Searching and Connecting Network Devices

In this section, I cover the aspects of getting access to LAN resources. There are two problems in this context: finding LAN resources and establishing connections to them. First, it is necessary to consider the main function intended for working with a network resource. The list provided here is not complete. However, the functions listed here are enough to enable your program to search for network resources and connect to them. I assume that you know how to work in a LAN and have basic knowledge about network devices, workstations, and so on.

First, consider the structure used in all network functions.

 NETRESOURCE STRUC             DwScope         DWORD ?             DwType          DWORD ?             DwDisplayType   DWORD ?             DwUsage         DWORD ?             LpLocalName     DWORD ?             LpRemoteName    DWORD ?             LpComment       DWORD ?             LpProvider      DWORD ?     NETRESOURCE ENDS 

Here, the individual elements of the structure are described:

  • DwScope Takes one of the following values:

    • RESOURCE_CONNECTED This resource is connected.

    • RESOURCE_REMEMBERED This resource is memorized by the system to automatically establish a connection to it at startup.

    • RESOURCE_GLOBALNET This is a global network resource. You'll probably require only the last value.

  • DwType The resource type. The following values are possible:

    • RESOURCETYPE_ANY Any resource

    • RESOURCETYPE_DISK Disk drive

    • RESOURCETYPE_PRINT Network printer

  • DwDisplayType This field defines how this resource must be displayed by the network browser depending on its type. The list of types is numerous . For example, the RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER is defined for a network computer, the RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GROUP is used for a group of computers, and so on.

  • dwUsage This is most frequently assumed to be zero.

  • lpLocalName This is the local name of the device: E :, LPT1 :, etc.

  • lpRemoteName This is the network name: \\super,\\NDI\EPSON , etc.

  • lpComment This string describes the network resource.

  • LpProvider This is the provider name. For the moment, assume that it can take one of the two possible values: Microsoft Network and NetWare. Other names are possible.

Now, consider the most popular network application program interface (API) functions:

  • WNetAddConnection2 Allows you to connect a network resource (disk or printer) to your computer.

    • First parameterThe address of the previously described NETRESOURCE structure. The following fields must be filled: dwType, lpLocalName, lpRemoteName , and lpProvider (usually, NULL ). An example of how to fill these fields will be provided later.

    • Second parameterThe password required for establishing a connection to the resource. In the case of a blank string, the connection doesn't require a password; if this parameter is set to NULL , then the password associated to the name is taken (this will be described later).

    • Third parameterThe username. If this parameter is set to NULL , then the default name will be used.

    • Fourth parameterThis parameter defines whether this connection is persistentin other words, whether the system will further connect to this resource automatically. If this parameter is set to zero, the connection is not persistent.

If the function completes successfully, it returns zero ( NO_ERROR ). The same is true for all functions described in the rest of this section.

  • WNetCancelConnection2 Disconnects the resource.

    • First parameterContains the pointer to the string that contains the resource name. If this is a local name, then the local resource will be disconnected. If the name of a remote resource is specified, all connections to that resource are terminated .

    • Second parameterDefines whether the system will later connect to this resource automatically. If this value is 0, then the system will reconnect to this resource at the next system startup.

    • Third parameterIf this parameter has a nonzero value, the resource will be disconnected even if there are opened files on the network disk or if the network printer is printing a job sent from your computer.

  • WnetOpenEnum Starts the search for network resources. Generally, network resources are organized into a tree-like structure. Therefore, searching for network resources is much alike searching for files using the directory tree.

    • First parameterThe dwScope field of the NETRESOURCE structure. Usually, it is assumed to be RESOURCE_GLOBALNET .

    • Second parameterThe dwType field of the NETRESOURCE structure. To search for various types of resources, set this value to RESOURCETYPE_ANY .

    • Third parameterThe dwUsage field of the NETRESOURCE structure. Usually, it is set to zero.

    • Fourth parameterThe address of the NETRESOURCE structure. If the address is zero ( NULL ), then the search will start from the lowest level (root); otherwise , the search will start from the level defined by the lpRemoteName and lpProvider fields.

    • Fifth parameterThe pointer to the variable that must receive the descriptor for further search.

  • WnetcloseEnum Closes the search. The only parameter of this function is the descriptor received when executing the WnetOpenEnum function.

  • WnetEnumResource Directly searches for network resources.

    • First parameterSearch descriptor.

    • Second parameterThe pointer to the variable that must contain the maximum number of resources that can be found per search operation. Usually, this variable is assumed to be 0FFFFFFFFH , which allows you to find all possible resources. If this function completes successfully, the variable will contain the number of found resources.

