

Abort method, 280

AboveNormal priority, 279

ACCORD XML vocabulary, 217

Activation types, 290–295

Activator.CreateInstance method, 59, 315

Activator.GetObject method, 287–288

Active Server Pages (ASP), 82–83

ActiveX controls, hosting in Windows Forms, 175–179

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), 192–193

Adapter object, 208

AddHandler keyword, 248

AddressOf keyword, 248

add_SomethingHappened method, 243–244, 245

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 192–193


architecture, 193–195

background, 189–191

defined, 193


disconnected operation, 199–208

simple, 195–199

introduced, 7–8

Visual Studio .NET support and typed DataSet objects, 210–215

Application collection, 149

Application object, 104, 224

ASP (Active Server Pages), 82–83

ASP.NET. See also Web Forms controls

architecture, 83–85

background, 79–82

configuration management (web.config files), 96–99

introduced, 6

process management, 123–124


authentication, 106–121

authorization, 115–121

identity, 121–123

introduced, 105

Server Controls, 84

state management (session state), 100–104

Web page example, 85–89

ASP.NET Server Controls, 84

.ASPX pages, 92–94


concept of, 29–31

configuration, 37–38

deployment and, 31–34

introduced, 29

manifests in, 29, 30–31

multifile, 29–30

opening, 306–307

permission sets and, 76–78

private, 25, 31

properties, 306–307

shared, 30–31, 32–34

single-file, 29

versioning and, 34–39

Assembly Cache Viewer, 32

Assembly.GetCallingAssembly method, 306

Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly method, 306

Assembly.LoadFrom method, 306

asynchronous operation with low-level delegates, 251–256

atomic access to shared resources, 270

AttributePoint class, 226, 227, 229

Attributes property, 310

AuthenticateRequest event, 117, 118

authentication, 106–121, 157

.NET Remoting, IIS and, 299

Authenticode system, 72

authorization, 115–121

AutoPostBack property, 86

Introducing Microsoft. NET
Introducing Microsoft .NET (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735619182
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 110 © 2008-2017.
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