subroutine, 227 28

DNS, hosting sites yourself, 31

dots in Design view, 53

double-spaced lines, creating single-spaced lines instead of, 164

drop-down lists

adding to preferences pages, 88 90

creating in calendar applications, 263 64

dynamic Web pages, 5

Microsoft ASP. NET Web Matrix Starter Kit
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix Starter Kit (Bpg-Other)
ISBN: 0735618569
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 169
Authors: Mike Pope
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