    • Third parameterThe pointer to the array, each element of which represents a NETRESOURCE structure. Obviously, this array must be large enough to hold as much information about the resource as required. Because the structure size is 32 bytes, in a large network the array size must be no less than 32,000 bytes.

    • Fourth parameterThe address of the variable that contains the array size. If the array size is too small, the variable will contain the required size.

I'll mention again that this function searches only resources of the current hierarchical level and doesn't search for all resources. Therefore, it is impossible to do without recursion.

  • WNetGetConnection Allows you to get information about the current connection.

    • First parameterAddress of the local name ( A :, C :, LPT2 , etc.)

    • Second parameterAddress of the buffer, into which the remote name will be loaded

    • Third parameterPointer to the variable that contains the buffer size

To complete this brief overview of the network API function, I'd like to mention again that I have described only the most important network functions. Furthermore, operating systems of the Windows NT family have some specific functions for working with network resources that are missing in Windows 9 x . By the way, be ready to discover that the behavior of the network API functions will be somewhat different in Windows 9 x , Windows NT, and Windows 2000. These differences will be emphasized when appropriate.

The program provided in Listing 17.2 demonstrates how to connect network drives . The command-line syntax of this program is as follows : NET \\SERVER\CC Z :. The first parameter is the name of the device being connected, including the name of the network server. The second parameter specifies the drive letter, to which the network disk is to be mapped.

Listing 17.2: An example program that connects to the network resource
image from book
 ; The NET program that connects to the network resource ; Usage: NET \SUPER\D Z: .586P ; Flat memory model .MODEL FLAT, stdcall ; Constants STD__OUTPUT_HANDLE equ -11 RESOURCETYPE_DISK equ 1h ; Prototypes of external procedures IFDEF MASM        EXTERN lstrcatA@8:NEAR        EXTERN lstrlen@4:NEAR        EXTERN GetStdHandle@4:NEAR        EXTERN WriteConsoleA@20:NEAR        EXTERN ExitProcess@4:NEAR        EXTERN GetCommandLineA@0:NEAR        EXTERN WNetAddConnection2A@16:NEAR ELSE        LOCALS        EXTERN lstrcatA:NEAR        EXTERN lstrlen:NEAR        EXTERN GetStdHandle:NEAR        EXTERN WriteConsoleA:NEAR        EXTERN ExitProcess:NEAR        EXTERN GetCommandLineA:NEAR        EXTERN WNetAddConnection2A:NEAR        lstrcatA@8 = lstrcatA        lstrlen@4 = lstrlen        GetStdHandle@4 = GetStdHandle        WriteConsoleA@20 = WriteConsoleA        ExitProcess@4 = ExitProcess        GetCommandLineA@0 = GetCommandLineA        WNetAddConnection2A@16 = WNetAddConnection2A ENDIF ; Structures NETRESOURCE STRUC        dwScope       DWORD ?        dwType        DWORD ?        dwDisplayType DWORD ?        dwUsage       DWORD ?        lpLocalName   DWORD ?        lpRemoteName  DWORD ?        lpComment     DWORD ?        lpProvider    DWORD ? NETRESOURCE ENDS ; INCLUDELIB directives for the linker IFDEF MASM        includelib c:\masm32\lib\user32.lib        includelib c:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib        includelib c:\masm32\lib\mpr.lib ELSE        includelib c:\tasm32\lib\import32.lib ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------- ; Data segment _DATA SEGMENT        BUF1   DB 100 dup(0)        BUF2   DB 100 dup(0)        LENS   DWORD ? ; Number of displayed characters        HANDL  DWORD ?        NR     NETRESOURCE  <0>        PUSTO  DB 0        ERR2   DB "Error!", 0        ERR1   DB "Few parameters!", 0        ST1    DB "->", 0 _DATA ENDS ; Code segment _TEXT SEGMENT START: ; Get the input and output handle        PUSH   STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE        CALL   GetStdHandle@4        MOV    HANDL, EAX ; Get the number of parameters CALL NUMPAR        CMP    EAX, 3        JNB    PAR_OK        LEA    EBX, ERR1        CALL   SETMSG        JMP    _END PAR_OK: ; Get the parameters        MOV    EDI, 2        LEA    EBX, BUF1        CALL   GETPAR        MOV    EDI, 3        LEA    EBX, BUF2        CALL   GETPAR ; Attempt to establish a connection ; First, fill the NETRESOURCE structure ; For Windows NT, NR.dwType = 0        MOV    NR.dwType, RESOURCETYPE_DISK        LEA    EAX, BUF2        MOV    NR.lpLocalName, EAX        LEA    EAX, BUF1        MOV    NR.lpRemoteName, EAX        MOV    NR.lpProvider, 0 ; Call the function that establishes the connection        PUSH   0        PUSH   OFFSET PUSTO        PUSH   OFFSET PUSTO        PUSH   OFFSET NR        CALL   WNetAddConnection2A@16        CMP    EAX, 0        JE     _OK ; Error message        LEA    EBX, ERR2        CALL   SETMSG        JMP    _END _OK: ; Information message about successful connection        PUSH   OFFSET ST1        PUSH   OFFSET BUF1        CALL   lstrcatA@8        PUSH   OFFSET BUF2        PUSH   OFFSET BUF1        CALL   lstrcatA@8        LEA    EBX, BUF1        CALL   SETMSG _END:        PUSH   0        CALL   ExitProcess@4 ; Determine the number of parameters (->EAX) NUMPAR PROC        CALL   GetCommandLineA@0        MOV    ESI, EAX ; Pointer to the string        XOR    ECX, ECX ; Counter        MOV    EDX, 1 ; Flag @@L1:        CMP    BYTE PTR [ESI], 0        JE     @@L4        CMP    BYTE PTR [ESI], 32 JE @@L3        ADD    ECX, EDX ; Parameter number        MOV    EDX, 0        JMP    @@L2 @@L3:        OR     EDX, 1 @@L2:        INC    ESI        JMP    @@L1 @@L4:        MOV    EAX, ECX        RET NUMPAR ENDP ; Get the parameter ; EBX - Points to the buffer, in which the parameter will be loaded ; Null-terminated string is loaded into the buffer ; EDI - Parameter number GETPAR PROC        CALL  GetCommandLineA@0        MOV   ESI, EAX ; Pointer to the string        XOR   ECX, ECX ; Counter        MOV   EDX, 1 ; Flag @@L1:        CMP   BYTE PTR [ESI], 0        JE    @@L4        CMP   BYTE PTR [ESI], 32        JE    @@L3        ADD   ECX, EDX ; Parameter number        MOV   EDX, 0        JMP   @@L2 @@L3:        OR    EDX, 1 0@L2:        CMP   ECX, EDI        JNE   @@L5        MOV   AL, BYTE PTR [ESI]        CMP   AL, 32        JE    @@L5        MOV   BYTE PTR [EBX], AL        INC   EBX @@L5:        INC   ESI        JMP   @@L1 @@L4:        MOV   BYTE PTR [EBX], 0        RET GETPAR ENDP ; Message output ; EBX -> string SETMSG PROC        PUSH  EBX        CALL  lstrlen@4        PUSH  0        PUSH  OFFSET LENS        PUSH  EAX        PUSH  EBX        PUSH  HANDL        CALL  WriteConsoleA@20        RET SETMSG ENDP _TEXT ENDS END START 
image from book

