Printing a Document: XPrintable

The primary printing functionality is common to all OOo document types. The interface defines three methods (see Table 14 ).

Table 14: Object methods defined by

Object Method



Default printer as an array of properties (


Assign a new printer to the object (


Print the document (

The object method getPrinter() returns an array of properties that describe the printer (see Figure 12 ). The macro in Listing 27 demonstrates how to access and interpret each of the properties (see Table 15 for supported properties).

Table 15: Properties defined by the service




Name of the printer queue.


Paper orientation (


Predefined paper sizes (


Paper size in twips ( Size ).


Is the printer busy?

CanSet PaperOrientation

Can the paper orientation be set?

CanSet PaperFormat

Are other paper formats supported?


Can the paper size be set?

Figure 12: Properties of the default printer.
Listing 27: DisplayPrinterProperties is found in the Generic module in this chapter's source code files as SC12.sxw.
start example
 Sub DisplayPrinterProperties   Dim Props  'Array of   Dim i%     'Index variable of type Integer   Dim s$     'Display string   Dim v      '   Dim sName$ '   On Error Resume Next   Props = ThisComponent.getPrinter()   For i = 0 To UBound(Props)     sName = props(i).Name     v = props(i).Value     s = s & sName & " = "     If sName = "PaperOrientation" Then       REM also supported       s = s & IIf(,_               "Portrait", "Landscape") & " = " & CStr(v)     ElseIf sName = "PaperFormat" Then       Select Case v         Case           s = s & "A3"         Case           s = s & "A4"         Case           s = s & "A5"         Case           s = s & "B4"         Case           s = s & "B5"         Case           s = s & "LETTER"         Case           s = s & "LEGAL"         Case           s = s & "TABLOID"         Case           s = s & "USER"         Case Else           s = s & "Unknown value"       End Select       s = s & " = " & CStr(v)     ElseIf sName = "PaperSize" Then       REM type is       REM The size is in TWIPS and there are 1440 twips per inch       s=s & CDbl(v.Width)/1440.0 & "x" & CDbl(v.Height)/1440.0 & " (inches)"     Else       s = s & CStr(v)     End If     s = s & CHR$(10)   Next   MsgBox s, 0, "Printer Properties" End Sub 
end example

Although you can set the printer as of OOo 1.1.1, no method is provided in OOo Basic to obtain a list of printers. If you really need a list of printers, try calling an external DLL or writing code to search configuration files.

Call the print() method with no properties to print a single copy of the document to the current printer. All of the document types support the properties in Table 16 . The Pages property supports the standard format used in the Print dialog. The format string "1, 3, 4-7, 9-" prints pages 1, 3, 4 through 7, and 9 through the last page.

Table 16: Properties defined by the service.




Number of copies to print.


Send the output to a file rather than to the printer.


Collate the printed pages (set to True or False).


Specifies pages and page ranges to print.

Listing 28: Print pages 30 and 31 of the current document.
start example
 Dim Props(1) As New Props(0).Name = "Pages" : Props(0).Value = "30-31" ThisComponent.print(Props()) 
end example

When a document is printed, control returns to the caller before the printing is complete. If you close the document before printing is done, is likely to crash because the OOo internals are still using the document. It's possible to set up an event listener that watches for the print job to finish, but there's an easier way that isn't currently documented. The print() method accepts an array of properties that direct the printing. The "wait" argument with a Boolean value of True instructs the print() method to not return until after printing is complete.


Closing a document while is printing the document can cause to crash. Use the "wait" property to avoid this problem.

