Manipulating Styles: XStyleFamiliesSupplier

In, styles provide a method of grouping formatting information. For example, a paragraph style defines the font, character size , margins, and many other formatting options. Changing the style changes every paragraph that was formatted using the style. The interface provides access to the styles used by a document. The macro in Listing 20 displays the names of all styles in the current document; Figure 9 shows the results for one of my documents.

Figure 9: The style families in one of my Writer documents.
Listing 20: DisplayAllStyles is found in the Generic module in this chapter's source code files as SC12.SXW.
start example
 Sub DisplayAllStyles   Dim oFamilies     'Families is interface   Dim oFamilyNames  'Names of family types. Array of string   Dim oStyleNames   'Names of styles. Array of string   Dim oStyles       'Styles is interface   Dim oStyle        'An individual style   Dim s As String   'Utility string variable   Dim n As Integer  'Index variable   Dim i As Integer  'Index variable   oFamilies = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies    oFamilyNames = oFamilies.getElementNames()   REM First, display the style types and the number   REM of each style type.   For n = LBound(oFamilyNames) To UBound(oFamilyNames)     oStyles = oFamilies.getByName(oFamilyNames(n))     s = s & oStyles.getCount() & " " & oFamilyNames(n) & CHR$(10)   Next   MsgBox s, 0, "Style Families"   REM Now, display all of the different style names   For n = LBound(oFamilyNames) To UBound(oFamilyNames)     s = ""     oStyles = oFamilies.getByName(oFamilyNames(n))     oStyleNames = oStyles.getElementNames()     For i = LBound(oStyleNames) To UBound (oStyleNames)       s=s + i + " : " + oStyleNames(i) + CHR$(10)       If ((i + 1) Mod 30 = 0) Then         MsgBox s,0,oFamilyNames(n)         s = ""               End If     Next i     If Len(s) <> 0 Then MsgBox s,0,oFamilyNames(n)   Next n End Sub 
end example

The different document types contain different types of styles. Figure 9 shows the style families in a Writer document. Calc documents contain the style families CellStyles and PageStyles; Impress documents contain the style families Graphics and Default; Draw documents contain the style family Graphic. Although each style type is different, they do have similarities. For example, each style implements both the com.sun. Style service and the interface. The common methods and properties provide very rudimentary functionality (see Table 11 ).

Table 11: Object methods defined in the com.sun. service.

Method or Property



Is this style user -defined? If not, it is included with OOo.


Is this style used in the document?


What is the parent style?

setParentStyle( name )

Set the parent style.


Is the style physically created?


Style name applied to the next paragraph. For example, while using a heading style I might want the next paragraph to be regular text.


Name of the style as displayed in the user interface.


If the properties of an object using this style are changed (for example, if I change the font), are these changes automatically updated to the style?

Table 11 shows methods and properties that can be used to answer the common question, "How do I obtain a list of styles that are currently used by a document?" See Listing 21 and Figure 10 .

Figure 10: Paragraph styles used in a Writer document.
Listing 21: DisplayAllUsedParagraphStyles is found in the Generic module in this chapter's source code files as SC12.sxw.
start example
 Sub DisplayAllUsedParagraphStyles   Dim oStyles       'Styles is interface   Dim oStyle        'An individual style   Dim s As String   'Utility string variable   Dim i As Integer  'Index variable   oStyles = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies.getByName("ParagraphStyles")   REM If getCount() says that there are 10 styles, this means from 0 to 9   For i = 1 To oStyles.getCount()     oStyle = oStyles.getByIndex(i-1)     If oStyle.isInUse() Then s = s & oStyle.DisplayName & CHR$(10)   Next   MsgBox s,0,"Paragraph Styles In Use" End Sub 
end example

Listing 20 accesses styles by name; Listing 21 accesses styles by index. Notice that when getCount() returns 10, there are 10 items present, indexed 0 through 9.

Initially, I was confused by the results shown in Figure 10 because it included paragraph styles that I thought I wasn't using. I assumed that I had made a mistake while writing my document, so I started looking for these accidentally used styles. To find the incorrectly styled text, I started with the Find & Replace dialog (Edit Find & Replace). If you check the box labeled "Search for Styles," all of the styles used in the document become available in the "Search for" drop-down box. I used this method to search for the style "Text body" (shown in Figure 10), but it was not found in the document. After some moments of confusion-in this case, roughly five minutes-I realized that I had not found a bug in, but rather I had uncovered an interesting behavior of which I had not been previously aware. When a style is used in a document, the parent style is listed as used even if it is not directly used. For example, in my document, the style "Table Contents" uses "Text body" as the parent style.

The different style types contain methods and properties appropriate for their type. See for the common services, interfaces, structs, and constants related to styles. The types shown in the style module are the base on which the other styles are built. For example, the two services and both have the service in common. To get a feel for a style it is frequently expedient to start by inspecting the object.

 MsgBox  vObj.dbg_methods MsgBox  vObj.dbg_supportedInterfaces MsgBox  vObj.dbg_properties 

The style objects, like many other objects, implement the XPropertySet interface. The macro in Listing 22 uses this interface to display a list of properties contained in the "_body text" paragraph style. Listing 22 does not display the value of each property; it only displays the name of each property. It is an interesting exercise to modify Listing 22 to also display the value of each property that is a standard data type-a property may be a complex object.