To translate the program presented in Listing 17.2, issue the following commands for MASM32:

 ml /c /coff /DMASM net.asm      link /subsystem:console net.obj 

Issue the following commands for TASM32:

 tasm32 /ml net.asm      tlink32 -ap net.obj 

When considering the program presented in Listing 17.2, pay attention to the following:

  • Note how local labels are used. MASM recognizes local labels automatically. TASM, on the other hand, requires the local labels to be preceded by the @@ prefix. Additionally, the LOCALS directive must be inserted in the beginning of the program.

  • Note one important feature of the WNetAddConnection2A@16 function. For Windows NT and later operating systems of this family, the dwType field of the NETRESOURCE structure must contain zero instead of RESOURCETYPE_DISK . Unfortunately, there are many other similar differences when working with LAN resources. If you plan to undertake a serious programming task related to working with LAN resources, you'll have to test your program on different computers in various networks.

  • Naturally, this program is far from perfect. Therefore, try to improve it. In particular, it would be useful to check whether the local device is network device and, if this is the case, ask permission to establish a persistent connection. In this case, it is necessary to first disconnect the device using the WNetCancelConnection2 function.

  • When it is necessary to connect a network printer, the dwType field must be set to RESOURCETYPE_PRINT .

The program in Listing 17.3 carries out a recursive search for network resources. It operates in the console mode and displays on the screen provider's name and remote name of the resources found. This program must correctly operate in both Microsoft and Novell networks.