On Unix-type computers, printers are configured to work with using the "spadmin" utility. After a printer has been configured for OOo, it is available for use by name. You can still use printers that have not been configured for OOo, but you must enclose the printer name between the characters "<" and ">". The task of selecting a printer would be much simpler if OOo had the ability of providing the names of the visible printers. To print with a printer other than the default, use code similar to the following:

 Public oProps(0) as New Public oOpts(1) as New Dim oDoc        'Document to print. Dim oPrinter    'Array of properties that define the printer. Dim sUrl$       'URL of the document to load and print. Dim sPrinter$   'Name of the printer. REM Set the name of the printer as known by the system. sPrinter = "HP2200D" REM Load the document in hidden mode so it is not visible REM on the screen. oProps(0).Name = "Hidden" oProps(0).Value = True REM Now load the document. sUrl = "file:///c:/test_doc.sxw" oDoc = oDesk.LoadComponentFromUrl(sUrl, "_blank", 63, oProps()) REM Obtain the current printer object from the document. REM This is really an array of property values. REM Change the name of the object to reference the printer that REM you want to use. Notice that the printer name is the system name. oPrinter = oDoc.getPrinter() For i = LBound(oPrinter) to UBound(oPrinter)   If oPrinter(i).Name = "Name" Then     oPrinter(i).Value = sPrinter   End If Next i REM Set the printer back into the document. The only thing REM that has changed is the printer name. oDoc.setPrinter(oPrinter) REM Now, set up the print options for actual printing. REM Notice that the printer name is surrounded by the characters < and >. REM Also notice that the print() method is set to not return until REM after printing is completed. oOpts(0).Name = "Name" oOpts(0).Value = "<" & sPrinter & ">" oOpts(1).Name = "Wait" oOpts(1).Value = True oDoc.Print(oOpts()) 

Although it is not documented, it has been experimentally determined that you must set the destination printer in the document before trying to print to a printer other than the default.

Printing Writer Documents

Different document types support extra options for printing. Text documents support the interface (see Table 17 ). The XPagePrintable interface implements an alternate method of printing the document that provides more control of the output. The primary advantage is that you can print multiple pages from the document on a single output page.

Table 17: Methods defined by the interface.

Object Methods



Returns an array of properties (see Table 18).


Change the settings (see Table 18).


Print using properties in Table 16.

Table 18: Properties used by the interface.




Number of rows of pages on each printed page.


Number of columns of pages on each printed page.


Left margin.


Right margin.


Top margin.


Bottom margin.


Margin between rows of pages.


Margin between columns of pages.


True or False; print in landscape format.

The object method printPages() accepts the same properties as the print() method (see Table 16). The methods to get and set the page print properties are outlined in Table 18 . The macro in Listing 29 obtains and prints the current page print properties, shown in Figure 13 .

Figure 13: Page print properties of a Writer document.
Listing 29: DisplayPagePrintProperties is found in the Generic module in this chapter's source code files as SC12.sxw.
start example
 Sub DisplayPagePrintProperties   Dim Props  'Array of   Dim i%     'Index variable of type Integer   Dim s$     'Display string   If HasUnoInterfaces(ThisComponent, "") Then     Props = ThisComponent.getPagePrintSettings()     For i = 0 To UBound(Props)       s = s & props(i).Name & "  =  " & CStr(props(i).Value) & CHR$(10)     Next     MsgBox s, 0, "Page Print Properties"   Else     Print "Sorry, this document does not support the XPagePrintable interface"   End If End Sub 
end example

The macro in Listing 30 prints a document with two pages on each printed page. Unfortunately, the PageColumns property and the printPages() method are problematic in The Windows version of OOo 1.1.1 generates an error while attempting to set the PageColumns property, causing the macro in Listing 30 to fail; Linux, however, allows the property to be set. The printPages() method causes the document to close on Windows computers and causes OOo to crash on Linux computers. Finally, although both the PrintColumns property and the IsLandscape property can be made to work, the landscape property is currently ignored when used with PageColumns set to 2.