Listing 22: StyleProperties is found in the Generic module in this chapter's source code files as SC12.sxw.
start example
 Sub StyleProperties   Dim oStyles       'Styles is interface   Dim s As String   'Utility string variable   Dim i As Integer  'Index variable   Dim Props         'Array of properties   REM Each style supports the interface   REM This supports the method getPropertySetInfo(), which allows   REM an enumeration of the contained properties.   REM Get properties returns an array of   oStyles = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies.getByName("ParagraphStyles")   Props = oStyles.getByName("_body text").getPropertySetInfo().getProperties()   For i = 0 To UBound(Props)          'For each property     s = s & Props(i).Name & CHR$(10)  'Include the property name and new line     If (i+1) MOD 30 = 0 Then          'If the string becomes too large       MsgBox s,0,"Style Properties"   'display the current string       s = ""                          'Reset the list     End If   Next   REM In case the entire list was not printed.   If Len(s) <> 0 Then MsgBox s,0,"Style Properties" End Sub 
end example

In my experience, it's rare to access and inspect styles. It's even less common to modify a style from a macro. There are times, however, when this is done. For example, the page size is defined by the current page style. Use the current controller to determine the current page style, and then use that to determine the page dimensions. Listing 23 displays the size of the page, the margins, and the current cursor position on the page. Figure 11 shows the results.

click to expand
Figure 11: Information from the page style.
Listing 23: PrintPagelnformation is found in the Generic module in this chapter's source code files as SC12.sxw.
start example
 Sub PrintPageInformation   Dim oViewCursor     'Current view cursor   Dim oStyle          'Current page style   Dim lHeight As Long 'Page height from Page Style in 1/100 mm   Dim lWidth As Long  'Page width from Page Style in 1/100 mm   Dim s As String     'Temporary string variable   REM The current controller interfaces with the human - that's you!   REM Well, we hope you are human anyway.   REM Obtain the current view cursor from the controller. It is   REM the thing that knows where the current cursor is, after all.   oViewCursor = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getViewCursor()   REM That view cursor knows a lot of things, including the   REM current page style. Use the page style name to get   REM a reference to the current page style.   s = oViewCursor.PageStyleName   oStyle = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles").getByName(s)   s = "Page Style = " & s & CHR$(10)   lHeight = oStyle.Height 'Page height in 1/100 mm   lWidth = oStyle.Width   'Page width in 1/100 mm   REM Page dimensions in mm, inches, and picas.   s = s & "Page size is " & CHR$(10) &_       "     " & CStr(lWidth / 100.0) & " mm By " &_       "     " & CStr(lHeight / 100.0) & " mm" & CHR$(10) &_       "     " & CStr(lWidth / 2540.0) & " inches By " &_       "     " & CStr(lHeight / 2540.0) & " inches" & CHR$(10) &_       "     " & CStr(lWidth *72.0 / 2540.0) & " picas By " &_       "     " & CStr(lHeight *72.0 / 2540.0) & " picas" & CHR$(10)   Dim dCharHeight As Double 'Character height in inches   Dim iCurPage As Integer   'Current page   Dim dXCursor As Double    'Distance from cursor to left in inches   Dim dYCursor As Double    'Distance from cursor to top in inches   Dim dXRight  As Double    'Distance from cursor to right in inches   Dim dYBottom As Double    'Distance from cursor to bottom in inches   Dim dBottom As Double     'Bottom margin in inches   Dim dLeft   As Double     'Left margin in inches   Dim dRight  As Double     'Right margin in inches   Dim dTop    As Double     'Top margin in inches   dCharHeight = oViewCursor.CharHeight / 72.0 'Convert points to inches   iCurPage = oViewCursor.getPage()            'Page number   s = s & "Current page = " & iCurPage & CHR$(10)   dBottom = oStyle.BottomMargin / 2540.0 : dLeft = oStyle.LeftMargin / 2540.0   dRight = oStyle.RightMargin   / 2540.0 : dTop = oStyle.TopMargin   / 2540.0   s = s & "Margin (inches): Left= " & dLeft & " Right= " & dRight & CHR$(10)   s = s & "Margin (inches): Top= " & dTop & " Bottom= " & dBottom & CHR$(10)   Dim v   REM Cursor's coordinates relative to the top left position of the page   REM Return type is   REM Units are in twips. Convert them to inches.   v = oViewCursor.getPosition()   REM Place the cursor as the distance to the margin and then add the margin.   REM For the vertical height add half the character height. I should   REM probably do this for the character width as well for horizontal.   dYCursor = v.Y/2540.0 + dTop + dCharHeight / 2   dYBottom = (lHeight - v.Y)/2540.0 - dTop - dCharHeight / 2   dXCursor = v.X/2540.0 + dLeft   dXRight  = (lWidth - v.X)/2540.0 - dLeft   s=s &"Cursor is "&Format(dXCursor, "0.##") & " inches from left "&CHR$(10)   s=s &"Cursor is "&Format(dXRight, "0.##") & " inches from right "&CHR$(10)   s=s &"Cursor is "&Format(dYCursor, "0.##") & " inches from top "&CHR$(10)   s=s &"Cursor is "&Format(dYBottom, "0.##") & " inches from bottom "&CHR$(10)   s=s &"Char height = " & Format(dCharHeight, "0.####") & " inches"&CHR$(10)   MsgBox s, 0, "Page information" End Sub 
end example

Calc documents are composed of spreadsheets. Each sheet can use a different page style. The macro in Listing 23 obtains the current page style using the view cursor. To obtain the style from a Calc document, use the active sheet.

 REM Use the currently active sheet to obtain the page style. REM In a Calc document, the current controller knows which sheet REM is active. Print "Style = " & ThisComponent.CurrentController.getActiveSheet().PageStyle Macros Explained Macros Explained
ISBN: 1930919514
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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