Listing 17.3: Recursive search for network resources in a local area network
image from book
 ; The NET1 program that searches for ; network resources .586P ; Flat memory model .MODEL FLAT, stdcall ; Constants STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE  equ -11 RESOURCETYPE_DISK  equ 1h RESOURCE_GLOBALNET equ 2h RESOURCETYPE_ANY   equ 0h ; Prototypes of external procedures IFDEF MASM        EXTERN CharToOemA@8:NEAR        EXTERN RtlMoveMemory@12:NEAR        EXTERN WNetCloseEnum@4:NEAR        EXTERN WNetEnumResourceA@16:NEAR        EXTERN WNetOpenEnumA@20:NEAR        EXTERN lstrcpyA@8:NEAR        EXTERN lstrcatA@8:NEAR        EXTERN lstrlen@4:NEAR        EXTERN GetStdHandle@4:NEAR        EXTERN WriteConsoleA@20:NEAR        EXTERN ExitProcess@4:NEAR        EXTERN GetCommandLineA@0:NEAR ELSE        EXTERN CharToOemA:NEAR        EXTERN RtlMoveMemory:NEAR        EXTERN WNetCloseEnum:NEAR        EXTERN WNetEnumResourceA:NEAR        EXTERN WNetOpenEnumA:NEAR        EXTERN lstrcpyA:NEAR        EXTERN lstrcatA:NEAR        EXTERN lstrlen:NEAR        EXTERN GetStdHandle:NEAR        EXTERN WriteConsoleA:NEAR        EXTERN ExitProcess:NEAR        EXTERN GetCommandLineA: NEAR        CharToOemA@8 = CharToOemA        RtlMoveMemory@12 = RtlMoveMemory        WNetCloseEnum@4 = WNetCloseEnum        WNetEnumResourceA@16 = WNetEnumResourceA        lstrcpyA@8 = lstrcpyA        WNetOpenEnumA@20 = WNetOpenEnumA        lstrcatA@8 = lstrcatA        lstrlen@4 = lstrlen        GetStdHandle@4 = GetStdHandle        WriteConsoleA@20 = WriteConsoleA        ExitProcess@4 = ExitProcess        GetCommandLineA@0 = GetCommandLineA ENDIF ; Structures NETRESOURCE STRUC        dwScope       DWORD ?        dwType        DWORD ?        dwDisplayType DWORD ?        dwUsage       DWORD ?        lpLocalName   DWORD ?        lpRemoteName  DWORD ?        lpComment     DWORD ?        lpProvider    DWORD ? NETRESOURCE ENDS ; INCLUDELIB directives for the linker IFDEF MASM        includelib c:\masm32\lib\user32.lib        includelib c:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib        includelib c:\masm32\lib\mpr.lib ELSE        includelib c:\tasm32\lib\import32.lib ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------- ; Data segment _DATA SEGMENT        LENS  DWORD ? ; Number of displayed characters        HANDL DWORD ?        NR    NETRESOURCE  <0>        ENT   DB 13, 10, 0        BUF   DB 100 dup(0) _DATA ENDS ; Code segment _TEXT SEGMENT START: ; Get the input and output handle        PUSH  STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE        CALL  GetStdHandle@4        MOV   HANDL, EAX ; Start the network search procedure        PUSH  0        PUSH  OFFSET NR        CALL  SEARCH _END:        PUSH  0        CALL  ExitProcess@4 ; Search procedure        PAR1  EQU [EBP+8] ; Pointer to the structure        PAR2  EQU [EBP+0CH] ; Flag ; Local variables        HANDLP EQU [EBP-4] ; Search handle        CC     EQU [EBP-8]        NB     EQU [EBP-12]        NR1    EQU [EBP-44] ; Structure        BUFER  EQU [EBP-144] ; Buffer        RS     EQU [EBP-32144] ; Array of structures SEARCH PROC        PUSH   EBP        MOV    EBP, ESP        SUB    ESP, 32144        CMP    DWORD PTR PAR2, 0        JNE    SECOND ; NULL at first startup        XOR    EBX, EBX        JMP    FIRST SECOND: ; Startup in the course of recursive search ; First, copy the structure into a local ; variable (this is not required for this program)        PUSH 32        PUSH DWORD PTR PAR1        LEA  EAX, DWORD PTR NR1        PUSH EAX        CALL RtlMoveMemory@12 ; In case a recursive search points to a structure        LEA  EBX, DWORD PTR NR1 FIRST: ; Startup at the first call        LEA   EAX, HANDLP        PUSH  EAX        PUSH  EBX        PUSH  0        PUSH  RESOURCETYPE_ANY        PUSH  RESOURCE_GLOBALNET        CALL  WNetOpenEnumA@20        CMP  EAX, 0        JNE  _EN ; Main search REPI: ; Starting the WNetEnumResource function ; Size of the array of NETRESOURCE structures        MOV    DWORD PTR NB, 32000        LEA    EAX, NB        PUSH   EAX        LEA    EAX, RS        PUSH   EAX ; Get the maximum number of objects        MOV    DWORD PTR CC, OFFFFFFFFH        LEA    EAX, CC        PUSH   EAX        PUSH   DWORD PTR HANDLP        CALL   WNetEnumResourceA@16        CMP    EAX, 0        JNE    _CLOSE ; Loop by the resulting array        MOV    ESI, CC        SHL    ESI, 5 ; Multiply by 32        MOV    EDI, 0 LOO:        CMP    EDI, ESI        JE     REPI ; Information output ; Provider        MOV    EBX, DWORD PTR RS[EDI]+28        CALL   SETMSG ; Remote name        MOV    EBX, DWORD PTR RS[EDI]+20        CALL   SETMSG ; Save the required registers        PUSH   ESI        PUSH   EDI ; Recursive call        PUSH   1        LEA    EAX, DWORD PTR RS[EDI]        PUSH   EAX        CALL   SEARCH ; Restore registers        POP    EDI        POP    ESI        ADD    EDI, 32        JMP    LOO ;----------------------------------        JMP    REPI ;---------------------------------- _CLOSE:        PUSH   DWORD PTR HANDLP        CALL   WNetCloseEnum@4 _EN:        MOV    ESP, EBP        POP    EBP        RET    8 SEARCH ENDP ; Display the message ; EBX -> string SETMSG PROC ; Copy the text into a separate buffer        PUSH   EBX        PUSH   OFFSET BUF        CALL   lstrcpyA@8        LEA    EBX, BUF ; Convert for console output        PUSH   EBX        PUSH   EBX        CALL   CharToOemA@8 ; Add the line feed        PUSH   OFFSET ENT        PUSH   EBX        CALL   lstrcatA@8 ; Determine the string length        PUSH   EBX        CALL   lstrlen@4 ; Display the string        PUSH   0        PUSH   OFFSET LENS        PUSH   EAX        PUSH   EBX        PUSH   HANDL        CALL   WriteConsoleA@20        RET SETMSG ENDP _TEXT ENDS END START 
image from book