Listing 30: PrintTwoPerPage is found in the Generic module in this chapter's source code files as SC12.sxw.
start example
 Sub PrintTwoPerPage   Dim Props(0 To 1) As New   Props(0).Name = "PageColumns" : Props(0).Value = 2   Props(1).Name = "IsLandscape" : Props(1).Value = True   If HasUnoInterfaces(ThisComponent, "") Then     ThisComponent.setPagePrintSettings(Props())  '     ThisComponent.printPages(Array())            'Use default properties   Else     Print "Sorry, this document does not support the XPagePrintable interface"   End If End Sub 
end example

The printPages() method crashes OOo 1.1.1 on my Linux computer. This is a known issue. For more information, see: .

Although the macro in Listing 30 stopped working with OOo 1.1.1, a small modification allows the macro to run. The new macro still causes OOo to crash under Linux and to close the document under Windows, but it does manage to print the document. As with Listing 30, the document is printed in portrait mode rather than landscape mode-this is an OOo bug.

 Sub PrintTwoPerPage_2   Dim oSettings   Dim oSet   Dim i%   oSettings = ThisComponent.getPagePrintSettings()   oSet = oSettings(1)   For i=LBound(oSettings) To UBound(oSettings)     oSet = oSettings(i)     If oSet.Name = "PageColumns" Then       oSet.Value = 2       oSettings(i) = oSet     End If     If oSet.Name = "IsLandscape" Then       oSet.Value = True       oSettings(i) = oSet     End If   Next   ThisComponent.printPages(oSettings) End Sub 

Printing Calc Documents

To perform special printing functions with a Writer document, a special object method is called. To perform special printing functions with Calc documents, you must modify the document properties and page-style properties and then use the standard print() method. For example, it is common for a Calc sheet to be too large to fit on a single sheet of paper. To scale the sheet to fit on a specified number of pages, set the ScaleToPages property to contain the number of pages that should contain the sheet. To simply scale the page based on a percentage, use the PageScale property (see Listing 31 ).

Listing 31: Print a spreadsheet at 25 percent; this is very small!
start example
 Sub PrintScaledSpreadsheet   Dim s$     'Style name   Dim oStyle 'The current page style   REM Use the currently active sheet to obtain the page style.   REM In a Calc document, the current controller knows which sheet   REM is active.   s = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getActiveSheet().PageStyle   oStyle = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles").getByName(s)   REM oStyle.PageScale = 100  Default value is 100 (as in 100%)   REM oStyle.ScaleToPages = 0 Default value is 0, as in don't scale   oStyle.PageScale = 25        'Scale document to 25% (very very very small)   ThisComponent.Print(Array()) 'Print the document End Sub 
end example

The second aspect to printing Calc documents involves setting the area to print along with the column and row titles (see Table 19 ).

Table 19: Properties used by the interface.

Object Method



Return array of type


Set print areas for the sheet with array of type CellRangeAddress. Print everything if nothing is set.


Return True if title columns are repeated to the right.


Set True if title columns are repeated on all print pages to the right.


Array of type


Set columns to use as titles. Rows are ignored; only columns matter.


Return True if title rows are repeated on all print pages.


Set to True if row titles are repeated on all print pages to the bottom.


Return array of type


Set rows to use as titles. Columns are ignored; only rows matter.

The methods in Table 19 are based on spreadsheets, not on Calc documents. The macro in Listing 32 sets two print ranges and then prints the document. Each print range is printed on a new page.

Listing 32: Set and print multiple ranges in a Calc document.
start example
 Sub PrintSpreadsheetAreas   Dim oRanges(1) As New   oRanges(0).Sheet = 0   oRanges(0).StartColumn = 0 : oRanges(0).StartRow = 0 'Al   oRanges(0).EndColumn = 3   : oRanges(0).EndRow = 4   'D5   oRanges(1).Sheet = 0   oRanges(1).StartColumn = 0 : oRanges(1).StartRow = 8 'A9   oRanges(1).EndColumn = 3   : oRanges(1).EndRow = 10  'Dll   ThisComponent.CurrentController.getActiveSheet().setPrintAreas(oRanges())   ThisComponent.Print(Array()) End Sub 
end example Macros Explained Macros Explained
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EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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