Hack 84. Bypass Annoying Site Registrations

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Autofill privacy-invading registration pages.

Many online newspapers require you to register with the site before being able to read online articles. This registration is annoying, invasive, and a serious privacy risk. (Several newspaper publishing companies have been caught selling their registration information to spammers.) A site called BugMeNot.com (http://www.bugmenot.com) has sprung up to aggregate fake logins for such sites. This hack takes BugMeNot one step further by integrating it into the login page itself.

9.9.1. The Code

This user script runs on all pages. It is most useful on online newspaper sites, such as The New York Times online, that require mandatory registration in order to read news articles, but the script is designed to work on any site.

Save the following user script as bugmenot.user.js:

 // ==UserScript== // @name   Bug Me Not // @namespace   http://www.reifysoft.com/?scr=BugMeNot // @description   Bypass required registration using Bug Me Not // @include   * // ==/UserScript== // based on code by Matt McCarthy // and included here with his gracious permission // new logins gotten from the current page (reset on every page load) var retrievals = 0; // millisecond delay between a field losing focus and checking to see // if any other of our fields has focus. If this is too low, the menu // won't work because it will get "display: none" and its onclick // won't fire. var BLUR_TIMEOUT = 150; var allInputs = null; var bmnView = "http://bugmenot.com/view.php"; var bmnUri = bmnView + "?url=" + location.href; var bmnHomeUri = "http://bugmenot.com/"; var DEBUG = false; var bmnWrappers = new Object(); var Style = { menuLink: { border: "none", backgroundColor: "#fff", color: "#000", display: "block", padding: "2px", margin: "0", width: "12em", fontSize: "8pt", fontWeight: "normal", textDecoration: "none" }, menuLinkHover: { backgroundColor: "#316AC5", color: "#fff" }, menuLinkWrapper: { textAlign: "left", padding: "1px", margin: 0 }, bmnWrapper: { display: "none", fontFamily: "tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif", whiteSpace: "nowrap", position: "absolute", zIndex: 1000, padding: "2px", border: "1px solid #ACA899", backgroundColor: "#fff", opacity: "0.9", filter: "alpha(opacity=90)" } }; function copyProperties(to, from) { for (var i in from) { to[i] = from[i]; } } function main() { processPasswordFields(); } function getBmnWrapper(pwFieldIndex) { return document.getElementById("reify-bugmenot-bmnWrapper" + pwFieldIndex); } function processPasswordFields() { var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); var bmnContainer = document.createElement("div"); bmnContainer.id = "reify-bugmenot-container"; var bodyEl = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; if (!bodyEl) return; for (var i = 0; i < allInputs.length; i++) { var pwField = allInputs[i]; if (!(pwField.type && pwField.type.toLowerCase() == "password")) { continue; } var previousTextFieldInd = getPreviousTextField(i); if (previousTextFieldInd == -1) { if (DEBUG) { GM_log("Couldn't find text field before password input " +    i + "."); continue; } } var usernameField = allInputs[previousTextFieldInd]; usernameField.setAttribute('usernameInputIndex',    previousTextFieldInd); usernameField.setAttribute('passwordInputIndex', i); Utility.addEventHandler(usernameField, "focus", usernameField_onfocus); Utility.addEventHandler(usernameField, "blur", usernameField_onblur); Utility.addEventHandler(pwField, "focus", pwField_onfocus); Utility.addEventHandler(pwField, "blur", pwField_onblur); pwField.setAttribute('usernameInputIndex', previousTextFieldInd); pwField.setAttribute('passwordInputIndex', i); var getLoginLink = menuLink(bmnUri, "Get login from Bug Me Not", "Get a login from Bug Me Not", getLoginLink_onclick, Style.menuLink, previousTextFieldInd, i, menuLink_onmouseover, menuLink_onmouseout); var getLoginLinkWrapper = menuEntry(getLoginLink, Style.menuLinkWrapper); var fullFormLink = menuLink(bmnUri, "More options", "See more options for getting logins from BugMeNot.com " + "(opens a new window)", openMenuLink_onclick, Style.menuLink, previousTextFieldInd, i, menuLink_onmouseover, menuLink_onmouseout); var fullFormLinkWrapper = menuEntry(fullFormLink, Style.menuLinkWrapper); var visitBmnLink = menuLink(bmnHomeUri, "Visit Bug Me Not", "Go to the Bug Me Not home page (opens a new window)", openMenuLink_onclick, Style.menuLink, previousTextFieldInd, i, menuLink_onmouseover, menuLink_onmouseout); var visitBmnLinkWrapper = menuEntry(visitBmnLink, Style.menuLinkWrapper); var bmnWrapper = document.createElement("div"); bmnWrapper.id = "reify-bugmenot-bmnWrapper" + i; bmnWrapper.className = "reify-bugmenot-bmnWrapper"; bmnWrapper.appendChild(getLoginLinkWrapper); bmnWrapper.appendChild(fullFormLinkWrapper); bmnWrapper.appendChild(visitBmnLinkWrapper); copyProperties(bmnWrapper.style, Style.bmnWrapper); bmnContainer.appendChild(bmnWrapper); } if (bmnContainer.hasChildNodes()) { bodyEl.appendChild(bmnContainer); } } function menuEntry(linkEl, styleObj) { var p = document.createElement("p"); copyProperties(p.style, styleObj); p.appendChild(linkEl);  return p; } function menuLink(href, text, title, onclick, styleObj, usernameInputIndex, passwordInputIndex, onmouseover, onmouseout) { var newMenuLink = document.createElement("a"); newMenuLink.href = href; newMenuLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); newMenuLink.title = title; newMenuLink.setAttribute('usernameInputIndex', usernameInputIndex); newMenuLink.setAttribute('passwordInputIndex', passwordInputIndex); Utility.addEventHandler(newMenuLink, "click", onclick); Utility.addEventHandler(newMenuLink, "mouseover", onmouseover); Utility.addEventHandler(newMenuLink, "mouseout", onmouseout); copyProperties(newMenuLink.style, styleObj); return newMenuLink; } function menuLink_onmouseover(event) { event = event || window.event; var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement; copyProperties(target.style, Style.menuLinkHover); } function menuLink_onmouseout(event) { event = event || window.event; var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement; copyProperties(target.style, Style.menuLink); } function getLoginLink_onclick(event) { if((!allInputs[this.getAttribute('passwordInputIndex')].value.length && !allInputs[this.getAttribute('usernameInputIndex')].value.length) || confirm("Overwrite the current login entry?")) { getLogin(bmnUri, this.getAttribute('usernameInputIndex'), this.getAttribute('passwordInputIndex')); } menuLink_onmouseout({currentTarget: this}); event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault( ); return false; } function openMenuLink_onclick(event) { if (typeof GM_openInTab != 'undefined') { GM_openInTab(this.href); } else { window.open(this.href); } menuLink_onmouseout({currentTarget: this}); event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault( ); return false; } function usernameField_onfocus(event) { event = event || window.event; var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement; target.setAttribute('hasFocus', true); showHideBmnWrapper(target, allInputs[target. getAttribute('passwordInputIndex')], true); } function usernameField_onblur(event) { event = event || window.event || this; var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement; target.setAttribute('hasFocus', false); var fRef = hideIfNoFocus(allInputs[target. getAttribute('usernameInputIndex')], allInputs[target.getAttribute('passwordInputIndex')]); // race condition: wait for other element's onfocus setTimeout(fRef, BLUR_TIMEOUT); } function pwField_onfocus(event) { event = event || window.event; var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement; target.setAttribute('hasFocus', true); showHideBmnWrapper(allInputs[target.getAttribute('usernameInputIndex')], target, true); } function pwField_onblur(event) { event = event || window.event; var target = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement; target.setAttribute('hasFocus', false); var fRef = hideIfNoFocus(allInputs[target. getAttribute('usernameInputIndex')], allInputs[target.getAttribute('passwordInputIndex')]); // race condition: wait for other element's onfocus setTimeout(fRef, BLUR_TIMEOUT); } function hideIfNoFocus(usernameField, pwField) { return (function( ) { var bUsernameFocus = usernameField.getAttribute('hasFocus'); if (typeof bUsernameFocus == 'string') { bUsernameFocus = (bUsernameFocus && bUsernameFocus != 'false'); } var bPasswordFocus = pwField.getAttribute('hasFocus'); if (typeof bPasswordFocus == 'string') { bPasswordFocus = (bPasswordFocus && bPasswordFocus != 'false'); } if ((!bUsernameFocus) && (!bPasswordFocus)) { GM_log('calling showHideBmnWrapper from hideIfNoFocus'); showHideBmnWrapper(usernameField, pwField, false); } }); } function showHideBmnWrapper(usernameField, pwField, show) { var bmnWrapper = getBmnWrapper(pwField. getAttribute('passwordInputIndex')); if (show) { bmnWrapper.style.display = "block"; positionBmnWrapper(bmnWrapper, usernameField, pwField); } else { GM_log('hiding bugmenot wrapper'); bmnWrapper.style.display = "none"; // Menu links may not get onmouseout event, so they get // stuck with the hover style unless we do this. var menuLinks = bmnWrapper.getElementsByTagName("div"); for (var i = 0; i < menuLinks.length; i++) { copyProperties(menuLinks[i].style, Style.menuLink); } } } function positionBmnWrapper(bmnWrapper, usernameField, pwField) { var pwLeft = Utility.elementLeft(pwField); if (pwLeft + pwField.offsetWidth + bmnWrapper.offsetWidth + Utility.scrollLeft( ) + 10 < Utility.viewportWidth( )) { bmnWrapper.style.left = (pwLeft + pwField.offsetWidth + 2) + "px"; bmnWrapper.style.top = Utility.elementTop(pwField) + "px"; } else { bmnWrapper.style.left = (Utility.elementLeft(usernameField) - bmnWrapper.offsetWidth - 2) + "px"; bmnWrapper.style.top = Utility.elementTop(usernameField) + "px"; } } // We have a uri param rather than assuming it's for the current // page so this function can be modular and potentially used // for pages other than the current one. function getLogin(uri, usernameInputIndex, passwordInputIndex) { var usernameField = allInputs[usernameInputIndex]; var pwField = allInputs[passwordInputIndex]; waitOrRestoreFields(usernameField, pwField, false); var hostUri = location.hostname; var firstAttempt = retrievals == 0; var submitData = "submit=This+login+didn%27t+work&num=" + retrievals + "&site=" + encodeURI(location.hostname); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: firstAttempt ? "get" : "post", headers: firstAttempt ? null : {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, data: firstAttempt ? null : submitData, url: firstAttempt ? uri : bmnView, onload: function(responseDetails) { waitOrRestoreFields(usernameField, pwField, true); var doc = textToXml(responseDetails.responseText); if (!(doc && doc.documentElement)) { return Errors.say(Errors.malformedResponse); } var accountInfo = doc.documentElement. getElementsByTagName("dd")[0]; if (!(accountInfo && accountInfo.childNodes.length > 2)) { return Errors.say(Errors.noLoginAvailable); } usernameField.value = accountInfo.childNodes[0].nodeValue; pwField.value = accountInfo.childNodes[2].nodeValue; retrievals++; }, onerror: function(responseDetails) { waitOrRestoreFields(usernameField, pwField, true); Errors.say(Errors.xmlHttpFailure); } }); } function waitOrRestoreFields(usernameField, pwField, restore) { document.documentElement.style.cursor = restore ? "default" : "progress"; usernameField.value = restore ? "" : "Loading…"; usernameField.disabled = !restore; pwField.disabled = !restore; } function getPreviousTextField(pwFieldIndex) { for (var i = pwFieldIndex; i >= 0 && i <allInputs.length; i--) if (allInputs[i].type && allInputs[i].type.toLowerCase( ) == "text") return i; return -1; } function textToXml(t) { try { if (typeof DOMParser != undefined) { var dp = new DOMParser( ); return dp.parseFromString(t, "text/xml"); } else { return null; } } catch (e) { return null; } } var Errors = { noLoginAvailable: "Sorry, but BugMeNot.com had no login available " + "for this site.\nIf you're feeling helpful, you can click \"More " + "options\" to provide a login for future visitors.", malformedResponse: "Sorry, but I couldn't understand the response " + "from BugMeNot.com.\nThe service might be unavailable.", xmlHttpFailure: "There was an error in contacting BugMeNot.com.\n" + "The server may be unavailable or having internal errors.", say: function(msg) { alert(msg); return false; } }; var Utility = { elementTop: function(el) { return Utility.recursiveOffset(el, "offsetTop"); }, elementLeft: function(el) { return Utility.recursiveOffset(el, "offsetLeft"); }, recursiveOffset: function(el, prop) { var dist = 0; while (el.offsetParent) { dist += el[prop]; el = el.offsetParent; } return dist; }, viewportWidth: function( ) { return Utility.detectAndUseAppropriateObj("clientWidth"); }, viewportHeight: function( ) { return Utility.detectAndUseAppropriateObj("clientHeight"); }, scrollLeft: function( ) { return Utility.detectAndUseAppropriateObj("scrollLeft"); }, scrollTop: function( ) { return Utility.detectAndUseAppropriateObj("scrollTop"); }, detectAndUseAppropriateObj: function(prop) { if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement[prop]) { return document.documentElement[prop]; } else if (document.body && document.body[prop]) { return document.body[prop]; } else { return -1; } }, addEventHandler: function(target, eventName, eventHandler) { if (target.addEventListener) { target.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false); } else if (target.attachEvent) { target.attachEvent("on" + eventName, eventHandler); } } }; main( ); 

9.9.2. Running the Hack

After installing this script (Tools Install This User Script), go to http://www.kansascity.com/ and click any article. Figure 9-12. KansasCity.com registration page

The script pops up a menu showing the available options. Select "Get login from BugMe Not" from the pop-up menu, and the script will contact BugMeNot.com and autofill the registration form, as shown in Figure 9-13.

Figure 9-13. Registration information autofilled from But MeNot.com

Logins collected by Bug MeNot.com are generally valid only for a short time. Publishers have gotten wise to this technique, and they will invalidate logins once they are used by too many people. You might need to try several times to find a valid login.

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    Greasemonkey Hacks
    Greasemonkey Hacks: Tips & Tools for Remixing the Web with Firefox
    ISBN: 0596101651
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 168
    Authors: Mark Pilgrim

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