To translate the program presented in Listing 17.3, issue the following commands using MASM32:

 ml /c /coff /DMASM net1.asm     link /subsystem:console /STACK:1000000,1000000 net1.obj 

Issue the following commands using TASM32:

 tasm32 /ml net1.asm     tlink32 -ap -S:1000000 -Sc:1000000 net1.obj 

The program in Listing 17.3 is complicated and requires detailed comments. First, I would like to point out that if you want a proper understanding of network programming (in this context, network programming is interpreted as programming for LANs), [i] it is absolutely necessary to write several programs on your own. The programs presented here will serve as the starting point.

  • You encountered local variables when considering file search of the directory tree. This problem is similar; however, it has certain differences. In this case, too many local variables are used. Because of this, I explicitly declared a large volume for the stack (the STACK command-line option for MASM and the s and sc commandline options for TASM32). By default, the linker sets only 8 KB, which, obviously, is not sufficient.

  • The WnetEnumResource function requires the array of NETRESOURCE structures as ne of its parameters. The size of a single structure is 32 bytes. I reserved 1,000 such structures. Isn't this too much, you might ask? To tell the truth, I never encountered a LAN with 1,006 workstations. However, I have seen a LAN, in which one of the servers contained about 800 network directories. Honestly, the style of programming that I demonstrate here is not the best possible. A more correct approach would be to first call the WnetEnumResource function, then specify a buffer smaller than 32 bytes, in which case the required size will be returned in the variable containing the buffer size. Then, knowing the required size, the program must request the required buffer from the operating system and repeat the call to WnetEnumResource . Although this approach is more correct, it is more difficult to implement.

  • In a recursive call to the SEARCH procedure, the first parameter is the pointer to the element of the array composed of the NETRESOURCE structures. I copied the element of this array into the local variable NR1 . Principally, in this program, such action is not required, and you could immediately use the obtained pointer. However, in more a complicated program, you'll have to do this.

  • Note that in the course of information output I copied the string into the buffer that then is used for output. This isn't a fancy code; this is a necessity. Before output, I added the codes 13 and 10 to the string end. Because I output the strings that will be used for further searches, I must use an additional buffer for output.

[i] Nowadays, the term network programming is often interpreted as Internet programming or using Internet approaches and methods in a LAN (intranet). However, this chapter describes a relatively narrow range of tasks those that relate only to LANs.

The Assembly Programming Master Book
The Assembly Programming Master Book
ISBN: 8170088178
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 140
Authors: Vlad Pirogov © 2008-2017.
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